Intel Arc A770 – 1440p Ultrawide Gaming Benchmark – World of Warships

Intel Arc A770 - 1440p Ultrawide Gaming Benchmark - World of Warships

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Intel Arc A770 – 1440p Ultrawide Gaming Benchmark – World of Warships”.
Hello and welcome to Rogue tech gaming. This is World of Warships, a game I have not shown here in a while – or at least I haven’t shown very much of – I think there was one or two videos this year, but this video is not about World of Warships, not really it’s about the new Intel Ark a770 card, which, if you look in the upper leand corner, you can see the real-time performance numbers up there. Now we are using 100 % of this graphics card to play this game at 1440p. Ultrawide very high detail: note we are not at high. We are not at maximum. We are at very high detail, which is just one notch below maximum you can see.

The performance is excellent. We are running at about 100 frames per second without any issues whatsoever. The 1 % low is a little bit lower, but these kind of online games typically tend to bounce around in terms of the 1 % lows as server lag and other things happen, it is what it is, but the performance is spectacular, regardless of the fact that The 1 % low is down to 66. This is eminently controllable and eminently playable in all respects notice.

The CPU usage isn’t too high. This game does not demand massive CPU power. Frankly, an i5 10400 would play this game just fine.

It might be a little bit slower on the frame rate because you wouldn’t be running at 5 GHz like we are on the i91 900k you be running at 4, 4.2 or whatever it runs at, but you would still be getting a very, very good performance. Now. I just posted the other day a video comparing the RTX 390 versus The Ark a770.

I will not be doing that here, we’re getting amazing performance. Well, we were. We just dropped down to 50 because I zoomed in it’s interesting when you’re, just looking at your ship sailing along the performance is great when you zoom in it falls apart.

It’S you know, but just it’s it does what it does, but it’s fine, I’m not going to be showing you a 3090 because what’s the point it it would run faster, but it really wouldn’t make a difference. This kind of game wouldn’t matter. This is more about how $ 350 graphics cards will play a variety of games very, very well, even at 1440p ultrawide without any issue – and this is a direct X11 game now to be clear because it’s a direct X11 game, we could in theory be going fast. The Intel Arc a770 does have problems on Direct x, 10 and direct X1 games because it doesn’t really do them in Hardware.

Intel Arc A770 - 1440p Ultrawide Gaming Benchmark - World of Warships

It’S got a software translation layer, Intel decided to focus on the next generation of graphics and because they were starting with a clean sheet. They didn’t really go back and build a hardware engine for the older uh, DirectX versions, DirectX 10, 11, 9, Etc. So in some games, it’s truly bad in this one. It’S not too bad Grand Theft, Auto 5 also wasn’t so bad. There was a couple others of shadow of the Tomb. Raider ran okay, even in direct X1, although it did run better in direct X2.

If you want a video on that, let me know down in the comment section below cuz. I did test a couple of things in direct x, 10, uh, direct x, 11 and direct X2. Let me know if you would like to see that other games cough cough. Assassin’S Creed Syndicate are tragically awful and I’m debating about whether to post a video here on Rogue tech gaming showing games like Assassin’s Creed Syndicate, which, by the way, is a 7-year-old game that came out in 2015.

So clearly, it should run just fine on of 2022 $ 350 graphics card, spoiler alert. It does not. Let me know if you’d like a video on that.

So I said this video is not really about World of Warships and it isn’t. But since I am a World of Warships, Community contributor and since it would be unfair to not say something about the game, I will say this World of Warships is a freeo play World War I and World War II Naval. It used to be a surface Naval, Combat simulator, except now they have submarines and aircraft carriers, but it’s mostly a surface Naval actually arcade game. It’S kind of a weird hybrid between an arcade game and a simulator. The ships are not simulated accurately, except they are with Liberties. So here’s the thing with the game: the ships themselves are modeled, really well uh, the armor modeling the angling, the shell penetrations there’s a serious attempt to have an actual mechanic system of shells and armor and overmatch and penetration and Ricochet and that’s cool. On the other hand, ships can fire their secondaries at surface ships and at aircraft at the same time, and that was not really possible with ships, especially with dual-purpose guns. To give you an example, American battleships are typically, at least at the higher tiers like in Missouri, Iowa, Etc, are equipped with 5- in dual-purpose guns, so they can fire at surface ships using those 5-in guns if they come within range great, but those 5-in guns also Compros, the primary anti-aircraft armor, there’s also 40 mm Bowers and 20 mm guns, but those are desperation, short range self-defense weapons that aren’t really very all that useful. The 5- in guns are the primary anti aircraft weapons.

