iPhone 16 Will Change Everything

iPhone 16 Will Change Everything

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “iPhone 16 Will Change Everything”.
Okay, stand back stand back. We’Ve got a dangerous amount of tech news coming through what you trying to get your face, burned off, get back up when Tech news gets too close, it burns your face off Andy no iPhone 16 will come with a pretty hefty upgrade. According to a new report from Taiwanese site economic Daily News, their sources indicate Apple’s nextg a18 chips for mobile and M4 chips for Max will likely feature an upgraded neural Engine with significantly more AI cores, which makes sense, given that Tim Cook promised to give us huge Ai announcements, if we were good this year, other recent reports have indicated Apple will be launching a suite of generative features as part of iOS 18, most likely at WWDC in June, notably Apple silicon standard neural engine has had 16 cores since the iPhone 12 back in 2020, what is this? Your grandma’s neural processor, however? Certain configurations of the Mac Studio and the Mac Pro Pro have had neural engines with up to 32 cores, which my AI assistant tells me is twice as many and you’ll definitely want to get one of these new phones, because apple is currently rolling out Quantum proof. Encryption protection in what the company is calling the most significant cryptographic security upgrade in iMessage history, including all the other ones. You remember it’s a preventative measure to help keep you safe from getting hacked by computers that don’t even exist. Yet why be safe today, when you can be safe tomorrow, we released a patch for a bug that wasn’t even what won’t protect.

iPhone 16 Will Change Everything

Your phone, however, is rice, especially from hackers, according to new guidance published by Apple support, who recommend, leaving your phone to dry somewhere with decent air flow, rather than shoving it in a sack full of edible grain which might get into the device and damage it. I, however, would like additional clarification: what about oatmeal barley, quinoa You’re, just showing off about how many grains you know at thisit, what’, you say rits grits. What, if I put a fan in with the rice, is that enough airf flow? The European commission has announced a formal investigation into whether Tik Tok is out of compliance with the digital Services act. Specifically when it comes to the protection of Miners and potentially addictive design features. Tik Tok will be the second platform investigated under the DSA following Twitter, which drew the commission’s ey in part because they have a moderation team. That’S barely even big enough to staff and control a large waffle house, but they try both Tik Tok and Twitter are potentially in trouble with the EU over failure to meet the dsa’s standards for Advertiser, transparency and access to research data, but Tik Tok has received far More attention for the harm it might pose to children and Adolescence because Twitter is for old people, I feel attacked guys. We have to make more Tik toks.

iPhone 16 Will Change Everything

We don’t make any R. According to an EC press off officer, speaking to RS Technica, the commission suspects Tick. Tock of failing to ensure its default settings will appropriately protect the safety and privacy of minors, as well as neglecting to properly assess the risk of 13 to 17y olds. Pretending to be adults on the app which is less of a risk and more of a certainty.

iPhone 16 Will Change Everything

But Tik Tok is far from the only company in Europe’s bad books, as the EU will reportedly be finding Apple around 500 million EUR next month, following an antitrust probe into a formal complaint from Spotify. That Apple was using its platform to preference its own music streaming service. This is so sad Siri play. Desposito.

Google suddenly dropped a couple of lightweight open-source AI models inspired by the same Tech used in their Flagship model Gemini. So naturally they called it Gemma. This sound you’d make if you gave up saying the word Gemini halfway through. Why use chat gbt when you can use a g uh? Actually it’s pronounced, Gemma is it no Google says Gemma, 2B and 7B can be run locally, do better than larger models on key benchmarks. Although we’ve heard that before and are part of what Deep Mind, CEO Demis hassabis calls the company’s long history of supporting responsible, open source and science, which apparently did nothing to stop open AI from snagging the AI Crown. But hey sure you know you know whatever, although if chat gbt continu, occasionally losing its damn mind as it did early this morning, Google may have a shot reports flooded in from chat gbt users about getting responses that were everything from overly verbose to full-on gibberish until Open AI correctly diagnosed and fixed the bug in about 24 hours.

