iPhone SE 2022 – Day In The Life Review (Battery & Camera Test)

iPhone SE 2022 - Day In The Life Review (Battery & Camera Test)

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “iPhone SE 2022 – Day In The Life Review (Battery & Camera Test)”.
Yeah, so it is raining pretty bad outside and my real estate shoot got cancelled and i was like might as well shoot an iphone se day in the life video, so my videographer is not in town and then my other one is literally at work. So i hit up my friend matt, randomly i’m like bro. Can you help me shoot a video and he was like completely down so shout out to him, but he has to work at 4pm, so we’re gon na try to get as much content done today and hopefully we can do a review on the se while we’re At it, so we just got back in the office. I got matt behind the camera shout out to him and i actually started with the iphone 100 just to be completely transparent, um, it’s currently 11. What time is it? Oh, this one is like off.

11 43. The iphone se was at 100 at 11 14.. So as we’re going throughout the day, you’re gon na see some kind of battery percentage count. I’Ll, probably say it in the video or something like that, but i’m actually shooting a shorts on these new green iphones. The 13 and 13 pro i’m using the turntable. So i’m going to knock that out real quick and then we’ll probably go grab some lunch and probably head out to the gym or something like that and run a few errands and see what i need to get done today, because i don’t know yet.

Even though i do have a whole to-do list, okay, so i just finished: shooting the shorts with the new green iphones, it’s currently 12 34 pm and we’re sitting at 81 percent of battery life. That means in just about an hour we’re down like 19, which isn’t terrible, considering the fact that the intro this video was shot in 4k and i did a bunch of takes and then the time lapse that i did when i was shooting the iphones. That probably drained the battery life, and then i was taking a little bit of breaks here and there and like using instagram and a little bit of facebook. So not terrible, but we’ll see where we’re at at the end of the day, apple’s claiming this year. That there’s two hours more battery life, we’re going to see if that’s facts, they’re saying that they’re using this new battery cell technology, which is essentially supposed to give it more battery life, i’m pretty sure it’s the same size battery we got last year. However, this new technology that they have on this device is supposedly supposedly supposed to give you more battery. So we’re going to see if those are facts, because i don’t i don’t really know because right now, it’s looking a little bit sketchy and every single year every single cell phone manufacturer talks about having better battery life more than last year. But in most cases it’s practically either the same or just just slightly better but yeah. Let me go ahead and make this phone call, because it was at 12 30 and it’s currently 1 36 and i’m six minutes late, but i told them i’d be late. So yeah, let’s go get.

Let’S go! Do that now: hey! What’S up, how are you doing today, i’m good? How are you i’m doing pretty good as well, so the brand new iphone se is actually rocking a 4.7 inch 13 by 34 by 750 display, which actually isn’t that bad? Considering that it’s such a small display, you still get 326 ppi, meaning you’re not going to really see any pixels here. For the most part, it’s definitely not the sharpest panel i’ve seen, but it’ll definitely get the job done. It does have a true tone experience, meaning that it adapts to the color temperature, depending on the lighting you’re in so, if you’re in, like warmer lighting like this, the display may get a little bit warmer. If you’re in cooler lighting, the display is going to get a little bit cooler and there is 625 nits, meaning that it’s plenty bright.

If you want to use this outside on a sunny day and yeah, it’s still kind of crazy that it’s a 720p panel. But, honestly speaking, it’s really not that bad. So one thing that i thought about is the fact that um, my phone meeting lasted about 30 minutes and when i looked at my battery percentage, it was sitting at 61 right now. It’S 1 58 p.m and we’re at 60 exactly um.

So it’s went one percent down since the phone call and doing a little bit of social media. I don’t know how much faith i have in this all-day battery life, but we’ll we’ll see, because i have a pretty long day ahead and i have a networking meeting later so we’ll see if it really lasts the entire day. And if those two hours are our cap or not, okay, let’s talk about the design. So clearly the iphone sc’s have always been just recycled iphones, in this case, it’s just an iphone 8 with just new specs new camera system, and that’s practically it there’s nothing different.

iPhone SE 2022 - Day In The Life Review (Battery & Camera Test)

You still have wireless charging, you have this midnight black colorway, which looks super clean. They didn’t add a second camera, like every other cell phone manufacturer with mid-range or budget phones, and i actually switched from the iphone 13 pro max as my daily driver, and this just feels super small. It almost feels like i’m, holding like an ipod touch when you compare it to even something like the pixel 6 pro like look at that size difference, like phones, have really gotten like really really big.

I know the year the iphone 8 releases like an iphone 8 plus as well, so that was slightly bigger. It would be crazy if apple like released or made a plus model for the se series, because, honestly speaking, this may be a little bit too small. For some people and they’ll prefer maybe like another mid-ranger budget device, i don’t think they’ll do it anyway. This year the iphone sd is also 30 more than its previous predecessor, which isn’t terrible, but at the same time it’s a little bit more. I don’t know why. They couldn’t keep that 3.99 price tag. It’S apple, y’all gon na pay for it anyway, but i’d say for it being an affordable device.

