Intel’s Core i7 11700K Just Sucks!

Intel's Core i7 11700K Just Sucks!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Intel’s Core i7 11700K Just Sucks!”.
What’S up tech fans glad to see you guys back here once again so check this out? Intel will soon be releasing the 11 700k here on u.s soil. Now before that even happens, though steve burke from gamers nexus has already got his hands on the cpu and the things that he’s had to say so far have been pretty harsh towards the intel camp. Now we all know that intel’s been losing ground rapidly to amd the last few years have just been a total like landslide of bad things for intel, and it just seems like this trend is continuing. In fact, he went as far as to say that this was a complete waste of sand, which is just crazy, but how did he come to that conclusion? Well, let’s talk tech. Did you just build yourself, a brand new pc, or did you just upgrade your old pc but find you’re in need of a windows? 10 key? If that’s the case, your cd key has you covered and buying it’s never been easier. All you do is go to your cde key website find the windows software that you want to buy. Put it into your cart, enter the code.

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10 key to get your unit up and running first off tech fans. I want to apologize for the audio quality. I don’t know what happened but uh.

My lovely little audio solution over here uh has completely taken a dump so uh, something that was really great and working perfect for me has totally took in a dump and i haven’t been able to get it fixed. I’Ve tried everything, so please bear with me for the audio for a couple of videos now back to the subject at hand, so first off i’ll have a link down below to the gamers nexus video. So if you guys want to watch his full-blown video on it’s about, i think almost 40 minutes long. You guys can check that out, but i’m gon na give you guys. Basically, the readers uh digest convict can condensed version. That’S what we’ll call this so steve went, and he had some friends that were in europe and they were able to acquire a retail 11700k cpu for him to bring back to the states to test now. Intel obviously, is going to probably flip bacon over that and tell me broke nda and all this other stuff, but if he bought the cpu from overseas with his own money, he can do whatever he wants with it. If you’re not taking sampling from somebody you’re not subject to any of the rules by those sampling, so the gate is wide open for him to res to review that stuff do whatever he wants.

He actually made a comment in his video as well about you know. Possibly you know um intel making comment to a zeus, so he made sure he pointed out that he bought that motherboard as well. So he can get any of this stuff sampled to him, giving him full rights to do what he wants. Now, during his video, though, he shows a lot of different testing, a lot of just different testing across the board.

I mean the testing segment alone, i think, is like 15 to 20 minutes. He ran a lot a lot of tests now during these tests, though, what we’re seeing is pretty much across the board is intel getting their butts. Kicked i mean they’re, getting their butts, kicked even by the amd 5600 and the 5950 is kicking the ass right off.

The board, the numbers in gaming, the frames per seconds difference – is just mind-boggling between the 59 50 and the 11 700k. I mean it’s staggering. We’Re not talking about a few frames per second we’re talking about a lot of frames per second, and as far as doing like video, rendering encoding all of this stuff we’re seeing the amd cpus doing it in a much shorter time.

Intel's Core i7 11700K Just Sucks!

There’S even one graph where, if you look at it, it would actually take an additional 17 hours of editing to use the intel cpu over the 5950.. Now that’s just insane because we all know in the tech business time is money, that’s just it time is money. How much time that you have to invest in whatever you’re doing has to equate to your roi at the end of the day and if you’re going to get a cpu, that’s going to be pretty pricey and is going to fail across the board. It’S just kind of like: what’s the point of this and that’s another thing is really kind of what is the point of this cpu? I mean hey that the the 100, the the 10, whatever the the previous generation. So i’m getting my words. I try to think and get everything out of my brain, but the you know the previous 107.

Intel's Core i7 11700K Just Sucks!

700. Whatever you know, it is not really that much slower than the 11 700k, so what people are really going to buy this anyways? When people see the numbers on this, it’s going to be another nail in the intel coffin. That’S just how it’s going to be intel.

