iPhone 13 Pro: Six Months Later

iPhone 13 Pro: Six Months Later

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “iPhone 13 Pro: Six Months Later”.
A portion this video is sponsored by aura apple’s marketing machine is nuts, i think, for a lot of people. They see tim cook on stage running through the newest features of the latest phone you’re like yo. That looks awesome. I need it. I got ta, try it and you buy it, and then you start using the phone and after a few months those crazy flagship features end up just being marketing, terminology tend to either shine and be worth it or completely fade into the background.

You forget that they existed: it’s not the iphone 13 pro has been out for about six months, and it’s been in my pocket for a large portion of that time want to talk about it and see if apple sold, us a lie or if the iphone 13 Pro and pro max all they’re cracked up to be, and as i talk about the iphone 13 pro here, i’m also talking about the max. I split my time about 75 25 with the max over the pro but have experience using using both, and this is the first year. I think you can at least come close to saying the iphone has a pro camera system, even though that term introduced back with the iphone 11. It was obviously just for like naming and marketing purposes.

So, even though the iphone 13 pro isn’t packing every single feature that other phones might have that a lot of android phones have, i think it meets the pro name at least better than any other iphone that came before it, and even as equally as good from The camera department – it’s pretty much any other phone out there and for me it comes down to consistency in my mind when i think of a pro i want something that i know will work and can work for me every time and that’s where this camera system Has absolutely like delivered? I’Ve done a lot of verses with other phones, especially since the iphone 13 pros came out and the cameras are just always some version of good. That’S not to say every photo is going to be the best because it’s not but every photo looks really good in every situation. Now the pictures come out a little bit flat, they’re, not as contrasting as what you get with samsung, but you can do a lot with those photos and for me, that’s been huge and that’s peace of mind. Whether i want to take a photo to use for business or share a picture of my kids, i know at least it’s going to be a good shot.

I was pretty stoked about some of the night mode stuff here and like every other phone i’ve tested with night mode. I honestly forgot about it after i first started using the phone i’ve. I think, since i did my initial test and showed my night mode shots, i have used night mode zero times, so perhaps your use case might vary, but night mode has been a totally non thing for me. Uh.

One thing i have used, though, is the amazing three time zoom, and that was you couldn’t tell that was sarcastic because three times zoom on a flagship phone is still laughable, but it’s better than the 2.5 we had before it. I like zoom. I take pictures of a lot of things, far away, usually my kids, so i like, having that i know i’m in the minority there and it’s all about the ultra wide and macro and that kind of stuff. But i love my zoom.

iPhone 13 Pro: Six Months Later

I wish it was better on the iphone, but i do use it a lot. [ Laughter, ], quality aside. There are some features that i was excited to try when the phone first came out, i think, like macro mode, like sticks out the most now. This is obviously a really cool feature, but how many pictures can i take of leafs how many pictures could take of of bugs up close, i’m not using this at all, and it goes for me the way of night mode.

iPhone 13 Pro: Six Months Later

It was really cool to try at the beginning, and then i just forget about it only way. I generally remember that it’s there is when the camera automatically changes the macro mode um accidentally or when i don’t need it, and i got a pinch to zoom out. I love that it’s there and i get why apple talked about it so much, but literally i do not use it at all. Maybe i’m alone, if you use macrame, let me know in the comments but totally non-thing uh for me in my everyday phone usage. Speaking of features that i don’t use much um, video like not like actually like taking video, i use that a ton and i still think the iphone is still video king, but i have not used cinematic mode and prores, hardly at all. I tested cinematic mode, obviously like everybody when it was announced, and it’s a very cool feature that i think has a lot of potential, but someone who makes videos for a living.

iPhone 13 Pro: Six Months Later

I wanted to get a depth of field effect. I would just use a bigger camera that i have access to and use the real deal same goes for prores too. We actually film a good amount on our phones for these videos, so my use case for cinematic mode is probably not yours uh.

So i think that’s one feature that if you take a lot of video with your phone and you want to make cinematic looking video, it’s another tool to have and that’s awesome – i don’t want to take away from it because i don’t use it. I think again, there’s going to be a lot of potential. It’S going to be the evolution of sort of what we saw portrait mode, be for stills, it’s gon na be dope.

It’S not something that i use all the time and the reason i’m not using prores is generally thanks that lightning port um, it is just too slow. Prored files are ginormous. Now i don’t want to wait all that time to get slightly better video, but is that just me uh what it really comes down to with the iphone 13 pro camera is refinement and that six months that’s really been what i’ve noticed.

Every part of this camera system was it’s going to sound gross but touched by apple um. So then, you’ve got a version of almost every feature out there, even if you don’t find yourself using it at least you can, if you want to there’s something you couldn’t always say with the latest iphone so been using the iphone 13 pro, obviously for six months, What i’ve been using for longer than six months uh has been some version of the ordering, so i’m currently using the most recent one. So it’s the aura ring generation three talked about this guy, a lot uh.

