iPhone 12 in 2020!

iPhone 12 in 2020!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “iPhone 12 in 2020!”.
Yeah this is me, excited and I’ve compiled all the leaks and Tim Cook, and I approve this message. They steal our ideas that was a sneak peek at the all new Google pixel buds gimmicks. Stealing your data. The reason the price is so low is you’re actually giving up all of your personal data. Don’T be a green bubble, choose Apple in 2020, because, unlike them, we mostly deliver on what we promise with us.

You know everyone will like you better, and your new piece of aluminum will help you be successful at Apple. We have your best interests at heart. Always be here. Remember, vote Apple 2020.

You know you want to people are by our trillions in the Android might be better, but we’re just hoping you don’t get this far. Please just shoot us man. Politics is getting ahead control. So when it comes to Apple, you can count on pretty much two things.

Every year, there’s gon na be at least one new iPhone and Tim Cook is gon na walk out on stage to announce it. Anything else in between is a total wild guess, but we live in a wonderful golden age of rumor mongering and leaks and I’ve sort of compiled all the leaks and things that seem realistic. As all my own expectations for what 2020 is gon na have in store for Apple – and I think I might actually get some surprises this year by the way when we hit 1.7 million salvager gon na be doing a dream phone giveaway to win whatever phone. Are your dreams you want all you got it enter is just subscribe for notifications on and we’ll hit 1.7 we’ll pick a lucky winner. So you know it’s better than 3i phones in 2019 for iPhones in 2020. So right now I obviously have one version of the iPhone 11 and then the 11pro and oven pro max.

iPhone 12 in 2020!

The 12 will be get two versions and then you’ll have four the 12 pro the regular and the max version. Oh, that’s gon na stay for the pros and then LCD is going to stay for the 12. Obviously, screen sizes are gon na change, so for the 12 we’re gon na get a smaller one. This generation will have five point four inch and a 6.1 inch LCD.

The 6.1 inch is the same size as the current iPhone 11 and size are gon na get a little bit different on the pro as well, which would say, get a 6.1 inch version of the pro. So the regular pro is gon na get larger and then the 6.5 inch version for the pro max that size will stay the same when it comes to design we’re gon na go with the iPhone 4. Remember that phone glass on the top glass on the bottom metal band L around this – we should go back to that with the metal bands and glass, so hardware, big design change.

I think that’s always nice to see then we’ll probably see that design for the next three years, so things like face ID are still gon na, be there. It’S still gon na have a notch. Gon na be a little bit smaller.

It’S not going behind the screen. Anytime, soon, processor, so there’s obviously be one. A better will be getting the a 14 in this generation to go along with iOS 14. Camera should certainly be an improvement, inspect the megapixel change.

iPhone 12 in 2020!

We should get an extra sensor for time-of-flight on and board. We have 111 Pro it when the big changes was the green color, it looks like apples could introduce a new color. Seemingly every year, navy blue should be on board. The renders are to be believed.

It looks pretty cool and I think at this point intrude Apple form like, but ain’t broke, don’t fix. The iPhones are cash-cow, not gon na. Do something crazy at this point and sort of risk that gigantic revenue stream we’re still gon na have lightning port on they’re? Not going to USB C or even port’less, quite yet, no giant surprises just small improvements over package. That’S already been working pretty well also suppose it coming this year, a sequel to the iPhone se.

iPhone 12 in 2020!

So if you loved the iPhone 8 design but liked the iPhone 11 specs, you are going to be happy, so no face ID, but the last generation of touch ID and pretty powerful processor in there with the a13. It’S probably pretty good compromise people to make that get the updated, specs, maybe a bit of an outdated design, but a price point coming in around $ 400, a semi Apple doesn’t give an entry-level storage of like 32 gigs, so Apple obviously does a lot of things Right, it’s topic that generally like to cover, but they are far from perks and a lot of things they could do to improve in 2020 in any year and, let’s start with price. Certainly the prices are very high and most product categories are in. They are in the top tier and a lot of people. I think that would willingly and happily use Apple products update their Apple products.

