iPhone 14 Pro Max: One Month Later!

iPhone 14 Pro Max: One Month Later!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “iPhone 14 Pro Max: One Month Later!”.
Portions video is sponsored by case defy every year. Obviously, new iPhone gets released and apple is pumping up new features after using the phone and all those new features like the marketing push starts to wear off the commercials mean very little and the new iPhone, I think, starts to show its true colors. Now that I’m like ish a month in with the iPhone 14 pro and the 14 pro Max, is it all cracked up to be so by far the most exciting part, the iPhone 14 pro at least initially to me, was Dynamic Island and its horrible marketing name. Oh, it’s really, the only, I think, surprise the entire announcement and it seemed like a really well thought out feature to utilized space has already been taken it by a notch. Anyway, the excitement has worn off like the novelty factor of it. Being new has worn off, but I really like Dynamic Island if that space can be taken up anyway, uh being able to have notifications pop up there, I love the way, Apple’s done the new notifications.

I love that it’s Dynamic. I love that I can switch apps through there and I also love that it’s improving with software updates to show more information, more third-party information sports scores. I think we’ve just scratched the surface of what it’s going to be. It’S future that I use. I, like it doesn’t seem as wonderful and magical as Apple wants you to believe uh, but it is really nice to have, and I think for the first time in a while changed the way that I sort of interact with the phone as interesting.

That as it is, and as fun as it is to interact with, I don’t think it’s reason to upgrade your phone at least not the only reason to upgrade your phone. What might be for some people is always on display. Now it has been many moons, since it’s first introduced on the Android side and honestly, I’m shocked it took Apple this long to make it a reality. I’Ve been thinking a lot about how to say this. So here’s what I came up with it seems like Apple, took the term always on display very literally, and the display is always on when I’ve had it on my phone, I oftentimes think my phone is turned on it’s just slightly darker, but that’s about it. I’M not talking about the new iOS 16, you know, lock, screen features widgets and that kind of stuff I’m just talking always on display.

It is in every sense of the word, literally your lock screen just slightly dimmer. I think this is a very polarizing feature. Uh that Apple has done. I think some people turn it off immediately.

Some people are okay with it, but I don’t think many people are like. I absolutely love the always on display. It’S incredible. It’S amazing.

This is the absolute killer, future and reason uh to buy a pro. I tried it. It was fine, but it definitely hurt my battery life, which I’ll talk about more uh a bit later. I would not be surprised if, in iOS 17 or even at some point during the 16 upgrade cycle, we see a real always on display, and by that I mean what Android’s done for a while black screen with notifications that can show up on there.

So you can see if something is happening. That’S what I envisioned always on display to be. Maybe it’s an old school way of thought. Maybe there’s a new thing Apple’s doing, but I don’t see it.

I don’t really like it as much anymore. In fact, I’ve turned it off on my phone aside from the screen. The only major change is with the camera system. More specifically that 48 megapixel main camera back when the phone first came out. I test this against the 13 Pro I’ll put. These pictures up here right now, uh. It was very hard to tell different to regular photos and a month later, that is, unsurprisingly still the case. If you’re like a casual photo taker, you take pictures of your kids, your pets.

This camera will not give you dramatically better results than the 13 Pro. It’S not to say is absolutely no difference. There are slightly more detail in certain shots. Thanks to that sensor, low light is improved, which is a big deal for these small cameras, so that is, is good, generally you’re.

iPhone 14 Pro Max: One Month Later!

Getting great cameras on both phones. Where you do see a difference is when you go into Pro raw mode. You start messing with editing these photos yourself. I know that is not something everybody is going to do something that I rarely do myself, but this is where you can see the sensor come to life.

iPhone 14 Pro Max: One Month Later!

There’S significantly more detail information stored in these photos. You can take a photo, it looks relatively drab and it’s looking credible, for example. I could take this photo and turn it in to this, and in a way this is the first time I’ve seen. The Cronus of these phones actually be shown off if you’re in the iPhone ecosystem.

