iPhone 13 “Confirmed”?! NOPE

iPhone 13

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “iPhone 13 “Confirmed”?! NOPE”.
I’Ll turn into a rant: hey, what’s up MKBHD here, okay, you know it’s gotten uh a little Annoying lately overusing the word confirmed so I was on Twitter yesterday. Maybe I spent too much time on Twitter. I think we all kind of do to some extent, but I saw iPhone 13 trending for almost no reason. But you kind of see this every once in a while, like the iPhone will just Trend, because people see the name of the new one and they think it just came out because it’s trending on Twitter, but it’s trending for no reason.

So then, this Forbes article pops up right in the middle of it Apple’s massive iPhone 13 upgrades suddenly confirmed. Do you remember when the official dictionary definition of literally was adjusted to include figurative use because people misused it so many times it just became part of how it’s used? I feel like that’s what’s happening with the word confirmed here. Nothing about the iPhone 13 is confirmed. Nothing is confirmed until Apple goes on stage in September, like they always do and announces and shows what the new iPhone 13 is until then, nothing is actually confirmed. So this article, if you made the mistake of going through and actually clicking on it like, I did.

iPhone 13

It’S just it’s just cherry picking, a two-week-old everything Apple pro video and everything Apple Pro great guy, Philip I’ve met him, love the videos, respect what he does. He does regular reporting and renders slash mock-ups to like help, visualize leaks and rumors about upcoming iPhones, just fun. Video stuff, he even calls it leaks in the video’s title, and he collaborates on this particular video with Max Weinbach, who also presents some new Rumors in the form of leaks, some of which may be true. Others May turn out not to be true, but then Forbes, or at least this one writer turning around and calling it confirmed, is pretty much useless.

iPhone 13

That’S not actually What’s Happening Here. If you happen to trust Forbes for your your regular source of tech, reporting or information, I wouldn’t think that this builds any confidence in that. So you know what I’ll link Phillips video down below if you actually want to catch up on the latest leaks and rumors about the new iPhone, which include like a maybe smaller Notch and a refined, matte black texture, all that fun stuff shout out to him.

Anyway. Speaking of Twitter, I figured I’d: do a q a because I haven’t done one in a little bit and I do enjoy these a lot in the quiet time of year, where not a lot of tech is coming out. Asked you on Twitter. What you wanted to know – and these are your best questions – favorite Daft, Punk, album and song – oh man! This is a tough one. I I hope, I’m not the one breaking the news to you by now, but in case you didn’t know, after 28 years of uh kind of Epic career, Daft Punk is no more, they put out a video it’s over.

There will be no no more Daft Punk, which is actually pretty sad, but they had incredible impact on music and in electronics and Tech in the music world. I I honestly feel like Ram, is it’s the best produced albums? I have different answers for different stuff. They’Ve made, I think, recency bias, I have to say random access. Memories is like it’s one of my favorite albums ever and super well produced, but I think Discovery is their best album and my personal favorite Daft Punk song changes all the time.

I think right now. I would say it’s actually too long might not be a common answer, but I love that song. Do you have any Tech that you weren’t excited about at first, but now has become something that you use pretty frequently.

iPhone 13

Oh interesting question: Braden. The thing that comes to mind for me is a mechanical keyboard. I didn’t use a mechanical keyboard for years.

I had always edited and was really fast on Chiclet style keys, with literally the one that came with my MacBook uh, and this this whole mechanical keyboard thing really grew on me. I’Ve been using one called the ketron ketron K2 and then the K3 came out, but I stuck with the K2 and my custom keys and there’s actually a really great video, recently I’ll link below a YouTuber who rebuilt the K2 with like a sweet red and black Theme and some new quieter switches and he’s going to send it to me. So if it gets here, maybe it’ll show up in a video, but that I thought was pretty sweet.

Okay, Renee Ritchie’s got a question. If you could Jurassic Park up any extinct phone Droid or Palm Pre or Lumia or anything and go fully on fully modern, updated version, what would it be, and why, and actually I feel like – I immediately know – I’m gon na go HTC. One M8 Google Play edition that phone kicked if I could get a fully updated version of that phone going, it didn’t have the best camera, which was like it’s its biggest downside, but the build quality.

All metal, unibody front-facing speakers get that on the newest version of Android. I would that I would use that phone today. That would be pretty sweet. I think even a matte black version existed.

This is probably trolling. Well Apple’s car support. Android auto. I think, if there’s anything if Apple even ever makes a car, we know nothing about it, but I think there’s one thing I can probably say which is probably won’t support.

Android, auto you know it’s funny. I saw a Hyundai the other day. It’S one of the new, I think it’s a Sonata or something like that – and I’ve talked about this before on the waveform podcast, but when I think of Apple car, it’s so hard for me to imagine anything other than like a perfect white sphere. That, like rolls down the street, like I don’t know what an Apple car looks like, but I saw that Hyundai and there’s all these rumors about Hyundai working with apple, and it’s got these lines for the headlights that go all the way up and like merge with The Chrome, so you don’t know where the drl’s end and the Chrome begins from afar, and I looked at that and I said I could see an Apple logo on that. I could see that doesn’t seem that crazy to me, but this is a very far off into the future type stuff. Can you speak Spanish? You know hablo mucho, espanol, pero, yo, comprehendo, hablo.

