iPhone 14 Pro vs iPhone 13 Pro: Don’t make a mistake!

iPhone 14 Pro vs iPhone 13 Pro: Don't make a mistake!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “iPhone 14 Pro vs iPhone 13 Pro: Don’t make a mistake!”.
So at this point, i’m sure you guys have probably seen let’s say a video or two uh on the iphone 14 pro i’m not going to go over everything introduce it. What i want to do is answer the biggest question that i had with the iphone 14 pro and pro max. How does it compare to the 13 pro and the 13 pro max? Obviously, a lot of changes on the 14 side, we’ve got a new processor, the a16 bionic we’ve got the dynamic island voice, which is probably the worst name that i’ve seen for appears to be a really awesome piece of technology, updated camera, supposedly better battery life, always On display, but do those make a difference and should you get an iphone 14 pro or get now a killer deal uh on last year’s iphone 13., if the apple flex, with anything in the presentation uh, it was cameras – and this was the most needed change for The iphone, let’s say since they got a high refresh rate i mean android world – has run not only laps but laps circles. Ovals um, i don’t know what are their shay octagons around apple when it came to the megapixel game. For years i mean samsung’s got like 108 megapixels uh in their phones. Now it’s obviously not a sheer number of megapixels that matter. Uh and apple’s done a great job with the 12 that they’ve had, but certainly from a perspective. Standpoint apple was behind so 48. Now uh, which is awesome but apple’s cameras, have always been really good. The iphone 13 pro, i think, stepped up its game and produced some of the best photos on the market, but there were definitely setbacks with it. Just before i talk about my opinions on the camera, let’s just blind test it here, shall we one of these is the iphone 13 pro one of these is the iphone 14 pro and just to spice it up a little bit, let’s throw in the third mystery Phone can you tell which, which is which uh on here leave the comments down below? Let you bask in the pictures. Look at the things that apple was touting. Look at focus, look at colors, look at low light, all of those things and just like see.

iPhone 14 Pro vs iPhone 13 Pro: Don't make a mistake!

If you can tell a difference here, i’m also going to guess that you couldn’t tell a difference. I’D. Imagine a lot of you thought that the pixel 6 pro was actually the iphone uh 14 pro, because i did when i saw these images first um. All that was just to say, the 14 pro takes great pictures, but so did the 13 pro. So i think one of the benefits of that 48 megapixel is now. You actually can have a real sort of 2x optical zoom. Instead of sort of doing the digital inflation on it, the three times, telephoto uh is still there. They added some nice features on the video side added action mode.

iPhone 14 Pro vs iPhone 13 Pro: Don't make a mistake!

It kind of gives you a gimbal esque, uh sort of stability. There uh 2.8 k on 60 frames per second cinematic mode, got some improvements. Uh 4k, now up to 30, which i know makes a lot of my friends uh, let’s say very happy and those are all nice improvements. But if you are just like taking these photos and uploading them to twitter instagram videos on tiktok, wherever you’re uploading, these things, i’m gon na say you will notice zero difference between the 13 pro and the 14 pro.

iPhone 14 Pro vs iPhone 13 Pro: Don't make a mistake!

If you want raw images, you now have much more data to sort of go in and edit. I think that was a problem. The 13 pros raw.

You didn’t get that much more information versus just like a jpeg that you had. That is a nice improvement. I don’t know if that’s a fringe use case.

If that is your use case, then 100 14, pro pro max you’re, going to absolutely love it hey you rob rosenfeld from the apple circle. Hey, hey, hey, hey! That’S rob! Rosenfeld! Honestly! When it comes to camera. I’M happy there’s more megapixels and it’s nice to have.

I don’t think that camera is a big enough reason alone to upgrade from a 13 pro to a 14 pro now, if you’re on a 12 or 11 different story, but just comparing those two, i think the 13 is still incredibly good now. The 14 is definitely better, but really not worth the 1100 or a thousand dollars, depending on which phone um right now, so the most distinguishable feature of the iphone 14 pro this year. Uh is the screen, and i think this is unsurprising for an iphone uh. But this year we got a few key changes that i’m personally excited about that saying this name like makes my skin crawl. It’S dynamic, island um. That was the best thing they came up with um. Having said that, i think the feature is awesome to have um all the links.

Remember were this weird kind of pill shape with an eye. I think they did a killer job, bringing something very new uh to ios, something that needed something really new. Now it’s not like a revolutionary thing, it’s mostly notifications, but it’s also another way to multitask. I thought it was really cool if you’re listening to music, for example, and you swipe away you get the music player up there.

But then, if you go and set a timer, it splits you get access to two apps right there. I think how you access the app versus sort of the pull down widget is a little bit backwards on that, but i imagine i’ll get used to it with muscle memory. I think dynamic island is an incredible feature. I think it’s only going to get better when third parties really get more access to it. I love having it. I think that there is any reason to get a 14 pro over the 13 just for something a newness factor. I think that’s it and i’m somebody who is always chasing the newness dragon when it comes to tech.

