Intel 9th Gen Announced!!!

Intel 9th Gen Announced!!!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Intel 9th Gen Announced!!!”.
It’S Monday, and hopefully, you’ve got some excitement to start your week. Intel certainly tried to drum up some of its own at its desktop launch event in New York this morning, as the company announced, a new lineup of desktop chips focused on gaming and content creation highlights included a new 28 core 56 thread Xeon and an updated x-series Lineup with 68 platform, PCI Express 3.0 lanes, bigger cache sizes and soldered thermal interface material to help with overclocking. The biggest news for gamers was probably the ninth gen core chips for desktop with the flagship and much rumored and leaked. I $ 9.99 hundred K featuring eight cores sixteen threads and a clock speed of five gigahertz, as well as the aforementioned soldered TI M.

Intel 9th Gen Announced!!!

Although you’ll have to wait until November and December for the x-series and Xeon parts respectively, the new core i9s can be pre-ordered today with availability and shipping on October 19th. Well, I guess we’ll have to wait for the Oh James. Isn’T here? Oh Dennis? Yes, I’m not! Oh, so am I so, as we reported in our last episode, the Windows 10 October update has come under fire after many users have claimed that the update is randomly deleting their personal files. Although Microsoft is calling the user reports isolated, they’ve decided to yank the October update and stop rolling it out, while they attempt to fix the issue and have even claimed that Microsoft support can recover those deleted files, even though everybody else can’t seem to see why that Would be possible, although losing important personal data without warning, is certainly cause for alarm just by itself. Users are also reporting that certain apps from the Windows Store, including the edge web browser no longer connect to the internet after the update was installed. We don’t know yet when the issues will be fixed, but we can only hope that the update to the update will be a little less disappointing. Another flagship phone launch is just around the corner. We’Ve already got the iPhone 10 s. The Google pixel 3 is all but certain to be announced tomorrow and now the oneplus 60 will be shown off to the world on October 30th, according to an official announcement from the company rumors about its features are currently circulating, including the ever-popular knotch, albeit one smaller Than what you’d find in a knife USBC and the ability to unlock using facial recognition? Interestingly, the phone will also have a fingerprint reader buried inside the screen.

Intel 9th Gen Announced!!!

However, oneplus will be ditching. The headphone jack so be prepared to duggle yourself thanks Apple. The oneplus 60 will probably set you back around five hundred US dollars, but more details will be forthcoming at the launch event in New York at the end of the month and now it’s time for quick bits brought to you by synergy if you’re, an IT professional Or a power user who uses two or more computers at the same time that run a different operating system on each computer like Windows, Linux or Mac OS, you could have a severe mouse and keyboard problem.

Intel 9th Gen Announced!!!

You probably have a bunch of mice and keyboards strewn across your desk, but then you forget, which mouse or keyboard goes to what and you’re just. Why is this? Why things this way synergy is a software download that combines your desktop computers together into one cohesive system, run a single keyboard and mouse across multiple computers seamlessly. So you can stop juggling mice and get back to work, click the link below to learn more.

If you’re a citizen of the land down under that’s Australia, you might find that your Apple watch is behaving as if it’s just been on the receiving end of a Kangaroos foot. As many Apple watch, fours in Australia are suffering from reboot loops after the recent daylight saving times clock adjustment, apparently because the virtual watch face can’t deal with the day. That appears to be an hour short and it’s not even clear if a fix is coming. Heads done if you’ve ever been tempted to cheat at four denied. This might be enough to dissuade you. Attackers are intentionally targeting would-be cheaters, but not as some sort of weird vigilante crusade, rather they’re, using YouTube videos to distribute what are supposedly cheats, such as aimbots, but are actually exe s that have stolen user data as well as cryptocurrency.

So remember that cheaters never win. I mean they sometimes win. No, I’m sure many of you have been looking forward to playing Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, but many users are still having issues as OB. Soft servers have been hit with several DDoS attacks.

Although Ubisoft said the problem has been dealt with, lots of users are still having connection problems, especially frustrating as it’s a single-player game that requires an internet connection. Spacex has pulled off its first ever ground landing on the u.s. west coast, with its Falcon 9 rocket landing safely in California, although this isn’t Elon Musk’s, first landing near the Pacific coast, it’s the first, that’s on good old terra firma. Instead of out on the ocean that means land, I guess this marks a nice milestone for the company, as it shows it won’t have to rely on waterborne drone ships in order to lend its craft, and in case you don’t already feel like your smartphone, has a Mind of its own, it can now crawl around your table thanks to the moby limb, robotic arm which attaches via USB and can be programmed to your heart’s content, although it can provide haptic feedback and manipulate real-world objects watching it scoot its way across your desk.

Really is delightfully unnerving. That’S it for today guys to come back on Wednesday for more tech news, that’s sure, to satisfy rather than unnerve. Hopefully that’s the goal, love you guys.

So much see you later. .