iPhone 15 Pro Max vs Samsung S23 Ultra – 4k Camera Comparison

iPhone 15 Pro Max vs Samsung S23 Ultra - 4k Camera Comparison

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “iPhone 15 Pro Max vs Samsung S23 Ultra – 4k Camera Comparison”.
Hey what’s up folks how’s it going! This is watch from MW technology and today we’re going to be doing a direct Head to Head camera comparison between the iPhone 15 Pro Max versus the s23 ultra. Now we’re going to be specifically looking at the videos and photo capabilities of the rear facing camera array, but before we take a look at the side by side footage. Let’S take a look at the specifications on the iPhone 15 Pro Max we’re looking at a 48 megapixel main wide camera with a 24 millimeter Optical range, and then we go to a 120 millimeter 12 megapixel camera for the zoom capabilities, as well as a 12 megapixel. Ultra wide 13 millimeter lens now the main camera on the s23 is 200 megapixels.

It has the same overall focal range as well as a slightly larger aperture of f 1.7 versus F 1.8. Now you do have more resolution overall in that sensor, but each pixel in the Imaging sensor is smaller at 0.6 microns across versus 1.22 microns across on the iPhone. So potentially that could be an advantage on the iPhone side from a low light perspective. In terms of the telephoto capabilities, we have two telephoto cameras and lenses: a 10 megapixel 230 millimeter lens and a 70 millimeter lens, as well as an ultra wide at 12 megapixels with 13 millimeter focal range. Now it shows the video capabilities. The Samsung can shoot. 8K of 30 FPS, but since the iPhone can’t do it we’re gon na stick to the 4K 60fps video and capturing capabilities on both these two we’re going to take a look at a couple of different scenarios indoors Outdoors low light conditions to well-lit conditions to see How both cameras fare up so without any further Ado, let’s get into the video and then we’ll go into our summary after Shadows.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you now in terms of my initial Impressions on the Stills capabilities on both smartphones, I would say that it’s kind of business as usual that we’ve seen from both these two products since the past couple of years, where the Samsung delivers some amazing looking shots in Well-Lit conditions and so does the iPhone, but the Samsung does have that greater resolution. So you are going to resolve a greater number of details in pretty much any type of situation that you can encounter, whether that’s in a well-lit daytime, environment or even nighttime.

Photography is superb on the Samsung and you can always see more information on the Stills compared to the iPhone. Furthermore, you could also see some examples over here where the Samsung does preserve the sky information a little bit better than the iPhone on the iPhone. This shot is completely blown out by the Sun versus you still getting a lot of Sky information as well as Sun. Information on the Samsung. Furthermore, as default to Samsung, naturally shoots a little bit more contrast as well as saturation built into the photos, but you can easily take that away or add that on the iPhone to obtain a similar look. But when it comes to the zoom capabilities, there’s still no contest, even though we haven’t upgraded telephoto lens that does 120 millimeters optical zoom on the iPhone at F28, which is really cool for portrait photography, but in terms of sheer zooming capabilities and the peep Factor.

If you want to zoom into something really far away and spy on somebody, you are definitely not as capable on the iPhone compared to the Samsung. Now just the video capabilities, the s23 ultra has definitely improved greatly compared to the s22. Based on my opinion, especially when it comes to the low light performance, not only do we have a less overall grain, but the image is finally somewhat more competitive compared to the monster video capabilities we have on the iPhone, but is it better than the iPhone? Is the question? Well, you could see from this shot over here side by side. The iPhone does still look a little bit brighter in super low light environments.

iPhone 15 Pro Max vs Samsung S23 Ultra - 4k Camera Comparison

It has less grain and more Shadow information for sure, and if I had to pick which one I would prefer, I’d probably still go with the iPhone in terms of its kind of flexibility and the overall detail that is preserved, especially when the light isn’t optimal. But in terms of the overall Clarity I wouldn’t say, one is better than the other in terms of overall sharpness and image quality. One thing that the Samsung does do fantastically is handle highlight information, as you can see on the iPhone. We have a lot of blooming around illuminated signs at night, especially this Starbucks logo.

That’S illuminated! We have a lot of hazy. The flaring issue has been greatly reduced compared to the previous generation, which Apple has stated that they actively worked on, which is definitely a big Improvement, but the Samsung just captures so much more details in the highlights you can see from this outdoor display. We could see pretty much the entire display with no Distortion at all in terms of highlights being blowned out, and we capture everything that we see in the illuminated signs without any blooming or fogging issues that we encounter with the iPhone now an opto lighting situations. We can see that both perform excellently, as you would imagine, but the Samsung does tend to kind of over sharpen things.

It seems a little bit more hyper, realistic and couple that, with the higher contrast and saturation things, just don’t seem as realistic compared to the images and video Footers that we’re capturing with the iPhone, which looks a lot more true to life. A lot more natural and a lot more flexible if you want to do some post production later down the road and color correct this. So for my video standpoint, I still think that the iPhone is a lot more representative of real quality and closer to that professional. Looking video footage that you’re going to want with these premium smartphones, but besides that, that’s really it for this initial impressions of the cameras, I think both are still fantastic Solutions and uh.

If you’re looking for the best Stills camera, it’s really hard to beat the performance on the Samsung over here, but the iPhone has an overall package is super competitive and still unbeatable when it comes to the video performance. In my experience, but really on that guys, that’s really love to know what you guys think of both these two in terms of the Stills and video capabilities, which one do you prefer and if you haven’t done so already, please give us a thumbs up. Have post notifications turned on and check out our battery life comparison video for these two smartphones to see which one is best in terms of that so stay tuned. The channel and thank you so much for watching we’ll see you later take care.