The price point just came down a lot of other things that could be improved entry level. Storage for iPhone should in no world be 64 gigs bring 128 gigs back. Make that be the starting price point towards the end of 2019. It seemed like Apple started to listen to consumer wants more than have in the past. I love to that continue in 2020.

I think when the amazing things about Android with manufacturers are doing that a lot of them are developing their products out in the open, essentially releasing developer gear, people can buy. Look at the galaxy fold. You’Ve got Motorola and sim Center, I’m doing with the flip. These foldable devices are maybe not mass consumer ready, but they are out there and they’re getting feedback, fixing it and making the next version, presumably better love to see Apple, bring some of these products out to the market.

Try new things whether it’s a foldable, whether it’s a are glasses whatever product they’ve got. That’S close, they’re skunkworks call it a developer edition that people try it. That would be a very admittedly anti Apple thing to do, and it could be very interesting to see that process and sort of help shape what a future gen 2 and Gen 3 product could eventually look like Apple talks, a lot about the iPad pro iPad, OS Being a new thing and the iPad free replacement for your computer, but that iPad pro came out in 2018 and in like tech age, it’s like in its mid to late 50s. It’S due for an upgrade. We thought were gon na, get that in 2019 Apple and I think smartly sat it out and focus on software, but I don’t think they can buy another year of the current hardware, so iPad at 2020 is going to be tiny little update. So a 14x.

The things you’d expect design wise should stay almost identical cameras. Gon na get a bit difference. Gon na go for the square camera sensor, similar what we have in the iPhone 11pro conflicting reports.

It’S gon na go sort of the third sensor and the pro are the two sensors that we’ve got in the 11. But what I’m more excited about – and this is kind of weird for Apple – is – is not the setting on the hardware and sure faster it’ll be better, but 2018 iPad pro is still really good. I’M excited to see the next iteration of iPad OS, so the first generation was saying this is a new operating system. That’S going to be for the iPad. What’S the evolution of that Apple will set themselves off on a path with iPad OS? I want to see what that first step is.

Is it better multitasking as a better file applications? What are they gon na do to make that iPad experience more closely related to what you get on a Mac and if Apple has done anything over the past, they haven’t been afraid to cannibalize themselves the iPhone killed. The iPod Apple sort of mindset has been if you’re any one’s gon na kill your product line. Let it be you so, let’s see if the iPad, it gets one step closer to kill on the Mac line and before I go on to the next list. I do want to thank this video sponsor or veteran aider, so everybody loves free.

But if you like free – and you also want to get into vector design dr.nader has you covered, it is probably the premier free vector, design, graphic software and the best part is the code base, is all unified across Apple, so there are apps for iOS apps. For your iPad and apps for Mac OS and the features are exactly the same across all of them: you’re not getting sort of watered-down version on your iPad that you wouldn’t get on your laptop. So with veteran ad or getting a flexible workflow and crazy powerful tools.

You can create different types of designs, all inside of one software, so you’ve got pretty awesome features here. You’Ve got artboards, auto, trace and boolean operations. You’Ve got the killer idea for some sort of design. You’Ve been working on, get back to nadir, shot link to it down below it’s free, so not gon na cost anything to give it a whirl. So I mention that Apple is like taking baby steps to maybe making the Mac line not relevant anymore.

The 2019 was a really good year for the Mac, you might say, was the year that Apple did what should have done years ago. They fix problems and they updated things that needed update. So we got the 16 inch MacBook Pro with the new keyboard and everybody was happy and it was awesome. It was faster and great-souled.

That’S old news. We finally got an update to the Mac Pro and it’s an absolute beast and it’s kind of a people were expecting quasi modularity performance at amazing ly, high prices, but the other consumer products haven’t been touched, a really long time. Let’S talk iMac that design language essentially started in 2012. Eight years ago your brother wasn’t even born when that iMac first came out.

It needs an update. Now, there’s been some patent designs that have come out and Apple. Does these all the time they never actually make it to product of single sheet of glass curves around? It’S got a keyboard on the bottom. It looks awesome.