All right. There’S a comment here, a question about: do you think electric car manufacturers could get rid of the charging port, like apple, did with their phones in the near future, and he says in the near future, not anytime in the near future, and this has always been such A weird thing about Apple, using the environmental excuse as to why they’re getting rid of chargers well, the fact of the matter is wireless charging, since you’re replacing ports with wireless charging, wireless charging is very inefficient and therefore directly impacting against that environmental gain. When you use way more power to charge the same phone inefficiently, so when you, you scale that up to an electric car, that’s very inefficient for a very large battery. There’S no way wireless charging and anytime in the near future is going to be a great idea. But that being said, I love where your head’s at maybe someday wireless charging can get so direct and so good that all you have to do is drive over like a wireless charging pad in your garage and as long as you’re somewhere near the right place.

It’Ll charge overnight, that would be pretty sweet, but that’s nowhere near the near future, all right so of all the tech you get to see, Slash use. What was the last thing that you saw, which made you think wow. This is the future huh. I, like that question, I’m gon na ask it to everyone here in the studio. My answer, I think, I’m just gon na say electric cars in general, like not a lot of stuff, really blows my mind, because I get to see the steps of things as they happen, but I think the first time I got to drive an electric car and Really experience it, I was like oh yeah.

This will be how all cars are in the future. It might not be the last one but the biggest piece or like the biggest. This is the future moments, probably VR.

There’S just that aspect of taking off the goggles and realizing you’re in a room and not on a mountain or not waving a lightsaber, and I feel like that was just the moment where I felt like I left my body because of Technology. I’M gon na go with Boston Dynamics. Spot, I think, is the dog’s name um just because it looks like something out of a sci-fi movie and it has better balance than I do like.

If you try pushing me over, I will fall and that thing did not. I’M gon na have to go with all of computational Imaging and video, but particularly Adobe announced content to wear fill in video for After Effects where you can just remove whole people or things from the video and the fact that they democratize that, for everyone kind of Freaked me out a little bit because now we don’t really know what’s real Arun says if you could take the hardware from one phone and the software from another which combo would you have so I think it’s pretty easy. I’D take a Galaxy s20 one Ultra and I’d put like stock Android I’d. Do a Google Play edition Google Play edition? That’S that’s the two things I’d combine.

I did a little more of a detailed tweet which I ran out of characters, but about like the Frankenstein phone I would make from a bunch of pieces, but I run if I could only pick two it’s this Hardware, which is pretty sweet and like a Nexus. What objectively terrible product do you regularly use either because of necessity or because you love them despite their flaws? There’S not a lot of like objectively terrible Tech that you end up having to keep around, but you know what is objectively terrible printers like that’s the one piece of tech we all have that reminds us that we’re not living in the future. We know we don’t have flying cars, but you know there’s a lot of futuristic stuff around printers that have just been bad since the beginning. I wonder what would happen if, like Google or Apple, or someone just decided to make a good printer like? Can that? Could that really be done? There’S a lot of product categories out there that I wish they’d get into, but what, if Apple, just made a good printer, it’s got a screen that you can actually type on. It doesn’t get jams all the time. It’S probably 700 bucks, but what would that look like that’s it’s another weird one.

Is there any retro Tech episode coming anytime soon? Yes, I’m not gon na spoil exactly what’s going down, but it’s going to be a fun one. We’Ve finished shooting season two and it’s a little different from season one and there’s a lot of good stuff that I can’t wait to share it’s in the production, editing phase and it is coming soon keep an eye out for that. Oh look: did you put a reservation for the Tesla Model, S plaid? Yet I don’t know if this person’s joking or if they saw my tweet, I can all explain I’ll explain later there’s more to it than you think. Just wait and see I’ll explain.

Uh. What’S one of those little things that very few people talk about, that’s still very cool. I just can I just give a shout out to NASA. This is an unofficial NASA shirt, but can we give a shout out to NASA there’s a Rover that just last week landed on Mars and since landing on Mars, which is already amazing? It has sent back tens of thousands of photos, 4K videos of the landing and of the Martian surface.

That is unreal for some reason to me that the video of it Landing with a parachute pops out and it’s going like 900 meters per second or something crazy. But it pops out, and then you see the rocket dangle the robot down, landed on Mars and then fly away. All of that has already been sent back to Earth tens of millions of miles in 4k. I don’t know this. This is that that is future type stuff. I’M excited for what the perseverance Mission can end up.

Uncovering they’ve landed it right where they wanted it to we’re. Looking for signs of Life on another planet, this is a great. This is an exciting time to be alive. Shout out to NASA and then we got the classic single NBA question who will be in the NBA finals this year, so I think it’s got to be.

The Nets is if they’re, this is all my NBA predictions will be if healthy right. So if the entire NBA every team is fully healthy, I got ta see the Nets coming out of the East, which is exciting because they’re in their backyard out of the West, it’s a little more interesting. If healthy, which ad, is very important, I see the Lakers being the team to beat, but the Jazz look so good. I had Mike Conley on my fantasy team.

I feel like the Jazz are like they kind of look like the Hawks that one year where they had like a bunch of All-Stars and won a ton of games and then sort of flamed out in playoffs, we’ll see how they, how they do, but they’re really Exciting team to watch, I also have Rudy gobert on my fantasy team, shout out to the Jazz but yeah. I feel like it’s the Nets and the Lakers. Oh that’s! A good update. So is the form to apply to work here still open and if so, for how much longer it is still open. But as you can tell, we have been making moves and the team has start to build. So I will adjust that form I’ll adjust the form for what things are still being added and I’ll try to share updates on Twitter if you’re not already following on Twitter, if you haven’t guessed by now, I use it a lot for all kinds of stuff, so Follow over there, okay, can I be in the intro or outro of this video yeah yeah? Actually, you can, you can be in the outro thanks for watching peace. .