iPhone 11 Final Review

iPhone 11 Final Review

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “iPhone 11 Final Review”.
Thank you to juwin for sponsoring this video don’t buy the iphone 11 right now. The iphone 11 is really the iphone for everybody. When apple split, the iphone 11 line this year between the 11 and the 11 pro, it would have been easy for apple to take their lower end phone, the iphone 11 and hinder it, but apple didn’t, and they kept the price point well under a thousand dollars. Making the iphone 11 again the iphone for everybody all right so now that we’re coming up on a year with the iphone 11, i wanted to look back a final review of the iphone 11 and sort of share the experiences that i’ve had with it. The good and the bad, i think, most importantly, if i could still recommend it design of the iphone 11, i think, is where it started to show its age over the past 10 11 months.

It’S not that it’s a bad design, just kind of a forgettable one, and when you look at the phones that have come out since the iphone 11, i think it especially looks a bit dated not a deal breaker, not a giant issue. I imagine the next generation of the iphone 11. You know whatever they decide to call that the iphone 12 will have that different, look and feel that’ll make it. You know, keep pace with the devices that have come out over the past year. I think when you look at the iphone 11, if they’re at least on paper, one sticking point one thing you could say that could take away from the phone.

iPhone 11 Final Review

It’S clearly the screen right. It’S an lcd screen in a world of high refresh oleds and much like 120 hertz screen looks beautiful to your eye when you first use it you get used to it eventually. That high refresh tends to fade into the background, and i do think that’s the same thing with the lcd screen on the iphone 11 and i’m by no means making excuses for that.

I think at this price point in this day and age screen needs to be higher resolution. They need a higher refresh rate, i’m a broken record of what apple needs to do with their displays. But all of that aside, it is still a really good display.

The iphone 11 is actually the phone that i got my wife when it first came out, so i went and talked to her about her experiences with the phone and she knows very little or has very little interest in screen technology and to her eye who uses The phone day in and day out, ever since the launch day she loved the screen had no idea didn’t have a high resolution didn’t know what a refresh rate was. So are people that are just looking for a good display. The iphone 11 still delivers.

So while the screen is sort of the one thing that jumps out on a spec list of something that’s a negative on the phone, the flip side of that, what jumps out is the a13 processor. It’S the same processor, that’s in the much more expensive iphone. 11.

Pro and iphone 11 pro max – and that was a big move for apple – to put that flagship processor now, like you’d, expect with the iphone 11 and phone. That’S not even a year old, it’s a beast, it benchmarks. Well, it performs well, no matter what i’m doing.

iPhone 11 Final Review

The phone has always been fast. I have never experienced stutter i’ve never experienced slow down. The phone is just a beast when it comes to performance as fast as it’s much more expensive, big brothers.

iPhone 11 Final Review

Now. Certainly, software is part of that right. Ios 13, which like did not come out of the gate that well it had bugs.

There were issues that eventually got squashed, but i don’t think ios 13 is going to earn the gold ribbon of apple os, build and because it’s an iphone, obviously you’ll get ios. 14 and you’ll get software updates for three to four years, which really puts apple in unmatched territory. So when the iphone 11 came out, i don’t think anybody cared at all about missing touch id that wasn’t anything that was on anybody’s mind face id is just much better.

2020 happened and sort of smacked us all upside the head and a world of masks because it would have been nice to even have. I guess what could be an outdated technology of touch id, whether it would be an in-screen or having the physical button would have been a nicer way to unlock the phone while i’m still wearing my mask and to apple’s credit it made it a lot easier to Get to the passcode, it happens much faster. Obviously, this isn’t apple’s fault, but you look at some of the competition that offers both options now, sometimes the facial recognition that they have isn’t as secure as face id, but at least there’s biometric redundancy and sort of the other kind of flagshippy features that you’d expect Are all here things that maybe make the phone use more enjoyable, but you don’t think about on a daily basis, so wi-fi six gigabit lte all making faster data speeds, are nice to have wireless charging, something that i think a lot of people use every day in Battery life and when i was talking to my wife about her use with the iphone 11, she has hitting that phone hard that she’s never had battery issues and i think that’s true of most folks who use the iphone 11.

That’S true of my experience. It’S very easily a day phone, and if you change your use case, it can almost be a two-day phone. So that’s one of the benefits of having that lcd low resolution display that you also get better battery life. So you look at the iphone 11 pro line of phones.

