Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “INTEL is making NEW CONSUMER GPUs???”.
Haven’T gotten tired yet of the Nvidia versus AMD fanboy wars in every comment section everywhere? Well, that’s great, because a new challenger approaches, matt challenger, is none other than Intel who just announced that their first ever sort of discrete GPU is going to be hitting the market. Sometime in 2020, now, although Intel isn’t exactly completely new to the world of graphics processing, with their integrated GPUs having become a mainstay in pcs for a very long time and as I alluded to before, they did in fact have a discrete GPU back in 1998. This news represents a significant pivot in Intel’s business, which started late last year when Intel brought Rajat koduri on board from AMD where he was in charge of the development of their radeon GPU line. Currently we don’t have any details. No pricing, no performance, no branding. We don’t even know what color the shrouds gon na be, but what we do know is that intel is planning to roll out high-end GPUs whatever that means – and that’s not the only major shake-up today as Apple is rumored to get this actually be ditching its proprietary Lightning connector, according to a report from digi times next year’s new iPhone will probably support USBC instead of the Lightning connector that we’ve been stuck with since the release of the iPhone 5 way back in 2012. Now this isn’t confirmed – and this rumor is based on sources at the suppliers of the iPhones components.

So it could just be a a big. What’S a word for a boondoggle, a boondoggle is that it could be a boondoggle chase, but it might not be too surprising. Considering that Apple’s Mac books have featured a single USBC port and nothing else for quite some time now so fingers crossed that this rumor is true. In iOS, users won’t have to keep buying cables that are not only useless for anything except AI devices, but that break more easily than an expensive gadget. That lioness is trying not to really and although Washington DC has just dropped, it’s 2015 net neutrality protections following an FCC order. Washington State has become the first in the Union to tell a Jeep I to uh-, go PI himself like in the face with its own state level, net neutrality law taking effect earlier this week, the state of Washington was actually quite proactive on the matter.

Having passed the law around three months ago in anticipation of the new federal rules, so the protections are the usual fare of a ban on blocking or slowing down certain services, as well as making paid fast lanes unlawful for any isp providing service in Washington. More states are expected to follow suit in the near future, though the FCC will probably be taking any states that passed similar laws to court, because I guess they just really like bad press speaking of bad press. Today’S quick bytes are brought to you by US pressing tape-on.


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That was a total lie, but the swag is awesome, so check it out at the link in the video description and help support tech linked all right. So the big story in the gaming world right now is that Nintendo has finally announced Super Smash, Bros ultimate for the switch, and this is huge. It will feature every character that has ever fought in a Smash, Bros game, except while Luigi but late anyway, they’re bringing the total number of playable characters to 65.

Once the game drops on December 7th a huge number and only a little bit disappointing, because just while Luigi and three more would have been pretty nice and wouldn’t it be nice, if you could cram more memory into your laptop lenovo, certainly thinks so as they just Announced a new think pad that will feature up to 128 gigs of ram, really it’s aimed at workstation users, but it’ll also enable terrible habits like opening up hundreds of needless browser tabs, all at once, which is huh making me feel pretty warm and fuzzy right. Now. Speaking of browsers, the only way to get a Chrome extension after this year will be to install one through the official Web Store. Google is removing the ability to install extensions from elsewhere on all platforms, even in the developer options by the end of this year.

So this move is intended to help with malware prevention, but you might have to forget about that. You know homebrew, auto pirated video, downloader 9000 extension that you were cooking up in your basement just kidding. You probably boring, but McAfee recently announced that it discovered that Cortana could be a vector for those aforementioned basement hackers, as it was revealed that the digital assistant could be exploited to run malicious code from the lockscreen, though, since we know Windows, PCs, don’t exactly become impregnable.

Just by locking them, it might not be that surprising to you, but Microsoft is working on it anyway and has released a patch for the issue, so go download it to keep Cortana from spilling all of the juicy little secrets that you’ve told her. Finally, if you’re one of the lucky folks who owns an autonomous car, please push, please make sure you’re still paying attention. Tesla is updating its autopilot system to nag drivers even more often who aren’t holding the steering wheel after a number of accidents resulting from what Tesla described as carelessness on the part of drivers. So it looks like Elon Musk is about to find out whether accident risk or annoying UX will be a bigger drag on his bottom line.


Speaking of bottom lines, that’s the bottom line for today and we’ll see you again Friday for all the news that’s fit to vomit at you in 6 minutes or less .