It is a pretty nice design, even though it’s practically recycled y’all check out this italian sub. If you’re ever in the gust area check out antonio’s, they have some of the best italian food. Would you agree still got some classic lays, which are not that good um? Do you like classic lays because i feel like they’re, i like the lightly salted lace? Those are the best ones, but anyway um just finished. Some lunch antonio’s has like the best italian subs in augusta. If you’re ever in the area check it out, but anyway it’s 3 10 p.m. Matt’S got to go to work at 4 p.m. So i got to go drop them off real quick. Then we could talk about performance, but let’s look at that. Battery life 50 left we’re like 10 down since we’ve had lunch, and all i did was do a little video recording take a few pictures of the food and a little bit of social media, but aside from that, that was really it. So i’m sketched out about this two hours of battery life extra. That apple is claiming middle 2010s, stuck in a place, including deep in my mind, i’m looking out through the list was in a rush to become, and i noticed that something is a little off of my car and look at this guys. I parked like back over here at antonio’s and somebody literally hit and run my car.

I’Ve never had this happen. This is the first time in my entire life. I’Ve pressed the 911 button and so there’s the police coming, hopefully they’re able to pull up the camera and figure this out, because this would be really expensive for me to fix myself. But aside from that, this is exactly what you could expect from the front-facing camera. If you plan on vlogging from it, there is a good bit of background noise, a lot of cars going around and stuff like that, but i figured i might as well continue the video and we’ll see what he has to say or she. So the conclusion was um.

iPhone SE 2022 - Day In The Life Review (Battery & Camera Test)

They basically couldn’t help me out which sucks um i’ve never actually filed a police report. I’Ve actually pressed the 911 button and basically my whole thing was: i just wanted them to access the camera, so i can see who hit my car but apparently um. It’S it’s not that simple. So that was an l. But with that said, i had my friend alex on facetime for a little bit and it’s completely drained the battery life. I am sitting at ten percent. It just went down to nine percent, which is real tragic, so i had to go to low power mode with that said, if you plan on using this phone for face, timing and stuff like that, like you better, have a battery pack like nearby or some kind Of charger because it is going to completely drain now, let’s talk about the camera, so we have a 12 megapixel sensor, just one camera on the back, nothing major um. It does have all the new features, such as the picture profiles, defusion all those cool stuff, but we know it comes down to like real life performance um. It shoots 4k at 30 fps, just the back facing camera. The front fixing camera shoots 1080 at 30 fps, but here’s a quick sequence of just like videos and photos that i took today.

Oh okay, let’s look at this battery life. Oh look at that 444. Anyway. I don’t believe in angel numbers, but five percent of battery life.

Let’S go to settings um battery, it says four hours and 14 minutes of onscreen. I have five percent left and i am on low power mode because clearly it’s about to die here and i’ve only had an hour and 20 minutes of screen off time. Like i mentioned, facetime literally took up most of my battery 36 percent, then camera, then the phone call, which is like not really what i expected i felt like i was on social media a little bit more than the phone call, but clearly that’s not the case Here and yeah – and i didn’t really talk too much about the a15 bionic chip, but it’s absolutely snappy as expected, especially the fact that you’re running it on like a 4.7 inch screen, it’s even faster. I had no lag so far with this phone um playing anything from games to multitasking has been super smooth. You also have four gigs of ram. I didn’t really talk too much about specs in this article, because i didn’t really want to focus on that.

I wanted just to focus on my day-to-day use, as well as how long the battery life really lasts, because i’m sure a lot of people are curious about that, especially if you plan on upgrading from last year’s iphone se or one of the older ones. It’S definitely older, it’s definitely better than like the first iphone se, which is like in an iphone 5 body. However, it’s still not the best battery life. In my opinion, i’m probably going to just go back to my iphone 13 pro max, because that clearly has the best battery life on any phone.

I do have that bias being that i came from a flagship phone, but some people are just coming from another mid-range or budget phone, so they haven’t really experienced like a flagship device. So i don’t want to act like you know, most people who are purchasing this phone are looking for a flagship phone or coming from a flagship phone so from as far as my experience battery life, if you’re a heavy user, not the best as far as performance. It’S amazing, as we expected it literally, has the same chip as my iphone 13 pro max.

iPhone SE 2022 - Day In The Life Review (Battery & Camera Test)

However, the only downside i don’t like about this phone is literally just the battery life and the fact that it’s missing magsafe, so i’m not able to use my apple wallet but other than that. Thank you so much for watching. Let me go ahead and get ready for this meeting.

This camera is getting really heavy. Let me switch hands. I hope you enjoyed this day in the live video.

I look forward to seeing you in the next one stay tuned for more videos drop some comments. If you have any questions or if you have any suggestions for some upcoming videos, bye, you .