You know: thousand dollar plus you’d expect those cameras at that price to be amazing, but for apple at 750, like the iphone 11, you might think they might get a little aptly and start cutting out features and performance. Those cameras uh. I was really impressed with the quality of images and video that came out of the iphone 11.. In fact, like i said, my wife uses this phone day in and day out, we view some of the pictures that she’s taken with her phone and had them printed out and blown up and hanging on her wall. That’S the best endorsement that i can give and that’s a rare use case. Most people aren’t printing out their pictures anymore, they’re mostly going to you know instagram or facebook, but the fact the quality looks so good was really been impressive. Portrait mode is awesome as good on the iphone 11 as it is on the pro and all the other flagship stuff. Smart hdr, deep fusion, uh have been really solid. Night mode is something i was really excited about with this generation of phones and honestly, it’s not been something that i’ve used that much now i don’t think night mode is as good as what google and maybe some competitors are doing, but it is still really good And a nice feature to have even it’s one that i haven’t used as much as i thought it would. The same thing could be said for video, so it’s missing out on you know 8k and higher, like some of the competition has, but dynamic range is still really good. In fact, we’ve used iphones as b-roll and sometimes aerial cameras in these videos and chances are. You haven’t even noticed the video is that good.

So the video stabilization is pretty good. It’S got ois and eis built in, but if you want that really smooth stabilization as you walk or run around you’re going to need a gimbal much like this one – and this is the zhuwin smooth x and for 60 bucks – you are getting an amazingly capable gimbal. So you might have heard of zhu in the past they make gimbals for, like a bunch of stuff uh, we’ve used and loved their crane series, for example, for our bigger cameras.

Everything they’ve learned and used for those professional level gimbals to sort of filter down to the smooth x you get that benefit without really paying any of the price. So the first thing is that it folds down to be super portable. You can throw this thing in your pocket, even in your bag. Whenever you want to take it out to get that video uh, you can do it. It’S a two axis.

Gimbal you’ve got full joystick controls, it’ll automatically switch and portrait and landscape, which i still just love to watch it do so another cool feature too: it kind of has a selfie stick type feature you can extend it out to 260 millimeters. So if you want to get a wider shot of yourself or be able to shoot up over a crowd, you’ve got that flexibility and again it’s something. That’S super duper small and compact. There’S a companion app too. That goes along with it. You’Re gon na get a bunch of features in there, you’ll get smart mode.

Probably one of the coolest features is the gesture control or the object tracking. So you can keep whatever you want in frame as you move around, so you guys may not have thought of getting a gimbal and you figure your arm out is stable enough. But for this price, what you’re getting is something that can really change the look and feel of your instagram stories of your youtube videos. It’S a really useful tool for creating more professional content without having to really know how to do anything more professional.

So if you want to check out the smooth x or learn more about or even pick one up link to it down below so yeah, the iphone 11 is a great phone. You would expect that and is performed and done everything i would have expected a phone to do over the past 10 months, which makes this next statement seem a little bit odd, don’t buy it, don’t buy the iphone 11 right now and you might think of course, There’S new phones coming, but for a lot of people. They just buy a new phone when they need a new phone and i’m not saying don’t get the iphone 11, because it’s not a good phone because what’s coming, is finally a really significant upgrade to what we have, obviously all rumors and speculation. But there’s a lot of smoke behind these rumors, which leads me to believe: there’s, probably some fire there as well, so a new design getting rid of that kind of uninspired design, similar to what we have with the flatter edges of the ipad pro to my eye That alone is enough of a reason to wait, but other things fixing the issues with the screen higher resolution coming to the iphone 12 oled coming to the iphone 12 5g coming to the iphone 12. All of these things together, presumably a phone. That’S about the same price make the iphone 11 suddenly start to seem a little bit dated, and i think, if you’re looking for something, that’s going to last you that two or three years the iphone 12 looks to be that device plus different screen sizes.

You should have a smaller one as well. If that’s your jam and apple tends to discount or generation phones too. So if you really want an iphone, 11 you’ll be able to get it in a few months, probably a few hundred dollars less. If you can’t tell i’m really excited about this generation of phones, i’m as excited for the iphone 12 line, as i was for the original iphone 10, that was a big change and we very very rarely get big changes from apple.

But it does look like this year is gon na, be one of those sort of flagship defining moments for apple, so yeah wait for the iphone 12. That should be a no-brainer and like a duh type thing, but if you do decide to get an iphone 11 now you’re still going to get a really good phone. Just because, what’s coming is going to be better, as every generation tends to be doesn’t take away from how good and capable the iphone 11 is today, .