iPad Pro. Better than Consoles.

iPad Pro. Better than Consoles.

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “iPad Pro. Better than Consoles.”.
Hello, everyone: this is a slightly different tech link because Linus is using the tackling set and we are forced to use wherever we are right now. What is this James is also very comfortable. We’Re reclining and andis gon na sit down all right here we go. Hey tell you: what have you been planning to build a gaming rig primarily to play fortnight? You might want to think twice, especially if you have an iPad pro all right.

iPad Pro. Better than Consoles.

The games latest Apple, App Store, update, means fortnight now supports 120 frames per second on the 2018 iPad pro wow. That’S some extra buttery, smooth flossing. You know the thick aunt.

iPad Pro. Better than Consoles.

Do it because I’m sitting that’s true. It’S a little more expensive do, keep in mind that there is a resolution and quality trade-off and the frame rate does dip below 120, sometimes depending on what exactly is happening on your screen. But it’s still pretty cool to see this on a tablet, especially as some platforms like the Nintendo switch. Don’T offer such an option for the more competitive among you, the higher refresh rate could offer a gameplay advantage, though I’m not sure what the Venn diagram with hardcore eSports enthusiasts and iPad pro gamers would look like, probably very small. Ah CES 2020 was a bit disappointing for those of us who expected more PlayStation, 5 news other than what the name was. But now it looks like we might be seeing a lot more of the upcoming console very soon.

Imagine a God of War developer tweeted. Last week that were less than a month out from the official reveal. Another leak also suggests we’ll be seeing it in early February, with it going on sale in October for 499, US dollars or 449 of a majesties pounds, and if the leaked that performance will be similar to the upcoming Xbox series X for 100 bucks, less is true. It might put Microsoft in a very difficult spot.

Of course, these are all just rumors for the moment, but at least it gives you something to look forward to for next month if you’re facing the prospect of spending another Valentine’s Day alone, but that doesn’t matter as long as you got a nice comfy pillow Meredith. I wish James that’s rude ah, but Tesla now they’re facing a positively massive recall in the United States, following reports like this one that the cars are suddenly speeding up without warning to the driver wow. That was a joke about something that’s kind of serious. The recall.

Could affect half a million Tesla’s, including the Model S the Model X and the model three all of them, except the cyber truck. The investigation by US authorities comes after a number of complaints involving over 120 individual vehicles, while this is quite alarming if you’ve bought an Elon Mobile. An important thing to note is that some of these complaints appear to have come from an investor who’s notorious for wanting to see Tesla’s stock fall and claims of unintended acceleration involving other vehicles. In the past, I’ve often come from user error like accidentally stepping on the gas.

I do that all the time, so maybe AI isn’t actually plotting to kill us all. Yet that’s the that’s the key modifier there. The quake fits brought to you by the mass drop x, sennheiser HD, 6 XX headphones. These cans are one of drop coms, all-time bestsellers, with over 60,000 sold they’re based on the HD 650, which delivers balanced mids and a natural sounding bass.

iPad Pro. Better than Consoles.

Community feedback LED drop, calm and Sennheiser to add a detachable six-foot cable in place of the original 10 foot 1 and the headset comes with San Heiser’s, dependable, long-term support love those guys so join a drop today at the link below I’ll have my quick bits and I’Ll have them now. Thank you. Boeing ooh looks like it’s taking another black eye on the now notorious 737 max airliner. Although it spent months trying to work out a software bug, there’s now apparently another issue with the flight control computers that keeps the plane from even taking off now, I’m no aviation expert, it seems like they should just yeah stay safe and just not take off stay On the tarmac, what Dennis we’re filming you just look? Cities like oh the mental health director of Britain’s National Health Service, is calling for the UK to follow in Belgium’s footsteps and ban loot boxes similar to other officials who have criticized this trend in gaming.

The NHS views buying loot boxes as a form of gambling. The NHS is also planning to open up more gambling clinics across the country, but I wonder how many of their visitors will come in with a loot box problem versus just having lost way too much money. Betting on the Premier League: it’s not the Premier League, the Prem.

It’S a Soccer heads a little Premier League. Have you heard of it. Football Nintendo is looking at switching up the joy Khan. Yet again, if a new pattern is to believably believed the console, gaming giant has filed a patent for a new design that incorporates a stylus into the controller and while it might not have much use for action games, it could definitely come in handy for titles.

Like Super Mario maker no word on, if or when it will be released, but I’m definitely looking forward to another small easy to lose electronics accessory. Although the Opera browser has built up a pretty solid reputation over the years, there have been reports recently that under new ownership, it has apps in the Google Play Store, offering predatory loans to users in Kenya, Nigeria and India somewhat interest rates of over 800 percent we’ve. Yet to see if the reports are true and if Google will ban the apps – and this seems like a good time to remind our wonderful viewers to stay far away from payday loans. I know it seems like a great deal, get money right now. Yeah and the FBI has seized the web site, we leaked info, which is exactly what it sounds like: a reseller of usernames and passwords stolen in data breaches. The suspected perps have also been arrested by cops in the Netherlands and Northern Ireland. Definitely a good thing as the site’s owners were selling subscription access to the stolen credentials for as low as two dollars, so don’t forget to check. Have I been pwned to make sure your private info wasn’t sold for the price of a coca-cola? Alright, that’s our show guys come back on Wednesday for more fizzy, freshing tech news and hopefully we won’t be reclining as much she’s come on see. This is the great thing about the other said no throwable weapons, it’s cold in here, .