I’m Still Not Using the Epic Store

I’m Still Not Using the Epic Store

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “I’m Still Not Using the Epic Store”.
Epic, finally wins: a jury has sided with epic in their lawsuit against Google, agreeing that Google used anti-competitive business practices to maintain the Play Store’s dominant position in the Android app distribution market. So how is that possible, but they lost to Apple okay. So, as far as I can tell it came down to oh here, look it’s in our notes. Epic lost a similar battle against Apple, which it is currently appealing to the Supreme Court.

A major distinction between the two fights seems to be that, while Apple just disallowed competitors from its platform outright, Google suppressed competition through behindth scenes deals while technically allowing thirdparty app stores. Google Executives also made the error of writing things down and attempting, but failing to delete the evidence, so it turns out, you just have to be even more of a monopolist and then it’s not a problem yeah. I would prefer the just not allowing I I would.

I’m Still Not Using the Epic Store

I would actually say if I had to pick one and apparently the jury agles. Well, I think they’re both wrong. Google is likely to appeal the ruling.

I’m Still Not Using the Epic Store

However, this marks the first major antitrust decision in the US since the one against Microsoft over 23 years ago, and there should have definitely been a lot more. Can I just say: I’m rooting for a lot more yeah like for real man. Apple, meanwhile, is likely to get hit with an EU ban on the app store’s current anti-steering rules that ban Music Services from pushing users towards Al alternate subscription options.

The European Council is also investigating Apple’s restrictions on its tap Ando combined payment feature in response. Apple has offered to open the feature up to Apple pay competitors. I think that between the US finally, recognizing Google’s nonsense and the EU continuing to is just awesome to just they just win completely understand what apple is doing.

I’m Still Not Using the Epic Store

Everything apple is doing is pretty much much to maintain its strangle hold on the wal Garden ecosystem. I I don’t know what group of people in the EU cuz, I I don’t pay attent, there’s enough stuff going on in Canada um. I don’t know what group of people is like championing these things within that governing body, but damn doing good work, absolute Giga, Chads, yeah um and I I can’t say I’m the biggest fan of Epic and you know, I’m not saying everything Tim Sweeney’s ever done is Um nope good at all, um some of is great yeah. This is great, even uh, even my my one, personal toe-to-toe with him. I ended up being more right than um. I was led to believe I was I was I was treated like. I was completely wrong and I was wrong about a lot of things. The PS5 is, you know, SSD architecture was very cool and I you know was probably dismissive of it in a way that I shouldn’t have been and would have understood better. If you know blah blah blah, I had watched Mark C’s presentation and I corrected all of that, and I was I was wrong about a lot of things.

But what I wasn’t wrong about was that Sweeney was clearly sucking Sony’s dick over it uh in a way that seemed disproportionate and then what was was it two weeks later? I think so. A week later, it came out that Sony had made a huge investment into epic games. It was really fast. So, even though I got some of the details wrong, my detector was 100 % calibrated cor.

The argument yeah yeah yeah uh, but but with that said the way that they’ve gone about this like I, we shouldn’t just like crap on the good things that they’re doing, because we haven’t agreed with someone over everything we’ve ever done in the past, and they have Clearly not accepted a ruling that just helps epic games. They have clearly drawn a line that says no. We want a solution for the entire ecosystem that just breaks down the walls around these Gardens, whether they are explicit walls or hidden walls and just cut the like. The the funny thing is: that’s how it always used to work you could buy it.

An application is what we used to call it from anywhere and there was competition in the market place and you could install it on your freaking computer and then we just all kind of lost track of that. Because oh no, this, I know it’s a phone. It’S not a computer, it’s a computer, none of this matters get it any get the application anywhere and there are ways to ensure that these applications are just as it’s important, safe as if they were purchased through the Play Store through an App Store. I don’t know well, you’ve got the Tabby bit and I feel like if it came undone, but the Tabby bit was done.

It would just flap like this, but having on the bottom, they just going h wanted my uh. What what’s the point of these right right right? But then, if I wanted my cleavage to show, I wouldn’t want the tabs there. Oh, I don’t know, maybe they’re supposed to go on the side, I’m I’m just not sure. No, he no! No! The tab! Dan! We’Re talking about what the tab is for yeah, the top to the top, but then but then what? If? What? If you have a low cut? Yeah? It’S not for that! Oh, oh sorry, there you go now! You look better.

Is this a serious podcast? I had a a podcast. I had a moment like 23 minutes ago hold on I’m sorry, I’m GNA, let you finish, but what this comes up a lot. What the is the difference between this and a podcast people keep telling me the W show is not a podcast and honestly, admittedly, I don’t watch podcasts. I don’t listen.

Excuse me, I don’t listen to them. What is the difference? How many podcasts there’s literally no difference? This is technically a podcast. We post the audio to all of the podcasting sites, I’m literally in charge of dealing with all the back backline systems for the podcast version of this, and some of them we even just upload the whole video you can watch the WAN show with video on Spotify, Which I didn’t even know was a thing really. You didn’t know that I didn’t know that Spotify sent me a Christmas present.