This follows open AI, having to step in after widespread reports of its chat, Bots slacking off around the holiday season. Okay say it with me: it thinks it’s people, I’m people and I think it’s time for quick bits brought to you by motion gry, tired of back pain from prolonged all day, sitting motion gry aims to provide ergonomic workplace Solutions at affordable prices. There sit toand desk come in a wide variety of models and sizes. The desks are simple to assemble and can be equipped with a multitude of accessories, so you’re sure to be able to design a setup to suit your needs. They also have a range of ergonomic chairs available with each one focusing on the Three A’s adjustability, affordability and ass feel. No one cares about asfi.

These days check out motion gray at the link below and use code Linus for 10 % off your purchase. The only thing I care about the following five quick bits have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. It would be weird if they were you can’t ingest news, or can you a federal appeals? Court has overturned a $ 1 billion penalty that was leveled against cable, ISP Cox Communications in 2019.

According to the judge, Sony did not prove its case. That Cox received direct Financial benefit from the piracy, and copyright infringement committed by its users, Cox may still face penalties due to the finding that it failed to combat piracy, making it a willful contributor to the infringement. But such a penalty will likely be far lighter than the damages originally awarded.

They didn’t actually make money from you, downloading all nine seasons of Seinfeld. They just stood there and watched it happen. Great finale, Elon Musk claims. The first neuralink patient can already move a computer mouse with their mind, a sentence that would be way more impressive if it didn’t include the word computer, while musk has stated patient a can move a mouse around the screen. Just by thinking. That’S really all anyone knows at this point. This has caused concern among some researchers who believe the public deserves a bit more transparency, because people care deeply about their brains with their brains using their brains yeah. I care deeply about how my soy boy brain is completely incapable of telekinesis, says hurry it up Elon, I want to be a Jedi colon Survivor, a coalition of AI experts, academics and Industry Executives, including deep learning Pioneer yosua Benjo, have published an open letter calling for More regulation and safeguards for deep fakes according to the letter which currently has over 600 signatures, the rapid advancement of deep fake technology means that they have become a common element of fraud schemes, disinformation campaigns and non-consensual sexual imagery.

Honestly, it’s tragic to see people using AI to impersonate and deceive people when they could instead be like Will Smith who commemorated last year’s viral AI monstrosity by pretending to be a machine generated version of himself eating spaghetti in the worst way possible. I call it a shallow reel deep, fake y’all, better watch yourself, Taylor, Swift’s, going to hunt you for sport. Last week, 13,000 owners of wise home security cameras were able to see images and, in some cases, video video from cameras that weren’t theirs. Due to a bizarre glitch even worse, a similar issu occurred just 5 months ago in an email, wise referred to this newest incident as a security issue that occurred due to a third-party cashing, client Library, the company had started using like they did 5 months ago.

Wise said they made changes to their system so that something like this never happens again again and a nearly 3 deade old European satellite made an uncontrolled re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere. Earlier today, the ers2 satellite, which CBS described as weighing about as much as an adult male rhinoceros. So we can all get a ballpark. That’S a about.

Pretty heavy was decommissioned and had the last of its fuel used up in 2011 in order to prevent any potential. Catastrophic explosion, meaning its descent, couldn’t be controlled, as it spent the next 13 years, slowly falling back to Earth. While it thought about what it’s done in the future, future space debris might be managed by specialized junk removers like the adras J satellite that launched this past weekend. In the meantime, however, most of ERS 2’s rhinol, like Mass, has burned up in the atmosphere and its remaining chunks are raining down across a 100 mile wide patch of the Pacific Ocean in a decidedly un rhinol like Manner and also unlike a rhino, you should come Back on Friday, for more Tech news, I mean hey no offense.

If you’re a rhino – I just I don’t know if it’d be really your kind of thing, I just don’t. We don’t have a rhino section in the demographics of rounders. Are cool man uh .