Internet Addresses DON’T Need Dots!

Internet Addresses DON'T Need Dots!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Internet Addresses DON’T Need Dots!”.
So everybody knows that internet addresses all have dots in them, except for the ones that don’t wait. What fun fact it’s actually entirely possible for a website to exist with zero dots in its address, like these websites try typing in PN, slash or AI, slash into your web browser if it doesn’t work on your desktop, try doing it on your phone and look at That a couple of real actual web pages without a dot in sight, but why you already know that the end of a web address is typically something or dot net. These are called top level domains or tlds, no R. They help get you to the website. You want, but, as the name implies, they’re still domains, meaning they can, in theory direct you to a specific website on their own.

If you just typed in something like Com or net with nothing else attached, the most common tlds aren’t associated with specific web addresses, but there are some two-letter tlds that were originally meant to be used by folks within a specific country. So like a DOT UK TLD. If you live in London and need to make a website for your fish and chip shop, but these country code tlds can instead be used for other purposes, including mapping to specific websites on their own. Like in the examples we gave towards the beginning of this video and for you networking nerds, all you need to make a dauntless domain work is to link it to something called an address record or an a record that will use the DNS to point the dotless Domain to an actual IP address and return, you a nice shiny web page, why the heck? Isn’T this more common, I mean, wouldn’t it be easy to Simply type in a word or a brand name and immediately get their website instead of dealing with all those messy.orgs and what nots? I don’t. Even I don’t like those we’ll tell you why the internet shouldn’t work that way right after we think brilliant for sponsoring this video brilliant is a Hands-On and interactive way to learn stem topics.

They offer thousands of courses with new topics to learn each month, like their Everyday Math course, simply honing your ability to learn and think will translate into everyday aspects of Life. Brilliant Services can be used to supplement a college education or you can just use them if getting smart is a passion of yours. The first 200 people who head to techwiki, will get 20 off an annual premium subscription all the way back in 2013. I can who you can think of, as our internet overlords decided to officially ban dotless generic tlds. These are tlds not nominally tied to a specific country like the and Dot net or more recent ones like dot work or dot crypto, but they weren’t banned, because I can hate fun or convenience.

Internet Addresses DON'T Need Dots!

They had several good reasons. The first is that dollars domains actually are already in use, but they tend to be used on large internal networks that you might see inside something like a large corporation there’s. Actually a long history of users in these situations expecting a local site, not an Internet site. To show up extending this functionality to the public internet could cause a namespace collision, for example, if you expected Netgear to lead to both a private page for managing your local Network’s equipment and netgear’s official website, because you feel like buying a new router today, your poor Computer might not know how to handle that. It’S a similar issue to why the examples we gave at the beginning of the video might work on your phone, but not your PC and this fact actually highlights an even bigger problem security, because people have an expectation of trust when it comes to their local networks. It would be very easy to accidentally send sensitive data to a completely different public site that has the same dot list domain name.

Internet Addresses DON'T Need Dots!

Even aside from that specific risk. Many systems are configured in different ways to treat local addresses with more lack security, and if your PC thinks it’s talking to a dotless domain on your local private network, but is actually connected to a public domain with the same name. That opens the door to Myriad potential security, holes and comedic situations. Finally, we’d be remiss if we didn’t mention that thoughtless domains would largely break email. You see, email commonly is sent over a protocol called SMTP and SMTP simply isn’t built for dauntless domains. It can’t even understand them, so if you try to send a message to an address that looks like this you’ll just get a big fat Return to Sender in reply, so it’s really not surprising that when Google tried to make another push to normalize, doubtless domains a Few years ago icann told them to go pound sand. Google wanted to do this, so they could register tlds like app and search. So whenever users typed in these words they’d get directed to a Google owned website kind of reminds me of that time.

Subway tried to trademark the word footlong, you don’t own sandwiches, Subway, hey thanks for watching this video guys like the video, if you liked it dislike it, if you disliked it check out our other videos, comment below with videos of judges and don’t forget to subscribe and Follow for more videos like this one from techwiki, and there are some other channels out there too, tackling .