iPhone 13 vs iPhone 14

iPhone 13 vs iPhone 14

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “iPhone 13 vs iPhone 14”.
Thanks to yi for sponsoring a portion of this video, it’s that time of year again, i still can’t believe this is my job. Come on john, i feel like we just had this conversation every year you toss out a perfectly good phone. I think we can work on this. We have feelings too, hey, don’t you. I changed for you.

So look. This is what i do for a living. It’S it’s my job. It’S not personal.

You’Ve been enough for me, but our time together is just it’s run its course. So i don’t want to give too many spoilers here, but this year’s iphone 14 is gon na, be the fastest most powerful iphone ever obviously. But the question that this time of year always kind of brings up is: are you going to want the new phone? That’S going to come out. Are you going to need the new phone that comes out? Can you separate the rumors from the truth? Well, we can’t, but i’m going to play well john stradamus and we’re going to take all the rumors and things we think we know about the iphone 14 just for fun, compare them to the iphone 13..

So i’m not going to drag this out any more than i need to. So what do we know so far about the iphone 14? No in quotations, so, firstly, the lineup for this year’s iphone 14 will be different, actually iphone. 14 iphone 14 max! That’S a new one, iphone 14 pro and then iphone 14 pro max, but if you’re paying attention you realize that yes, let’s pour one out for the little guy, the mini is no more. My wife is a mini person.

iPhone 13 vs iPhone 14

She loves her mini. I know a lot of you guys seem to love the idea of a mini, but not many of you went out and bought it so gone as a little guy. Welcome now, a giant regular non-pro iphone 14.. If we’re lucky, maybe they’ll bring back the mini design as an iphone se variant, but it’s more me just like being hopeful uh than based in any sort of fact whatsoever. So probably the most exciting, i’m just gon na quote exciting in air, quotes uh design. Changing the iphone 14 will be a new dual hole. Punch design, that’ll be replacing the notch that we’ve had for five years cool. I don’t notice a notch anymore, you probably don’t either, but now you’re, not gon na notice.

iPhone 13 vs iPhone 14

It looks like a sideways eye. Um. It’S weird: the notch has been around for five years, but actually goes back 2017 with the iphone 10. So this new dual hole, punch thing will house face id tech and front facing camera. Although this is a new like general kind of aesthetic look, the general prevailing opinion is that this design key is going to be short-lived, being replaced by a single hole punch next year in 2023, and then fingers crossed no hole punch at all in the display. Totally punchless notchless on 2024, with the front facing camera living, underneath the display, of course, and i’ll stop you from saying it right here: android 10 on display cameras for a little while now, just by how long it takes apple to adopt new tech and trends.

iPhone 13 vs iPhone 14

The timeline does seem accurate uh. It’S also worth noting that the dual hole, punch design will only be coming to the pro models. The notch is going to be there on the base model of the 14s or really all the 14s uh, also the iphone 14.

Getting a little bit chunkier much like me in the middle uh to accommodate a new camera module, but we’ll be more on that a little bit later. Another design feature you’ll, probably only notice, in your hot little hand, is the new, rounded quarters of the iphone 14.. At this point.

What you’re thinking because i was thinking of two john you, nuts, i’m looking at my iphones quarters, already well-rounded well friend, according to apple, they aren’t round enough. The new iphone will have a more rounded corner radius and my first thought is: oh, who cares uh, but maybe this will make the phone more comfortable in the hands more likely. Let me have to buy a new phone case and cha-ching for that, as you try to make the decision whether or not you want to get a new phone or not get a new phone. It’S your choice! One thing you do need to do because i’ve seen your house is clean.

It it’s dirty, but maybe you don’t want to sit there with the mop and broom and little dustpan doing all that thing, because that seems very 1990s. We’Re living in a modern era with modern toys and modern technology can take care of all of those things. For you, while you put your feet up in netflix and chill, and the folks at yidi have you covered while delivering sort of the features that you would expect, while costing like in some instances, half the price of some of the competitors out there and this one That i’ve got is the yidi vac 2 pro so open. This thing up, you’ll get obviously your robot a docking station, an oscillating mop, a washable mopping pad and edge brush.

So it’s a smart vacuum, so it’ll detect furniture. It won’t get stuck under couch and a lot of smart robot vacuums will kind of just like ping pong themselves around and eventually get everything so that mopping system that it’s got. It’S an oscillating mopping system. That’S going to scrub those gross dirty stubborn stains off of hard floors. Yidi can also avoid carpet in mopping mode, which a lot of other robots can just snail trail right over. It there’s also a yeti app to let you edit, your home customize cleaning, sets vacuums and water flow levels, even clean specific rooms or areas, and if you’re interested, it also worked with yidi self-empty station for sort of auto dust, spin, emptying uh that is sold separately.

But if you decide to opt for it, it’ll hold 30 days of dust and listen. What you’re seeing here are features that we’ve seen on robot vacuums before but generally there’s a robot vacuums that cost a thousand dollars plus i’ll, put all the pricing information for for yeti down below, but you’re at a way, lower price point without sacrificing quality features or Performance and that’s pretty awesome, if you want to learn more about the yidi vac 2 pro or any other of the ed products, we will link to them down below, so remember to suggest so that we will also be getting a new purple color and take this One with like the biggest grain of salt possible, considering the new color last year, was supposed to be bronze. I know apple typically introduces like a new color every year and i don’t doubt that i don’t think anyone can really call this one like it’s definitely going to be purple until we get closer to launch. So who knows some new color, uh largest upgrade my opinion.

