Intel Defies Expectations…

Intel Defies Expectations...

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Intel Defies Expectations…”.
Intel Arc battle, mage and Intel Arc Celestial are still happening. Tsmc has reported receipt. Uh have reportedly received a large number of orders to produce chips for Intel’s next-gen battle, mage gpus. This means that all three major GPU brands are now Contracting tsmc silicon. Thank you. Linus. Sorry, I was doing it subconsciously, I’m one of those people that does this like I, I tend to kind of go like this as I’m reading, along to things it drives Luke, absolutely crazy, because it does this on his screen and just like so his name just Goes all over the place and it will block words and I’m already I’m.

I already have a hard time reading, because I’m dyslexic so then not only is my brain just going like with all the words and letters and stuff, but now it’s blocking them up. So when he couldn’t read reportedly received a large he’s, he said like a large number of orders, or something like that, and I was like oh crap. I’M doing that thing again, so my options now are to stop doing it or to double down. He did in the immediate the immediate reaction was he moved his mouth somewhere else and then I saw it pause there for a second I was like he’s coming back then. He just starts bouncing all over the place, and I was like, oh my goodness, but really this was the right thing to do. This was the kind thing to do because now, instead of letting them believe that you think they got a large number of orders, I mean from who obviously only from Intel. You know now. I can explain why you tripped over that, so I actually did you a kindness wow.

Thank you. You’Re welcome, yeah anyways uh. All three major GPU brands are now Contracting tsmc silicon for their gpus, but it also means that Intel hasn’t give up given up on a second generation of graphics cards that wasn’t previously reported huh. I said that one wasn’t me: what one was it hasn’t give up. Did I say that my bad hasn’t given up on a second generation of graphics cards, as was previously reported by you know somebody by some people, uh yeah buy some buy some more. This is why and there’s no point, singling out anybody yeah, but this is why we tend to not really report rumor as not as big of a fan, a thing.

Intel Defies Expectations...

That’S gon na happen, yeah, my my tendency is like we’ll we’ll occasionally say: okay yeah this. This is leaked, or this is this looks like it could be shaping up to something, but there are. There are certain Outlets that have a tendency to report these things as um on the spectrum of fact and fiction, a lot closer to fact and uh we’re just kind of of the mind like uh, we’ll review it when it gets here, because unless it’s something that You can buy, there’s not really a whole lot that matters that we can say about it right now, but it looks like if these again I mean this is a rumor, but industry, rumors of of large orders being placed don’t come from, don’t come from nowhere, whereas Rumors of um, you know this: entire division is going to be shut down, can come from just you know, people’s anxiety or whatever else, but orders are orders, and if this order went through it looks like Intel is gon na stay the course and battle mage and Celestial are going to come in 2024 and 2026 respectively and hopefully do something about the way that Nvidia is just dictating the pricing of gpus. It’S it’s surprising to me because for a while, I felt like they did see consoles as a a threat and like I felt like that, was what they were attacking with 30 series.

Intel Defies Expectations...

But now it feels like they’re, just kind of sitting there going they’ll pay and if they won’t pay today, then they’ll pay in a generation or two when our like mainstream entry-level GPU is on par with these consoles anyway yeah and it’s they’re just like they’re playing This this waiting game uh, where eventually they will produce something at a price and performance level that is attractive enough for you to upgrade. I the Intel cards, though like when we did our challenge. It was pretty okay for a first attempt, yeah, it wasn’t perfect, but it’s a first gen product and that’s you’re always going to have some problems.

Intel Defies Expectations...

It got way better over time. Those driver upgrades were big and a lot of the issues that I had at least are solvable 100 percent so like. If they, if they keep the path it could, it could be.

I have absolutely not lost faith in Intel gpus. I think their biggest problem right now is just that they need resizable bar in order to perform anywhere near half decent yeah. It’S a little wacky and the positioning of a750 and a770 would make it perfect for, like 69 gaming, PC upgrades, you know buying an office tower off of eBay and turning it into a cheap game. None of those are going to support rebar yep. So it’s like.

It’S the perfect product for for a hypothetical customer that doesn’t exist right, yeah, yeah and it’s frustrating, but down the line yeah. Maybe it shifts a little bit. Yeah we’ve we’ve before we even tried them before they were actual cards that people could even use. We had already been saying that the ones to be more excited for was battle, mage and celestial, and then we tried it and we were like yeah kind of what we said before. We’Ve always we’ve had this joke for, like actually the greater part of 10 years about how we should have we ever done it. We should just do a GPU review before the GPU comes out. Yeah yeah you! No! That literally was a suggestion that Luke made.

I think about nine years ago: yeah. I think you pitched it as an April fools, maybe where we upload a review of a GPU just completely straight face yeah graphs and everything just based on like okay, we know they’re gon na Jack the price by 50 to 100. We know they over overstate the performance by a little bit, Yeah stuff, like that yeah we like invent a couple of like kind of cool Technologies or something that seem kind of feasible. I got ta say fact has become Stranger Than Fiction like I don’t think you can’t trust videos or photos. We wouldn’t. No.

I I mean in terms of like GPU features: oh yeah back then would I have would I have come up with frame gen or like even Ansel, probably not yeah right or like uh, oh shoot? What’S the uh remix? What’S the one where you can take older games and and oh add, new assets, I can’t remember, I think it’s remix I I wouldn’t I wouldn’t have even made. I would have even invented that um. So it’s all it’s all really cool stuff. It’S just.

I can think of things right now. I think from a purely performance standpoint. We probably wouldn’t be that far off yeah.

I don’t know if I was cynical enough to think it could go this bad. That’S the only thing that I think would keep us from being. Very very accurate yeah. I just like, I think, a lot of our predictions on how this Intel GPU thing was gon na go was like actually pretty good yeah. I don’t know the thing about predictive content is there’s gon na, be a number of people that are gon na just be super mad about it, and it’s all it has.

It has all the exact same problems as rumors, which is why we’ve never done it. Well, no, we have done it. I don’t know if you remember this, I’m not sure if you were really on the content side anymore at this point, but we did a review of an upcoming, really exciting entry-level CPU by taking the mid tier or the high-end one, or something like that. Oh and just like artificially limiting it in the Bios, we disabled, the cores, we set the turbos and we were like here’s our preview pre-reviewed.

Well, I think of it, and people were so mad and the best part is that once the real product came out and we were like spot on bang on yeah, you still shouldn’t have done that like okay, but we, but we were very clear about what we Were doing it wasn’t, just it wasn’t just Rumor Mill random guessing it was an educated guess and it was interesting, I’m sure you’re aware of this, but I’m not necessarily sure that they are, and I don’t think we did this. But I know back in the day that Publications would do official reviews of CPUs. That way, I know that like toms used to take engineering samples and do reviews early like that, but I don’t know of anyone doing that. I remember reports of sites chopping off cores and stuff to represent lower end CPUs, that they were not able to get their hands on because they would have had to like buy it or whatever. This totally that’s hilarious. It’S a long time ago, I don’t remember very very long time ago, over 10 years type of stuff, but I remember that happening um. That’S awesome, brutal um anyway, in summary, Intel Arc battle, mage sounds good and I’m excited I’m actually very happy about that, because I I ended the Intel thing, like kind of frustrated about some of the problems that I had, but very hopeful for the future and a Bunch of people were saying like oh no they’re not going to do it, so I’m happy that they are going to do it. Yeah confirmed, confirmed Intel. Gpu division is going away yeah. No, I don’t think so. Most of what Intel has shut down in their restructuring has been um less promising Technologies.