You cannot fire the same 5- in gun against surface ships and aircraft. At the same time, that’s not physically possible. That’S that’s not how anything works, except in the game. Your secondaries will both shoot at surface ships and airplanes at the same time, so yeah and also the other issue, is for game balance reasons: uh Cruisers with 6 in and 8 in guns, are able to out absolutely destroy battleships using their high explosive rounds.

You could just Whittle their health away to nothing, whereas in reality they wouldn’t really do very much against the battleship and that actually happened. Uh, the Battleship Missouri, for example. Today, there are some marks on turret number two, where 8in shells from Japanese Cruisers impacted and they left small dents, which are still there in the armor of the ship.

They they don’t. They 8 in shells, don’t do anything against Battleship armor, but you know it wouldn’t be a very much fun game if your ship was impervious to everything, so they don’t do that all right enough about World of Warships. It’S fun! It’S interesting! There’S a lot to it! It’S free to play, go download it if you are interested as far as the arc card goes, I look forward to seeing where Intel goes with this.

The interesting thing about it is it’s competition to AMD and Nvidia. The downside is, it’s a first try and it’s uneven in performance. If you play directx12 games, if you play uh Vulcan games, it’s awesome. It’S great! It’S wonderful uh! I could recommend it for those no problem whatsoever. On Ghost Recon breakpoint. It was doing 1440p High detail.

Intel Arc A770 - 1440p Ultrawide Gaming Benchmark - World of Warships

75 frames per second uh 440p Ultra wide High detail. Without any I mean it’s awesome, however, when you go to DirectX 11 games, it becomes a mixed bag. Now some games that are getting active development World of Warships, for example, is an actively developed game. Shadow of the Tomb Raider is still an actively developed game.

Intel Arc A770 - 1440p Ultrawide Gaming Benchmark - World of Warships

There is actually uh support for the Intel. Oh, what do they call it? The xfs, the basically Intel’s version of dlss there’s They just added support to it. That game is continuing to get patches, so it runs reasonably well and of course, if you’ve got an Intel Arc card, you should play that game in direct X2. It makes total sense.

U the division. 2. You should play in direct X12. It’S better off! I mean you just should, but but what happens if you have a game that doesn’t have any active development that hasn’t received a patch in 4 years? Well, here’s the problem: older used cards are going to outperform this comfortably an Assassin’s Creed Syndicate.

Well, it’s Assassin’s Creed. I know it’s not perfect, but it’s a good example of a game that should run beautifully on this card and doesn’t now. I know some of you going to say.

Well, so it’s not ideal. That’S fine! Well, yeah uh! It goes beyond not ideal um. I will just say this: it’s not playable, it’s not functional. You cannot play Assassin’s Creed Syndicate on and until Arc a770. So I’m torn as to what to say about it, because we need competition.

We need people to buy these cards, so Intel makes the next generation of art cards so so they come out with something even better and so they improve. But, on the other hand, if I just spent $ 350 on a graphics card and it didn’t play older games, I’d be pissed, I would be livid. I would be like what the heck my old card played this game. This new card won’t Intel who throws the shoe.

So that’s that’s kind of the concern there now. I could sit here and ramble for the rest of this battle, but I think you guys get the point. Let me know what videos you want to see. Next, what cards you want to see this compared to do you want to see more art content? Do you want to see something else? Let me know in the comments section below.

Thank you very much for watching, and I will see all of you next time. .