Intel’s GPUs look PRETTY GOOD!

Intel's GPUs look PRETTY GOOD!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Intel’s GPUs look PRETTY GOOD!”.
Tech news is like a box of chocolates.. You never know what you’re gon na get, but it’s usually something to do with tech., So you kinda do know. Checkmate. Intel may finally stop torturing us and release their freaking ARC. Gpu soon.

Intel's GPUs look PRETTY GOOD!

And some new leaks might indicate what kind of performance we can expect. A recent Intel slide spotted on Twitter indicates a top end, SKU with 512 execution units and 16 gigabytes of VRAM on a 512 gigabyte per second bus.. So this is going to be something fairly high performance, probably akin to something like the 3070 Ti from NVIDIA. ( chuckles ) I mean there’s, there’s a 3090. You know like Intel come on, get it together. How are you gon na make any money launching GPU’s for poors. [, Riley ] Ya? Look at NVIDIA. Going down the stack.

Intel's GPUs look PRETTY GOOD!

We see models with 384 and 256 execution units with 12 and eight gigabytes of VRAM, respectively AMD, which would probably compete with the RTX 3060 and 3050.. Keep in mind that these are laptop GPU’s we’re talking about AMD, but there will also be desktop cards on the way deep, breaths, [, Riley, ], Ya., happy thoughts., [, Riley, ] Great card Anthony, it’s gon na be okay is AMD in the room right now. I don’t know. ( Riley laughs, ) Major cryptocurrencies took an absolute beating over the weekend and into today with Bitcoin now hovering around 36,000. Us dollars was at its lowest point since July, and Ethereum was down to $ 2,400 about half of its value. From back.

Intel's GPUs look PRETTY GOOD!

In early November., But what are you gon na do Cry about it: ( chuckles ). I thought apes together, strong. (, Riley, laughs, ).

You know it’s not just one factor pushing crypto prices down either. Investors are reportedly worried about the US federal reserve. Implementing measures to reduce inflation.

They’re worried about that Holy crap. What (, Anthony laughs, ), [, Riley, ] They’ll, make lots of money. They’re, also worried about a rather steep downturn in tech stocks and the Russian government looking at banning crypto entirely, which is a significant development.

Since Russia is currently a global leader in crypto mining and nostalgia for post-world war, one totalitarian regimes – you know good old, days., [, Riley ], Oh man., (, Anthony singing in foreign language, ), [, Riley ], Wait. What Is the gigabit connection at your home or office? Just too pedestrian for you, ( Riley, chuckles ). If so AT .