Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Innovating the silk making process with AI and other tech”.
Who are you, what did you bring to Maker Faire Rome? So we are technology now, an industry that revived this tradition of Italy with within the industry for 4.0 with our machine and that have iot a hard machine learning concept: okay, so you’re making silk? Yes, silk in the old way, but with innovation of machine learning and iot we’re using machine learning and iot. Okay, so walk me through this again, so you, you start here right. What’S this, what are we looking at here? The this is the bambox Mori, our silkworm yeah, that’s its leaves of jet, so only jet solids. Okay, do this! For 15 days to 30 days, yeah and in about four five days, it becomes this that have one kilometers of silver that has a whole kilometer. That is insane, that’s so much one wire one kilometers a whole kilometer or so okay in a special pool, and we get the single wire silica yeah, some other one to make the first kind of silica.
Okay and we use this machine. It’S called this is the old version. This one is the newest one that have iot concept like oh, no, the wire is broken, don’t worry, my phone will ring and with one of the vacation I I’m able to stop the processes and save energy. So it’ll notify you if the string breaks yes in the middle of the night or whatever, so you don’t ruin a batch, that’s fantastic and one thing of our machine is they have a lot a lot more attention about the seven volts. So it’s totally green because a renewable energy can be used to make the project, so it’s got a very low energy cost so that you can use renewable energy. That’S fantastic and the the newest Innovation is the machine learning algorithm that can decide. If the is the moment, if Jets leaves to the Sea format, because we see from seafarm eats every hour, yeah, okay, so they’re eating all the time. So now you’re learning machine you’re, using machine vision and machine learning to figure out the optimal times to feed them.
The algorithms that starts – or, if leaves so I don’t have to get up from my bed at 3am, wonderful, wonderful, so I assume a whole team of people work on this. Is there somewhere online a website where somebody could learn more about this if they wanted to yeah or our website, we have Instagram account YouTube channel, just search the consent on internet, and you can find us okay, perfect. Thank you.
So much .