This new sensor lets you produce images that you just couldn’t do before and if you care about photography on an iPhone, you get a huge upgrade this year this year. Listen if you walk into to any Apple Store, you will see walls and walls of cases. There are at this point, I’m going to say thousands to choose from, though I’m just making that number up, but it’s tough to find. I think one case that’s going to do everything for you.

Well, at the very least, it’s gon na deliver what it says. It’S going to deliver enter case defy. So this is the case defy impact Series. Ksify has trademarked this kind of Twister design that they’re calling ecoshock and what it’s going to mean to you is 20 increase protection and usually increased protection means giant Mungus case.

iPhone 14 Pro Max: One Month Later!

But by placing this sort of in the corners, you are getting now only a 20 increase protection, but also five times military standard. This thing has been drop, tested 130 times, make sure the ecoshock won’t wear off. No listen, don’t drop your case 150 times is the moral, but should you’ll be covered. Poster designs can also give you negative space.

That’S going to help with tension distribution to avoid cracks. So that’s good. It’S also the obvious thing to expect abrasion resistance uh with cushions help with those inevitable Falls and sustainability is your thing, which I’ll probably be a little more focused on it. The cases are made at 65 recycled materials and are plant-based, and for me, the first job of a case is to protect. But if you kind of sometimes want to make yours uniquely you caseify has a ton of artist, collabs and prints. You can pick the one.

That’S best for you and OBS: they are all massive compatible. I hate myself for saying OBS, but they are all massive compatible as well. Caseify also offers a bunch of other cases. So if you’re, not judging me for the words that I use and you want to learn more about what they offer say 15, I got a link for you down below. Thank you with all these new features packed into the phone battery life was going to be a concern for me. My iPhone 13 Pro Max had pretty good battery life, and battery is one of the main reasons I choose to use the Max phone and for my first two-ish weeks of using the 14 pro Max, I used it as a whatever phone I kept, always on display On and just used it, the battery life is a weird metric to talk about because most it’s determined by third-party apps and it’s not really the fault of the manufacturer, but by how those apps are using battery life. So, in my case, it’s tick tock, it’s Instagram and it’s Chrome and those are big battery life trainers and I was surprised at the end of my day. I would have 10 14.

My little icon would be red in the upper right hand corner. That was not what I was used to on my 13 Pro Max, so I tried to just see what happened I bet you’re, always on display off. I tended to get about an extra 15 to 20 of battery life out of the phone that was extremely telling and not surprising.

Considering, like I said, the screen is, is perpetually lit up now. I expect that to improve with software updates, so this argument may not be relevant six months from now or even sooner, but I have not been overly impressed with battery life, but I think it boils down to does not appear to be any better than the iPhone 13, Pro Max, so, if you’re coming at this thinking, you want huge battery life improvements, you’re not going to be very uh Happy here the exception. If you’re coming from a 13 Pro you’re coming from a 13 you’re coming from any other non-mac phones before, then you should see better battery life than those the 14 pro and my kids, 14 pro Max is a tough one to recommend to everybody, especially with the Iphone 15 rumors coming of USB type-c in there new camera systems and better everything thrown in this is definitely a sier for phones, uh, there’s a bunch of other small features with this phone, like the a16 processor, brighter display action, most crash detection and more, but those Never really stood out to me in day-to-day use, but the major changes with this phone did whether that makes this phone a worthy upgrade or worth it at all is a different question. I think the answer is the same: I’ve given pretty much every year, if you have last year’s iPhone, stick with it for another year. If you got anything older than last year’s iPhone upgrade you’ll be pleasantly surprised with Dynamic Island, the camera system, hopefully battery life. If you’re coming from a non-max phone, it’s still a great phone, it’s really not a revolutionary phone, but it’s a nice evolution of what was already a great device. .