It is on my finger every second of every day, except when i’m in the shower uh, and then it is then it is charging. But i absolutely love this thing and with sort of the spring ahead time, change being a thing. That’S going on uh i’ve especially enjoyed having the data, so 70 of americans do not like the time change.

I would have thought that would have been closer to 100, but only the number 70 percent and there’s a 25 increase of heart attacks. The monday after the whole spring forward thing, so our bodies aren’t so good with the time change in the spring ahead ones, the bad one you lose an hour and as somebody who monitors sleep and sleep data and sort of my body’s reaction to sleep very closely. Uh using the aura ring, this is not the best day of the year for me, so what i’ve generally been able to do is get actionable items from my worry and it does a lot of things that have been helpful.

It does a lot of things like monitor heart rate and sort of give me analytical empirical data on my body, but for me my jam is sleep and sort of understanding how i slept and what kind of sleep i got and the things i did that impacted That have been incredible a lot of reasons you could want to get or ring generation 3. But if you want to learn more about your body in a package, that’s really small. I use this as a as a wedding ring you’re supposed to wear it on your pointer finger, but i like having it just on my my wedding ring, but if you’re into getting that type of data and knowing what you can do with it look no further. It’S really been on my finger since long before i became a sponsor uh check out the aura ring, of course, the link to it down below i’m gon na admit it.

I’Ve said it in other videos. I am a screen snob. If there’s any inherent bias. I have nothing, phones, it’s the screens and for years i think i, along with a lot of others, have been hoping. Apple, was going to bestow promotion upon the iphone it’s here and i’m happy that they listened.

It’S definitely like a subtle feature and it’s not like one that i think, like my parents would notice immediately. But for someone who cares about tech and screens, i see that smoothness and i love that smoothness and finally, now i’m switching between other devices and the iphone. I don’t have to be jarred by that janky 60 fps and that’s awesome to have, but up until a few weeks ago, before i tested the s22 ultra, i would have said the iphone 13 pro is the best screen out there and well.

I think samsung sort of regained that title uh the screen is extremely bright, accurate and smooth and also apple made that notch smaller and they kind of brag about it. A little bit that has made absolutely no difference to me in my six month testing the phone at all. I don’t notice it even like a little bit anymore, just a notch, and it’s there. A big question for me is six months like how’s the phone like held up like physically in previous iphones.

I have not kept my phones in cases, and i get that as silly, but generally at the end of the year, when i trade them in. They still look pretty good, there’s a few. You know maybe little dings on the side, but the screens generally look perfect. I have kept my 13 promax in a case most time, but the screen is way more scratched than any other iphone that i’ve had before and i definitely have dropped it. I haven’t kept it in the pocket with keys or anything like that, but it has not held up as well as any other iphone again might be unique something i’ve done to this phone.

But let me know if your 13 pros have not been as durable as you would have expected. So all the hardware aside, the iphone 13 pro – is still kicking strong, but the a15 inside combine promotion display, makes a phone for lack of a better analogy feel lightning fast. I wish, i could say fuel usb type c fast, but i can’t one question i had going in, though, was battery life with better processor, better screen, oh, what was apple gon na do about battery life, so battery life has probably been my favorite feature on the Phone, if you call it a feature aside from the pro motion display, this thing lasts forever, and the best thing i can tell you is: i have gone on two hour. Pokemon go walk with my kids. We’Re like the screen is on we’re outside it’s max brightness. We’Re using probably 5g data trying to catch a lick of tongue and and find a snorlax, and i come home and i go about my full day on my phone without charging it and i still have 30 ish battery life into the day.

That is a weird use case. I get it um, but i couldn’t do that with previous phones. Battery life is awesome on the pro, especially the pro max.

If you want a really long lasting phone, it’s been a huge pleasant surprise over the past six months. So on paper, the iphone 13 pro and pro max did not change all that much especially aesthetically. There’S a better camera, a better screen, smaller notch, packed into the same shape as the iphone 12. uh. But that’s where this phone, i think, shines even though apple calls us 13. This is very much a 12s when you look at it like that.

I think it’s one of the better year of your refinements that i’ve that i’ve seen the camera got noticeably better with quality and also did pack in some new features. The screen soft spot. On. My heart for the screen is punching finally top of its game.

Processing and software are still good, as ever, but they’re always really good on apple products and wrap all that in with baller battery life – and this is a very i was gon na, say well-rounded. I should say well-rectangled uh phone, that does everything it sets out to do really. Well, not to say you should buy one now we’re halfway through the life cycle, which is weird to say if you’ve got an iphone 12 version, but i’ve been really happy with the 13 pro max. It has not been perfect. The screen’s been very disappointing as far as the scratches that i’ve had on it, but battery life has been awesome. Um there’s a lot of things that i would change, especially better zoom, but hopefully that will get fixed in the next version. But as far as phones go when iphones go, unsurprisingly, it is the best iphone to date, and if you want a phone, that’s going to last you four days and not sacrifice a really nice high-res screen, iphone 13 pro and pro max are still even six months Later, a solid way to go: .