The iMac gesh bleeds a redesigned. Of course. It’S bigger, more powerful, expensive brother, the iMac pro make it space grey is only putting a new coat of paint on an old design, so update that, don’t just make it gold and call it the iMac Pro pro and charge more for it for the accessories. The iMac, my Mac Pro our computers for a lot of people, they’re great for editing, they’re great for students, they’re, really powerful machines.

They did a design to match it and I think 20, 2005 gon na get that the 15-inch MacBook Pro got the 16 inch macbook pro treatment when i got updated without lonely, 13 inch MacBook Pro still sitting there with its butterfly keyboard and chunky, bezels and busted Design – and I would imagine that weird really gets the 14 inch version of that this year and the 13 inch will go away, looking pretty much identical, except for two inches smaller, it’s big brother. Obviously, the things you’d expect will be in there. The redesigned keyboard also love to see a 14 inch MacBook Pro that dedicated GPU. I think that would probably be the most perfect editing mobile editing machine for folks who are in this line of work and people who just want more portable power.

That would be amazing. It’S not based on a rumor that just based on like a John want. I think that would be an absolutely awesome addition and make that 14 inch MacBook Pro and even better by Apple one. Three six, we know: what’s coming, it’s not gon na go round. Its gon na have the same design. We should have better battery life and better IP ratings or better water resistance. Those are the rumors that have been pretty consistent and sticking around, but I think we might see that’s new is on the health side, there’s rumors of sleep tracking first party, built-in to the Apple watch for a while. There are apps you can download third-party stuff that give you some information built directly into the watch, the sensors to track sleep, and somebody who is talked pretty openly about having sleep issues.

I’D be very excited and welcome. To have that. I think we saw Apple. Take huge steps forward on the wearable side, with having the ECG built into the watch. There’S been some rumors somehow doing glucose monitoring for folks with diabetes a little bit tricky because you got actually have a flood to do that. But a way to maybe do it through the skin, taking health to a next level, it’s kind of been where Apple watch has found their niche, so anything else they can do to improve the functionality of the Apple watch. I think is tremendous and talked about in the past, but I have heart disease in my family. My dad has had bypass surgeries, so he uses his Apple watch to monitor his heart, make sure he’s not in a fib and I’ve, seen firsthand sort of the real-world use of that technology and seeing how it can impact a real person adding more features that could Help folks that are suffering from other ailments, I think it’s amazing, regardless of where you fall on iOS or Android, the more options people have to monitor their health.

I think the better I’ve talked about Apple TV, a lot and I’m gon na leave it alone a little bit. So the current generation Apple TV 4k has the a 10x and we’re on the 813. So, there’s a lot a is in between to get that processor update that maybe we could make things like Apple arcade, a bit more competitive and there’s been rumors swirling for a while about Apple may be releasing some sort of Apple TV stick. I think that would still be awesome to have if you don’t have room to plug in the whole box, just want to plug directly into your HDMI port I’ll, be pretty happy to see that let’s make it stick happen and there’s a big category and I’m I’m Gon na affectionately call it the others things that don’t exist yet there rumored in apple’s world, so we saw airpower, get announced and then fizzle out, but there are rumors, a wireless charging pad is going to be coming back and maybe they call it air power.

I think it’s a huge missed opportunity if Apple doesn’t call it apple juice. Also, there was rumors of sort of tie, less tack tags the circles. We even saw them kind of show up in some iOS betas with their interface. It’S got ta look like.

We should certainly see that in 2020 those are rumored to come out for holidays of 2019 other things over the ear. Headphones Apple obviously makes beats, but sort of air pod and branded that would go over your ear. That’Ll probably do exactly what the beats do, but they’ll be white and we’ll probably all buy em in droves. So that’s Apple 2020, I’m gon na set in a nutshell, in an apple core, a lot of awesome stuff to look forward to a lot of things that will probably be controversial and maybe plugged with issues and people will debate it. But certainly if they’re Apple are probably going to sell a lot of them, I persecuted see what Apple does with the iMac. I think it’s really it’s ripe for that redesign.

We saw the Mac Pro a suit Apple. Does, with the more consumer level desktop in 2020. .