Uh will be pretty much the biggest upgrade we’ve had of every iphone in years. It’S always the camera and iphone 14 will be no exception. Uh. This new camera is bigger, pretty much every way. Uh and, most importantly, probably in megapixel account we’re gon na go from. I guess an antiquated 12 megapixel main camera we’ve had for years to 48 megapixels.

This, of course, would be a giant thing uh for photo detail, but also a video resolution and 48 megapixels should also get 8k video recording and hopefully, 4k 120 frames per second for motion capture so be prepared to just blast through all your phone storage. Like a four second clip, i also assume some sort of pixel bidding will be happening there as well for not only file size management uh, but also sort of make sure that those photos can look as good and detailed as possible. I have no doubt that apple will sort of use that, to hopefully the end user’s advantage when it comes to quality. The iphone photos generally like some version of good, but i am anticipating the biggest leap. Uh nai features here things like cinematic mode. They work on improving the editing, experience in final cut pro and editing cinematic mode footage, but i would love to see improvements, sort of in focus, roll off and more natural focus transitions, and also for simulating bokeh with machine learning.

Why not? Let us adjust those bokeh characteristics. Cat eye is circular or maybe this is wild, sweet, sweet, anamorphic mode. That’S just me being hopeful uh, but i do want to manage expectations a bit, because new hardware does not always mean a leap in sort of the photo and video quality. I think we’ve learned that with things that we’ve seen with the pixel 6., so the marriage between software and hardware is a difference maker and it may take a couple of years for us to really see the improvements.

I think a lot of the end users are going to want once again, though, it’s worth noting that these sort of camera improvements will probably be exclusive to the pro line. I don’t expect to see huge upgrades for the base model of the iphone 14, but do you think it will be laughable to be like check out our 12 megapixel sensor and iphone 14, but a 48 megapixel sensor in the iphone 14 pro? I bet they do something uh to make the 14 camera stand out on its own. So one thing that will improve on all iphone 14s uh is the selfie camera. I should get an improvement from the aperture to f 1.9 from f 2.2, which will do normal aperture things like improved low light, selfies and hopefully autofocus as well. Now listen, i don’t have any reputable benchmarks and those not really matter. It came to iphones, but i would expect the 14 pro lines to be rocking the new a16 chip uh.

I don’t know – maybe they call it some m version, but what would at least be considered the m16 chip uh. This new chip should give us the usual faster chip. Things like better performance, most likely improved ram. I also expect qualcomm’s new 5g modem, which should be smaller, faster, more power efficient.

This should be the last year of qualcomm’s modem before we see apple sort of step. In with their own modems, the big rumor when it comes to internals is the new two terabyte option of storage space. Hopefully, this means that the base storage on these phones will go for my measly 128, better than 64. uh, 256 or 512, but that one is way too early to tell i doubt if most people even feel a difference. Uh in this performance with the a16 chip, the iphone has always been fast and will continue to be fast every year, but there are some differences if you pay attention so far, you’ve noticed that this pro line this year is where most of the upgrades appear to Be happening uh, so what won’t you be? Getting you decide to pick uh one of the iphone 14s.

No 48 megapixel rear camera, no hole, punch, design, no apple a16 chip, evidently apple is going to be keeping a 15 bionic for the first time ever. Similarly, due to supply constraints, uh lower end ram in comparison to the pro and then no two terabyte storage option. Not to mention you line up a phone expected to get a price increase for the most part as a result of the chip shortage going on. So if you want to know what prices are going to start at, here’s where i think we’re going to be iphone, 14 7.99. So that’s the same price as the iphone 13 was uh, iphone 14 max 8.99, whereas the mini remember was 6.99, so big jump there.

Iphone 14 pro will start at 1099, which is more than the 13 pros. 9.99, iphone 14 pro max a very strong 1199 and if you remember the 13 pro max started for 1099.. So that’s a lot of money and that’s a lot of things unless you are like jonesing for a non-pro giant phone or your phone is dying and dead.

The iphone 14 lease appears to be perhaps one that you can kick back, put your feet up and be like i’m good uh. The pro seems to be where a lot of the upgrades are coming, and this is gon na be a hard one to justify why people should upgrade if they have a phone that came out over the past two years, maybe uh even an 11 uh or or Newer might be a tough sell. The one megapixels is awesome. I don’t care at all about the notch versus the hole punch display. That makes no tangible difference to me at all, of course, on the pro you’re still getting the higher refresh screen, which is a giant reason to have, but we’ve seen that already now for uh for a little while, it’s gon na be a tough sell. This year. Uh when it comes to iphone, but i’m sure apple will get on stage just from voodoo magic, make some marketing terms and people are going to be lining up around the block to get the latest phones.

But are they worth it probably like every phone year over year? Not really, but we all tend to buy things when we can that aren’t worth it, and i imagine the iphone 14 14 pro will be no exception. .