iPhone “Gates” Explained!


Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “iPhone “Gates” Explained!”.
Hey what is up guys, mkbhd here, okay, so iphone gates? The gate suffix is sometimes used paired with a noun to refer to a scandal of some kind, of course, best known by watergate, which was a political scandal, and so the iphone gates every year are used to dramatically refer to pretty much literally any problem. The iphone has at all like if anyone finds anything with the iphone that may be unintentional or any sort of problem in any way or may affect the user in a way that wasn’t supposed to you got yourself a gate, you get to name it. So there’s chip gate, there’s ben gate, antennagate, beauty, gate, charge, gate u2 gate. We get a pretty constant flow of gates. I would say every year when the new iphone comes out, then again, that’s because we have a crew of people for sure looking for them.


Every september, as soon as the iphone gets announced and released we’re on it uh and for good reason, it gets a lot of people talking about it. So the reason these are such a big deal is because of the massive massive scale of the iphone. Now we know smartphones do have problems. Sometimes quality control is a thing. So that’s a big part of the reason why we have warranty programs and insurance programs and apple care. That’S a big reason why these things exist. Sometimes things do go wrong and you have to be able to hold that company who did that thing wrong accountable for it. So in the fiscal year of 2017 from beginning to end apple sold 216 million iphones.


That is so many phones, but with that kind of success – and i kind of scale – comes the fact that if you have a small mistake in 0.01 of those iphones that you shipped, whether it’s manufacturing or quality control or some slip intolerances, that will affect 21 600 Iphones, in fact, if they forget a part in literally, i did the math on this 0.001 percent of iphones just some issue and that many that’s still more than 2 000 problems. That apple has to deal with so pretty much any problem we find with the new iphone, no matter how small basically has to be treated as a large, potentially really important issue, because of how many people it might affect. So the two main gates we’ve gotten this year, have been in 2018 beauty, gate and charge gate you may have heard of either. One of these beauty gate affects potentially everyone who ever takes a selfie and cares about that selfie at all on the new iphones and charge gate. We don’t really know how many people it affects. So beauty gate refers to this extra skin, smoothing effect.

That seems to be happening with the image processing from the iphone 10s’s front-facing camera, similar to what you might find in a beauty mode in another phone. Many people are noticing this. It’S not even an issue or a glitch, necessarily like it’s happening with everyone’s iphones. It’S more just like very unlike apple apple, usually has the more realistic, front-facing cameras. They avoid distortion. They avoid color.

Shifting they’ve long been the standard for selfie takers around the world. They can depend on that iphone to show you exactly what you look like without any crazy beauty filters, but yet this year, as we’ve seen with the iphone 10s it does, we do have a little bit of that skin. Smoothing effect, it just doesn’t seem like very apple, like they wouldn’t put a worse camera in the new iphone. Would they apple wouldn’t do that right, then? The other one charge gate is actually more serious and i think it’s best explained by lou’s video who went much more in depth with it and testing it and going through all the explanations, but basically there’s a bunch of versions of this. The most common one is that when some iphone, 10s or 10s maxes are in standby and you plug them in, they don’t start to charge until you wake them up, then they start charging. It’S a strange behavior and this might not even be a big deal to you if you usually like wake up the phone while you’re charging it anyway. But there again is that chance, like if you’re affected, you might just toss the phone on the charger for a night and come back in an hour before you need to go out and you wake it up and it didn’t charge at all and you’re about to Die and you have to leave that’s the type of situation you’re looking at that’s kind of a problem, so naturally, when we see that we kind of wonder well, am i affected what are the chances it’s pretty easy to test if you’re affected, but how many iphones Are affected by this and turns out, if you look at lou’s video, it makes it look like a bunch of them potentially now something to note for people wondering why i didn’t cover these in depth or why i didn’t do a dedicated video on each one of These or something like that, um, it’s not because i’m sponsored by apple or something you know, that’s illegal right, it’s just really that it wasn’t a huge deal to me. Charge gate hasn’t affected any of my devices.

Trust me. I’Ve checked and the beauty face, smoothing or whatever, for whatever reason isn’t as harsh on darker faces, it’s more of just like an exaggerated hdr effect. It’S different, it’s very unlike apple, but it wasn’t really that insane to me. This is something that i think can easily be fixed with a software update, plus i’m not a huge selfie taker anyway.

So i guess it just kind of slipped by my radar, but the real reason these gates, always turn into such a big deal, is pretty much. Always how apple responds to them? How apple handles these gates they’re pretty much known for not really handling it like they will steer away as far away from acknowledging it as a problem as possible and just sort of make a statement about how maybe we’re using it wrong. I’M sorry what you were. You were holding the phone in a way that covers the antenna bands and makes the signal look like it drops.

Oh, that’s! Fine! That’S just just don’t hold the phone like that you’re holding it wrong! That’S what it was! Oh! What’S that the big phone is literally bending in people’s pockets? Oh no! No! That’S just that’s your pants really shouldn’t be that tight. Actually, it’s more of a feature letting you know that than a bug wait. Have you have you read? Have you actually looked at the official apple statement about the iphone 4 antennagate? It’S kind of incredible, i’m going to link it below just because it’s worth another read in 2018., it basically went along lines of dear iphone users. Iphone 4 is totally the best smartphone.

Ever first of all, it also has the best antennas. Ever we got some reports that if you hold it a certain way, it drops the displayed bars of service but hey, look any smartphone will do this, so we’re gon na push a software update that stops the iphone from erroneously displaying less bars than other phones. In conclusion, nothing to see here, iphone 4s again is the best phone ever. Thank you very much like i’m kind of expecting an apple statement about this new iphone.

10S, charging problem charge gate sometime soon, just because it seems like a legitimate issue, but it’ll probably be along the same lines like it’ll, probably go something like dear iphone users, iphone 10s and 10s max are clearly the best smartphones ever and they’re our best-selling small and Big iphone yet just fyi, we became aware of of a certain charging behavior that affects a small number of iphone users. This behavior it’s different, but it’s it’s definitely more still of a feature than a bug, but we’ll be pushing a software update uh to just change that behavior in the future. In case, you guys want it that way again.

Iphone 10s is clearly the best phone. Yet, by the way, it also has the best battery life we’ve ever shipped. Thank you from apple. Please keep buying these phones and look at the end of the day.

People still keep buying iphones for sure apple has some of the absolute best customer loyalty of any company in the world, among anything which is impressive, and we just kind of hold apple to a high standard at this point, but that’s not super uncommon. If you look back and remember when samsung had galaxy note, 7s literally exploding in people’s pockets, they’re actually endangering the lives of their owners in various places, started getting banned at establishments for safety reasons you couldn’t fly with them. They were illegal to sell or buy anywhere. For any reason i mean this is crazy for a smartphone samsung offered a trade-in program where they reported 95 of those trade-ins went on and got another samsung phone, so you can bet iphone users after a little beauty gate. A little bit of charge, gate, they’re, gon na chance, it again with another iphone they’ll, probably be back, but as always, there will be entire channels and and reports dedicated to sifting through the new iphone and many other phones as soon as they’re released.


Looking for any possibility of any new issues, and as they should, because not only does it make the juiciest most clickable headlines, but also kind of forces, apple or whatever companies involved to respond and to fix it, and for that the products get better and we all Win so thanks gates talk to you guys, the next one peace .