Oh that’s! Nice yeah, apparently we’re like a Creator on that platform. Now I was like who the are you when, like the rep reached out? Oh, my God, he didn’t say it that way. Oh, we just left. No, I mean that’s way more words than I type in emails yeah. We went through this last week, yeah yeah. No, no! We just uh. We just technically left Spotify yeah. That’S like that’s! Like five whole words, we left Spotify we’re on different, more better Spotify.

What what’s that? It’S still? What is it? I don’t know if we’re going to talk about it or not, but maybe I thought you had been mentioned, we’re still on Spotify we’re still on Spotify. We are yeah, but it’s more better what it we changed, the way that we’re on Spotify well, what’s that it none of this matters? Oh okay! So we’re not having a business meeting on wo. Do you want to have a business meeting on wo? Theoretically, it should it should get on there faster. Is This Confidential, because people I have no idea, I don’t think so.

Okay, we get. We get a lot of. We get a lot of negative feedback when the W show goes up like the next week on Spotify, but no one wants to work on it over the weekend. Um yeah.

It’S amazing how that works. People are super mad when there’s a perception that we have crunch or overwork our employees, but they’re even more mad, when the W show doesn’t miraculously get posted instantly on the weekend when it’s like still processing or whatever. It’S a funny thing right. It’S like what I don’t know.

What do you guys want? Well, the new system should allow us should allow me to post it immediately after the wo yeah tacky, the penguin says just pay someone to work on the weekend. What if they don’t want to work on the weekend, you’re already paying me I’m already here, did you ever think of that yeah, so it should be, it should be faster now and there’s other cool benefits um, and I think it goes on more more platforms. Now I don’t think so: it’s just a centralized platform so that we don’t have to have 700,000 accounts and it is a Spotify uh partner thing. It’S called megaphone yeah, so it gets distributed out from them by them. Okay, we just one One Source: it do the thing now Dan doesn’t have to go B Boop as many times. I don’t even touch it. That’S other people yeah, it’s like five other people for multiple hours to produce the podcast version of the live broadcast version of the whatever the show this is yeah.

I don’t the talk, show it’s a talk, show that’s a live stream and it’s also a podcast and it’s snowing on the banner yeah. I love it. Who knows was that a a good business meeting goodbye yeah? It was a pretty good business meeting, um realistically guys. Yes, we we could have someone work a 20 minute shift on. Oh wait.

No, we can’t do that because that’s illegal okay so hold on. No, we could have someone do a a Tuesday to Saturday um, except what would they? What would they do for the rest of their day? Nobody else is in office and I guarantee you they don’t want to do that yeah, almost almost nobody wants to give up and what, if they have a problem? Well then, they’re going to call me yeah, yeah, great, perfect, guess what I don’t want to work on Saturday, yeah um and you know what there are things that we do do on weekends, but they are a scheduled thing to happen. Every single week, like this, this Sunday we’re coming in to shoot a video, but the only reason we’re doing. That is because the video is about upgrading our infrastructure, which is something we can’t do during off every once in a while Dan or Sean or just Sean or just Dan or whatever will have to come in to do some form of infrastructure thing, because you you Don’T want downtime while people are here like it happens, but it’s not something you want to schedule like. I think it being should be recurring, scheduled it being recurringly scheduled like that, would I think, be an issue legally right. This is hilarious. People are, people are flipping out in float, plane chat, you can’t schedule someone to work for a single hour in Canada, no no see hour minimum or something guys. I think this is where a lot of the miscommunication around the union thing comes from.

We have really strong worker protections here like just at all. No, I no! You can’t do that, because it’s not considered reasonable for someone to commute to and from a place of work and then only be scheduled for a very short shift. I believe the minimum is 4 hours um, and so you know, above and beyond that we do a lot and all I’ve ever said. I’Ve never said you know they can’t, because I can’t say that, because that’s illegal um, all I’ve ever said is that I would consider it a failure.

I would think that we screwed up if people felt that that was necessary. It looks like it’s. I thought it.

I swear it was four, but it looks like it’s two, oh okay. It might also depend but like that would also be a super lame thing to do. Well, yeah.

So, like you, don’t want to do that, even if we could do that, we wouldn’t it’s stupid. Yeah yeah yeah guys it’s just it’s man, it’s anyway yeah. I just looked up the hours of work in overtime for British Columbia and it says two. I I totally had the understanding that it was four.

I think the four might be like if you’re scheduled for a shift, and then you get there and you’re there for 20 minutes and they go. Oh actually we don’t need you today. We have, you have to pay out.

Four. Is that if they try to send you home, yeah yeah, that might be it 4 hours minimum, even if they have nothing for you to do? Do yep um yeah, so I don’t know guys yeah it’s we could but there’s another factor. It’S a relatively low priority. Yeah and now it doesn’t even matter yeah, you could get it on YouTube, you could get it on float, plane uh. We had people asking why the float plane one is delayed, and that’s just because of processing time processing time. We don’t have YouTube magic. We don’t do live, processing stuff, it’s kind of cool, the the YouTube stuff.

Oh yeah, absolutely it’s super cool. We we don’t have that super cool, yeah yeah, maybe someday, maybe not .