In-Depth with the Raspberry Pi 2

In-Depth with the Raspberry Pi 2

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “In-Depth with the Raspberry Pi 2”.
There’S a new grass be polite, tell us about it. There is raspberry pi 2 out on second of every it’s a raspberry pi, but it’s got a quad core processor. It’S got a gigabyte of RAM, but in all of the respective it’s just the recipe box. It’S got the iOS the same to multimedia the same, and the form factors are saying now the processors that, if I’ve done what’s the difference, do you think the quad core processors can make? I think it’s going to make a big difference to anyone who wants to do image processing, so I think there are good kind of make every amenity thing.

That’S the one really benefit from an the probably benefit from the extra memory as well. The other thing I guess is that this is something that’s. It moves over the line into being a pc, so this really is now a plausible entry-level pc anything else really important to the education mission, because it improves the chances that people actually ever choose to invest.

It’S machine housed there and children are going to choose to use this between as their main computer, and then that means you’ve got the generation of kids with a main computer. That’S very, very hackable, which is kind of what we want at all yeah. So what else has changed apart from the the quad core? Is that? Is there anything else? So, apart from the quad core and the additional memory, absolutely pathak, so we’ve been very, very, very careful to keep everything else the same in the bathroom. That means almost tutorials online. I can login it’s all of our tutorials are going to work. It means, hopefully it’s going to be very smooth transition for people from raspberry pi bond.

In-Depth with the Raspberry Pi 2

To rock point: does that mean the software compatibility? Absolutely so you? Obviously this is not all 37 processor, unlike the RP six arm 11 rooms in Taiwan, so you need a new curl in New South Dakota modules, so the SD card image that that we’re releasing house house lotus on this of that and user lamp. Exactly the same, maybe talk of it slightly about the different from v6 and v7 for those that might people might not understand what the differences, okay, so all release versions of that instruction set architecture of Engineers. Rv5 was around for very long time near the bottom. Last decade, but a lot last decade, they’ve got in our v6 of the arm 11 process.

In-Depth with the Raspberry Pi 2

So there are two number of schemes: right: listen, I’m bring schemes with versions of the arc received for cause, so the art 11, which were used in roxbury and raspberry pi 1, was the I think, basically the only armed v6, the only instantiation of the arm 36 Arm architecture that was out there fairly after arm11 arm released another version, architectural 37 and then subsequently since then released a large number of processes which sure use the arm v7 architecture we to the cortex a7, which is but in all other aspects, the the chip. That’S on this recipe, pies that the same as the silk that was on there before that’s right so with the the salt, which was on roster by one, was in PCM 29 35. This is the pcr 2836. Remember the shocking the originality.

In-Depth with the Raspberry Pi 2

So what sort of opportunities do you think this? This new thing will open up for me, because what positive use cases you see? As being you know the critical for the increased performance yeah, i think there are. There are use cases there are making use cases which will really benefit image processing as big one. So robotics we see people building pieces of piece of hardware robotic arm where that often these is either a USB webcam or more probably, the raspberry pi camera accessory that we have and they won’t be able to crunch through whatever data comes back from that make decisions Based on that data, opencv runs on no sleep. I want my slope runs of raspberry pi 2.

It’S an awful lot faster out of the box, everything’s going to run in the multi-core, just fine yeah. So there was something quite a lot of things which will benefit codex. In particular, opencv is a good example, video codecs, a pretty well paralyzed young people have, in those 10 or 15 years, experience now of getting those sorts of workloads onto onto multi-core processors. So there are some places where you can see really spectacular performance improvements. Now you can decode really fairly high resolution video pure liam software on 12, which is nice. There are places where we go and then there’s there’s general parallelism. The systems and quite a lot of applications and make XBMC has some parallel. Others there that you can exploit. There are places where we going to have to do some work.

Who does support on the browser already on? Quite anything, that’s make it out the door in Simon launched already done smoke from the browser to paralyze, rendering and image decode across those called the linux distribution going to use this rascal again, that’s right! So we are not moment planning to move up to be. There is obviously raspbian is a a community-driven rebuild of the arm: v7 hf debian, but with the army, seven that’s taken out some of the arm. 57 instructions disabled.

There is a mainline debian, RP 7hf. We could run my own Rosman point2, we’re not planning to do that. The first instance so we’re going to do a sherbet raspbian and we’re going to over the next three months to benchmarking exercise to figure out whether there would be any benefit of using the main line. We’D really prefer not to because obviously we still have a lot of us, provided we don’t all of them all those rather than four and half a million raspberry PI’s down there.

We don’t want to ocean all those people and we don’t want the burden of maintaining a grass, be an SD card image. Now that Debbie msn cut image so home, for what hoping is, will find that there are some benefits available to us from using RP Salem. In the week and snipers benefits out, so go ship and I’ll be so pigs. Lamb go shoot an RP settle their baby, maybe 5 10. 20.