Will get a nail in their freaking coffin again now intel held the reins on the entire industry for many years, and they did so by doing what i call really very incremental bumps in the road they’d have a 3.2 cpu, then they’d have a 3.4 cpu they’d Call it vanilla lake to chocolate, lake and they’d, be like oh okay. Well, you know we we gave you 0.2 more hurts you know, and a tiny bit of a boost, speed, sometimes not even a better boost, speed and that’s another thing. The boost clocks on the 11 700 just aren’t doing that well either.

So it’s not performing well in real world applications. It’S not performing good in gaming. It’S not performing that great in rendering or doing other tasks like that and the price tag on it is still, you know, a pretty decent beefy price tag.

So really you know why this cpu is even being introduced. I don’t know it seems to me like intel. Should be concentrating and trying to actually make something to compete now, even all the people who sit on intel’s board and all the people that make their money off of intel are complaining to the people at intel.

Saying: hey, you need to change what the heck is going on because they’re starting to bleed money like no tomorrow? Okay! So when the stockholders start to see that they’re bleeding money left and right, even they’re, going to get tired of intel sitting on their laurels. And that’s what intel did intel sat on their laurels for so many years that they pretty much caused their own? I don’t know landfall destruction, it’s like an avalanche has hit them and just rolled them down the hill, because they’re getting beat in every market now by amd they’re getting hit in the server market they’re getting hit in the desktop market. You know every market that there is they’re being competed with now.

This is obviously you know bad news for intel all around now, a few years back, franzwad pernode left intel. He was their main engineer and really the guy who was behind so many successful cpus in the past, but when he left the company well, he left a big wide gap of things that needed to be filled. And if you happen to follow him on twitter or instagram or anyways, you’ll see that along the line many times friends was said that you know this is really going to hit the proverbial fan even more as time goes by and we’re seeing that happen already. It’S happened very very fast, i mean, when did you ever really go and look at cpu scores on somebody’s thing and be like intel? Second, to everything i mean that’s a new place for them to be a new low for damn sure, but a new place for them to be in it. You know in a way it’s kind of sad for years i couldn’t even get my friends to take an amd system.

People would be like hey man, i want a gaming system, but i don’t want to spend a lot of money and i’d be like okay, cool dude. I got this amd system and they’d be like um. That’S all right! Man we’ll pass. Let us know when you get an intel based system.

Intel's Core i7 11700K Just Sucks!

We even gave an amd system away on the channel one time the guy complained said. Do i have to take this amd system? Well, yeah! That’S what we’re giving away, but he really complained and complained. I was like, i want one of those other intel systems. Well, we weren’t giving an intel system away, so the guy was sol, but boy was he a big whiner about it? He just did not want that amd system at all. You know, but now i’ve talked to people like: oh hey man, what’s up with amd wow we’re seeing all these numbers, so amd has really done a lot to change the market and one thing that people really don’t realize is that amd had a huge, successful marketing Campaign just with consoles think about it. The console market is huge, so even if amd lost money in every single one of those consoles consoles being in so many people’s houses around the globe makes them now a household name.

Parents, kids, who never heard of amd before, are now like. Oh what’s inside your xbox, what’s inside your playstation well amd so amd is not only you know gaining ground through the hearts and minds as people like to say, but they’re also doing it. Technological wise they’re, making better products – and this is just crazy and, as you guys can see lately even getting a hold of some of these amd processors – is getting harder and harder and harder. You want an intel cpu.

You can find them no problem. You want a really good amd cpu. You might be searching for that needle in the old proverbial haystack, especially if you just want to get an msrp, but that’s just the way things are so like i said earlier, i’ll have a link down below. If you guys want to check out steve’s video um he’s the one who inspired me for this video, so thank you very much steve for uh for the knowledge and i’ll, like i said, i’ll, have a link. So you guys want to watch this video.

You guys can go do so, it’s a lot more informative and longer. This is like, i said, the readers digest condensed version. So if you, like my style and you like, what’s up here, hey i’d love to have you subscribed here, just make sure you turn that notification bell up above otherwise, you won’t know i’m making videos whatsoever.

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Until april first, so i’m miller, you’ve been watching tekka tomorrow, thanks for hearing my rant peace out, we’ll see you guys back here for more tech. .