iPhone 12 Mini / iPhone 12 Pro Max: Road Trip Review

iPhone 12 Mini / iPhone 12 Pro Max: Road Trip Review

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “iPhone 12 Mini / iPhone 12 Pro Max: Road Trip Review”.
[, Michael ], A portion of this video is sponsored by sellcell.com.. The middle of the road is where most folks find their mobile phone ideal, but me I tend to track toward the extremes. Last time I waded into the waters of Apple’s iOS. It was to test the iPhone 12 Pro cameras in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. And today, I’m taking its cousins, the Mini and the Max to experience the very Mr. Mobile mood of Mystic Connecticut., I’m Michael Fisher and I’m happy to have you along for Mr. Mobile’s latest road trip. Review. ( upbeat music ) Realize I kind of started this series without properly announcing it..

So why a road trip review Well, as you may have noticed, I’ve been spending a lot of time with theUnlockr David Cogan and his real world test format has been frankly inspiring.. After so much time spent at home this year, it’s so refreshing to use mobile phones in their intended context on the go., It’s more fun for me to shoot. I hope it’s more fun for you to watch Salty Crew. And I think, there’s a lot of value in just presenting you with the unedited footage from these phone cameras and letting you to an extent draw your own conclusions..

iPhone 12 Mini / iPhone 12 Pro Max: Road Trip Review

I know you’re thinking it at least. I hope you’re thinking it. So I’ll, just put it out there now.

Yeah. This is probably gon na, be my last long distance road trip review for a little while at least until we get our COVID numbers back under control here in the States.. Just so, you know how we handled this one we’ve stuck to our pod, with David Cogan, Andrew Markonik and myself.

iPhone 12 Mini / iPhone 12 Pro Max: Road Trip Review

We only dined outdoors, we wore masks when we were around other folks. We were as safe as possible. And still I think my next few road trip reviews will likely stay local around New York, City., We’ll see.. Before we get to the trip itself. I wan na talk about some of my early impressions from using the iPhone 12 Mini and 12 Pro Max for six days or so.. As with the 12 Pro, I’m so glad Apple resurrected the slab-sided design cues from the old iPhone 4., And I have no regrets about my color choices. Either. Sure the gleaming trim on the big guy is ostentatious., But folks this ain’t called the Max for nothing.. Just like with last year’s 11 Pro Max in exchange for its ponderous pocket print, you get a lot more screen space and a lot more endurance. And there’s an added bonus for the Max this year, a camera with substantially better specs.. But if we’re honest, it’s the blue, that’s closer to my personal vibe. And you know same goes for this phone.

iPhone 12 Mini / iPhone 12 Pro Max: Road Trip Review

As a mostly Android user. It’S been a long time since an iPhone prompted genuine affection. And it turns out all it took – was hitting an iPhone 12 with a shrink ray to melt my cold robot heart..

You know small phones have become so rare and this one doesn’t make nearly as many compromises as the 2020 iPhone SE.. The screen is large enough to keep typing comfortable while at the same time the shrunken frame makes it easy to reach those buttons and browser boxes up where iOS continues to insist on placing them at the top., And when I pocket the 135 gram Mini. I’M not exaggerating when I say I usually forget it’s there.

It’s remarkably satisfying to have this much power in such a small package.. Now, that’s not to say I don’t have my problems with these models, some of which I ran into weirdly soon after our mystic adventure. Began., But this is a road trip review. After all, so let’s say we finally hit that road..

I was going to use the extra time that I didn’t know that I had. Mmhm. When I was in there when you were coming here to write up an outline for this. So I would know what I was saying on camera when doing a lot more sequential stuff, But I didn’t do that., Yeah, (, laughs, ), So we’ll see how it goes.

Here for it., Yeah., (, upbeat, music, ), (, laughs, ), (, upbeat, music, ), Four and A half hours of sleep., Let’s go, find some ( mumbles ) (, upbeat music, ), [, Mark ], It’s literally him cheating on his wife. No and his wife, cheating on him., [, Mark ] And then cheating on his wife. At the same time. [ Mark ] And then his wife is cheating on him., Then they find each other again and then it’s great. [ Mark ], Okay, we’re gon na have to wind that up. Very well.

How are you [ Mark, ], (, laughs, ), (, mumbles, ), (, upbeat, music, ), Okay, I’ll get to my critiques in a minute, but first a few camera thoughts based on the footage you just saw.. As always, the iPhones are just fantastic for video with 4k shooting at 60 frames, a second, no overheating problems, quick autofocus and forgiving auto exposure., All of it added on top of excellent stabilization.. You probably noticed I spent most of my time using the Max, and one of the reasons is because its camera is the best in the iPhone 12 lineup., Unlike the Mini in 12 basic. It uses a dedicated telephoto camera and the zoom action when you toggle that crop is smooth enough, that you don’t need to do anything to finesse it in editing, which is great..

