Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “I’M GIVING AWAY EVERYTHING!”.
I guess guys I’m gon na keep this pretty quick, but you may have realized that about three months ago we here on this channel 200,000 subscribers and just yesterday, we hit 300 thousand and that level of growth that I’ve been seeing. I honestly couldn’t believe it to start with, and all I could think of doing was to just film or film faster film better and keep improving and getting better and better and at the same time, all I can do is to sit here and be grateful to You guys because you’ve changed my life and you’ve changed it for the better. So in this article, I’m gon na be celebrating 300,000 subscribers by doing a giveaway and I’d like to think it’s a pretty special giveaway, because this is not one phone or two phones, I’m gon na be giving away 11. Smart phones, smart phones that have all tested smart phones that have all thoroughly enjoyed using, not only that, but also five of my favorite pairs of earphones so to enter. All you need to do is to just follow me on my social media channels.

On my Instagram, I kind of post loads behind the scenes stuff, you can kind of see what it’s like to be a youtuber and kind of make videos there’s a lot that goes into it, which you probably wouldn’t have guessed, and then I’ve got Twitter where I Just kind of try and be funny and then there’s obviously YouTube where I filmed the tech, videos and yeah. If you could do that, that would be amazing. The giveaways, international and I’ll announce the winners in a month’s time I’ll. Do it on Twitter I’ll. Do it on Instagram and I’ll also send those winners, an email so guys, that’s the giveaway, and all I can say is that I’m incredibly grateful about the path to this channel and, at the same time, incredibly excited about the future. I can’t wait to show you the new intro, the new outro, the new graphics, the new animations, the new equipment, the new techniques I’m going to start to use. All I can say is it’s gon na be good thanks for watching I’m Steve the boss and I’m signing out you .