Other things that, if we graph, if that’s like going through to grab, grab, grab that, hopefully we can avoid having to move to to to upstream so effectively what you’re going to ship initially is a SD card with two separate kernels on a v6 turn on a V7 kernel and modules, obviously super fixers, yep and all of the user land applications will be leased. Arm v6 can hold a lot of the the maker community. Don’T really realize what we’re at replies of bones the bc as a board.

That said a lot of success. They don’t really understand where it came from originally. Do you want to talk about that? The educational mission of the foundation, so so roughly parts got an unusual for a computer company thats all for naught million computers where the river charity so we’re not for profit.

You can see behind me some of the fruits of the not-for-profit eNOS and we exist to try and get can spray. As a group of people, you had computers, kids, and you know – I guess all of a sudden in this office here – yeah to a greater or lesser extent, o our careers and do the things that happened to us in our lives. To the fact me out and we’ll holler if it were kids and it’s group of people who looked around six seven years ago before and second missile, that will haunt them, there are a group lateral to the jarring platforms in children’s hands, are unlockable tool against consoles. No one ever board games consultant and accidentally became games. You very much it just it. There’S no flow for it. So really that’s what other points this to do? We exist to make fun Hannibal hardware. Kids, we want the fun it’s important. We don’t make piece of art.

It’S one piece is one of my two is important because it increases the amount of fun you can have right here. You can use this go surf the web. You can use this as your that your main computer, nothing, the kids like interesting. So if i have something which is funds against into kids hands once it’s in kids hands it’s hackable, so they can actually have those kinds of experiences.

We have kids you’re moving into the u.s. education market as well, so we, the US, is obvious: the US esophagus market. Ah Bobby it’s obvious market, we sell surplus money in the u.s. is reselling workers, but as a charity, most of our education systems Hopetown come today. It is important we going to achieve. Our mission is important for us to understand how the education system works in other countries in velocity us. Well, the US is kind of 50 and 50 50 countries around 50 education systems. Obviously they tend to cluster. I think, as is feeling, but if you can go and you make your support material support. California, Texas in New York, you that actually Hoover’s up a lot of a lot of other states as well, and we were very close to being in compliance a lot of other states, so we just bring on total more tellingly hard with rod. Magnitude see the start of January.

This year’s offers North American employee one of the things that he having a difference is to. It gives a little bit of insight into how have the u.s. education system work. So we achieve some of the work that we do here anymore. Rather, so, how do you think that the new pie is going to further the education mission? How how is this optimized for education? The new pie, obviously runs the educational software applications.

We care about better. The old point there as a scratch, for example, which is you know the poster Chancellor we’ve actually spent lot of money on the software summit – runs much better on possibly my to do not reply one. Ah, so I think there are all of those education. Things are better than light in my arm. I think, more importantly, though, its viability as a general purpose, computer gets it into my hands things and anything that gets rather pi into more people’s hands, improves our chances of accomplishing the mission. We don’t want people necessarily buying raspberry PI’s it for a laudable reasons. Everyone buying this one’s going to worthy platform to learn to count on you know, won’t buy them because they’re fun devices and then discover that their bathrooms. I think there is also the other mortals like there’s the B and there’s a plus and there’s the computer from our product line.

Yeah there’s like a whole range. So how? How does this new board affect those those products right? So what will be model p plus remain in production, but we think there are industrial customers, who’ve and I’ll. Stick with those words that demand for the being is finally starting to run down houses all over six months. Unfortunately, plus and people are finally start to convert their their their products across from using p2p plots, so be stays in production for as long as those demand B station production for the long says demand. I think there will be demand for p plus released another year.

A plus our twenty dollar unit remains. That’S the anchor announce the low end anchor there is. This thing is technically rustling by 21 will be, there is a rumors room in the namespace. For us, we provide a male, but we have no plans this year to do a. I don’t think that I think we can afford this year to do anything particularly interesting about twenty, don’t price point, so a plus stays down there, anchoring the lower floors compute module. Obviously is starting to take off now. There’S no media plan to do a rose, but we could do a roast beef.

I to you can be module right now. I think they compete module is, is what people want and we’re going to stick with that for a little while, and where do you see this going in the future that he is, do you see a Raspberry Pi model three coming along um, so where I’m not Going to talk about an ass products, there realizes I’ve transition, I’ve transitioned, I’m going to say now, i’m looking to around announce products I mean obviously in the future. We might try and do something, but we probably ought to talk about. Particularly today. The day we launched on the day the blood transfer my to I should probably not in closing that was three years the the model be sort of stuck around for really.

Do you see the sticking around for another three years? I think all of the products will stick around as long as whenever we introduced the raspberry pi three, that I’m not can talk yeah whenever we introduce another product, I think we’re establishing a tradition with assault, with a solitary exception of the original of why we don’t End of life, we don’t end in life stuff, as long as you want, button will be right by one more piece will keep making raspberry wannabes as long as people want to buy raspberry pi to some keep mine to be building our dream items. Okay, thanks for talking to thank you, you .