Even the selfie shooter does well in its intended role., Even though, as always, I would prefer a wider angle lens.. I can’t wait until I ding this on a telephone pole, bink (, laughs, ), It’s the selfie camera by the way, the selfie camera maximum style. With a stick., Basically shooting this into the sun. Yeah still got faces., But some of my criticisms from my cheesesteak odyssey with the iPhone 12 Pro persist, here. By maxing out or just two and a half times zoom. The telephoto camera on the max barely justifies its existence when compared with the truly useful 5x and even 10x optical zoom cameras we’re starting to see on competing phones.

And the iPhone seems particularly vulnerable to what I gather. Our internal reflections on its lenses, resulting in some lens flare and artifacts in low light. And I’m sorry. I know people still apparently like this pseudo portrait mode stuff., But six years after we first saw this kind of fakery on the One M8 from HTC RIP.

Half these portraits still look like one of those late’90s video games with an animated character kind of pasted onto a backdrop.. The lounge is closed at the moment and Titanic adventure at a time. Look it up great game. Pushing up roses has a great video on it.. Now, to be fair, Google’s Pixel 5 didn’t do much better in portrait mode, witness my eyeball bleeding onto the backdrop here., But when it came to standard photo side by sides just like in Philly, the two phones went shot for shot. Even after sunset, which has long Been a Pixel’s strong point: Apple has really caught up here and it deserves credit for that..

Broadly speaking, the iPhone will still generate less digital noise or grain, while the pixel will often preserve more dynamic range., But ultimately, the differences in still shots are sometimes just a fluke.. You won’t get shanked for saying one is better than the other. That is what I’m saying. I mean you could be forgiven for shackling yourself to either one. All right enough with the anchor puns before I get shocked. ( air whooshing ) More of my moans about the iPhone 12 Max and many in a moment..

But if you’re already sold on one well, today’s sponsor will make sure you get either for the best price.. If you’re thinking of trading in your old phone to help finance the iPhone Mini. It’S a good strategy., But don’t make the mistake of thinking Apple or your carrier are the only places you can go.. This video is sponsored by sellcell.com, which isn’t just another used phone marketplace.

See when you’re punching your old devices details at sellcell.com. It compares buyback prices from over 40 mobile tech trading companies.. That means two things. One.

You save a lot of time, you’d, otherwise have spent cross shopping. And two you’re guaranteed to always get the most cash for your old electronics., In fact, they’re. So serious about that promise that if you find a higher price anywhere else, sellcell.com will pay you double the difference.. Don’T settle for less than your old devices are truly worth hit. The link in the description and get the most for your trading today. Thanks to sellcell.com. For sponsoring this video., Now here’s where the phones become a little less mystical a little more maddening.. It wasn’t just the camera that caused me to favor the Max. The Mini’s battery is so small that usually I ended up having to charge it before the day was out. And when you do it’s small footprint, does it few favors., As my friend Lori Gill points out at iMore, the phone won’t work with stand up. Chi chargers designed for bigger phones., At least it won’t consistently.

And even on the live flat ones. The coil target seems to be small enough that two nights in a row now I’ve placed it gotten the charging confirmation and yet still woke up to a dead battery.. There’S also the matter of face Id still being a royal pain in the rear in an age of face. Masks., Thanks to Google once again for bringing back the fingerprint scanner for the Pixel 5.

And as awesome as Apple’s Cloud based restore tool can be when you’re in a hurry to set up a new iPhone from a backup. You better remember to disable iCloud Photo sync. If you don’t want your phone to run out of storage on day one as both of mine did., I have more to share on the iPhone 12 family as a whole, iOS 14 and the accessories that support them. So subscribe to the Mr. Mobile on YouTube.

So you don’t miss one more iPhone 12 series: video wrapping up those loose ends. Check out that cheesesteak heavy iPhone 12 Pro road trip review. If you haven’t already – and let me know in the comments, if there’s something specific you’d like me to address in my final iPhone 12 video., A couple big thanks – have to go around here.. This video was produced with the assistance of Andrew Martonik, who reviewed the iPhone 12 Pro Max for Digital Trends.

And also David Cogen, whose real world test series inspired. The road trip review. Check him out @ theUnlockr to see our mystic adventure from another perspective. And one last shout out. Steve Litchfield has been comparing new phone cameras to those of a five year old Windows Phone and his findings. This time around might surprise, you.

I’ll link his article down below. Apple, didn’t provide compensation for this review. Folks.. The devices you see in this article are retail units purchased by my parent company. And, as always, the manufacturer was not granted copy approval or an early look at this video. They’re, seeing it for the first time right alongside you.

Until next time. Thanks for watching and if you can’t stay home, then stay safe as you stay mobile, my friends .