It’S a problem that i have in my life. That alone was a reason for me to want to update. Maybe it is for you, maybe not, but perhaps you always on display – might push you over the edge now the comments, i’m sure you can see it andrea’s had this, for, like literally, i think, like a decade uh or so it’s nice to see apple sort of.

Do it it’s weird looking at these phones, it kind of just dim, and i kept thinking that the phone like is still on when you’re looking at it. It’S just a dimmer version. You can’t customize the always-on display either it’s just. You can customize your lock screen and then that’ll show on the always on display. It was an implementation that i expected. I think a lot of us expected kind of samsung’s take, but the screen goes totally black and they’ll start showing what’s happening as it pops up.

It works it’s new uh, it’s totally binary, it’s either on or off again. No tweaking you can do it doing there. I’M gon na keep it on um.

I like it, but i don’t know your use case may vary. I haven’t had this nearly long enough to give any say on how it’s going to impact battery life apple says it should have longer battery life but have not tested yet and cannot say, but there’s one area of the phone where i’d say. I think we’ll see improvements in like ios 16.1 or dot two whatever they get.

I can see ultimately having there be customization uh inside of the always on display. Now, if you are a screen nerd – and i i’m self-professed – i have a problem with screens screens make the phone for me. This might be something that you want to consider. The 14 pro is two times brighter in the sun at 2, 000 nits all right.

So i’m i’m in direct sunlight. I wanted to compare the brightness of the 14 pro, so we can get 2 000 nits for uh sure period in direct sunlight. I’Ve got these brightnesses up 100. They don’t look any different. They don’t look any different to me. I don’t know it’s gon na translate on camera too, but they both look equally bright.

Those are like the like: the big, the big ones. Everything else new with the iphone 14 pro, are like edge cases if you flip this phone over it’s hard to tell if this isn’t just an iphone 13 pro uh at all, but some other things that are here that are kind of neat as well. We’Ve got the satellite sos it’s not out yet, hopefully a feature you never have to use an emergency, but it is certainly nice to have a crash detection again. I hope to never use it, but if i needed it, i’d probably be very grateful that it was there and probably very happy that i spent the extra money for the 14 pro this one chaps me a bit uh esa.

Now this is unique to the us. Only but no physical, sim tray, which is clearly the next step towards a portless iphone and as somebody who switches phones a lot. I am very not excited about this. You know what i mean.

I think. Ultimately, this will be a very easy thing to switch from phone to phone, but it is not there yet if switching from iphone’s iphone apple’s made it very easy, but if you’re switching from iphone to a z-fold four, that is a complicated process. That involved me having to call the carrier and then, if i want to switch back, it’s the same thing uh. It reminds me back of the early verizon days when it was cdma and you had a call to activate new phones. It was a pain and it seems that it’s going to be a pain again and it’s also a pain. I imagine a lot of you have experienced uh on launch day when you have to do anything, carry your side to get phones work, maybe you’re lucky.

It went smoothly, maybe you’re, on the phone with t-mobile for four hours. I don’t know um. It’S awesome that it’s there, you can still kind of dual sim it, but now it’s uh dual e sim, if that matters to you, aside from those internals, have changed a bit. Obviously the a16 is here and it’s new, but apple’s processor always so good. You never see really anything that they can do until almost the end of their life when used after taking advantage of the extra processing from a sheer like horsepower standpoint, there is no compelling reason to upgrade speaking of no compelling reason. The design is pretty much the same between the 14 and the 13 pro i mean. There’S new colors, there’s new purple, the new space black looks awesome. I love the idea of looking like a new phone. This most definitely does not look like a new phone. In fact, if you try really hard make a few little cuts, you could fit a 14 pro and a 13 pro case relatively easily so design wise is not a reason uh to upgrade here personally and again as someone who admits that i have a problem dynamic Island always on display are reasons enough for me to be excited for the iphone 14 pro, and i try to think.

If i didn’t do this for a living, would i upgrade – and the answer is probably yes cause. I don’t know i’m a chump like that, but if you have a 13 pro and you’re happy with it and you don’t need dynamic island for some particular reason, you’re not drawn to new things and giant things all the time. It’S really, if you’re a better person than i am uh, it is most definitely not worth the upgrade now, just a small part of this video too, if you’re on a 12 11 or anything older than the 13, i think 100 worth it. The camera upgrades are going to be huge, you’ll know, you’ll love having a high refresh rate on the display. Obviously the always on and dynamic island should be a huge, huge upgrades. I think this is more of an s type year for the regular 14 and the 14 pros. That’S not necessarily a bad thing. It’S a refinement, i guess of what apple already knew worked but they’re going to take your money for that refinement question you can answer. .