I’m Afraid to Like The Apple Vision Pro

I'm Afraid to Like The Apple Vision Pro

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “I’m Afraid to Like The Apple Vision Pro”.
It’S almost here, hey everyone Travis here in the Apple Vision Pro pre-order was yesterday, and since then I’ve been Gathering my thoughts on how I feel about the product about 2 weeks before launch. First things. First, I did go through the pre-order at 5:00 a.m. which was honestly pretty seamless, except for having to rescan my face because I was half asleep, but we did go ahead and pre-order the base model, which is a 256 gig version of the Apple Vision Pro. I was partially debating on upgrading to the 512, which is an additional $ 200, but I figured depending on what it’s going to be actually used for, would really determine on using that extra storage and I’m not really sure what it’s going to actually be used for.

I'm Afraid to Like The Apple Vision Pro

Just yet, and to be honest, I don’t even know what the app ecosystem is going to look like in the next 6 to 12 months or what you’d even be storing locally other than movies and spatial videos. But in general I did want to dip my toes into the Apple Vision Pro, so we went for the 256 gig model February, 2nd, which is launch Day, is coming up really fast and we are going to make a ton of videos on the Vision Pro so Make sure to subscribe, of course, we’ve known its price point since the unveiling at the $ 34.99 price point with the 256 gigs of storage and the M2 Chip, but we do know more information. Now. Storage increases are a $ 200 Gap. So when you go from 256 to 512, that’s $ 200 bucks and then, when you go from 512 to 1 TB, that’s an additional 200 bucks.

I'm Afraid to Like The Apple Vision Pro

All the variants of Apple Vision. Pro are an M2 Chip paired with the new R1 chip and they all have 16 gigs of RAM Apple Care is $ 4.99 for this unit, and I would say because this is something that you wear and might get passed around. I would say that that’s probably a smart move, because Apple car does cover physical damage.

I'm Afraid to Like The Apple Vision Pro

Of course, this launch was thought out quite well by Apple, and there are quite a few accessories to talk about we’ve known about the Zeiss glass inserts for prescriptions. But additionally, there are a few other things that were unveiled yesterday morning. First, things first is an additional battery, which is 200 bucks, and we do know that those batteries last around 2 hours so having a spare to continue watching your content like on a long flight. Might be worth it additionally, there is a travel case that Apple has, so you can put all your stuff in one case – that’s nice and sealed up. This is much nicer than let’s say the travel case for the airpods Max and let’s hope that we get a similar travel case for the new airpods Max that, hopefully, will come out soon and there are even things like a belt clip for the battery. So you can have that attached right to the hip, so the batter is not dangling down to the floor.

I would say overall, the ecosystem itself has seemed to be thought out quite well in terms of all the accessories on how it fits. Of course, when you do the pre-order, you have to scan your face with face ID twice to make sure you get the proper size and you have to do that when pre-ordering. So you have to use an iPhone or an iPad to be able to do that. But as far as picking the size and all the different accessories, it’s pretty well thought out. So the price point can get up there quite fast and if you chose the highest storage option, which in this case is 1 tbyte, you add on Apple Care. You get yourself a case and an extra battery you’re getting up there to the high 4000s and when you throw in tax you’re over 5,000, a few things to note here it is a first generation Apple product and second, it has Pro in the name, I’m sure In the next few years, as the Apple Vision Pro catches on, we will get an Apple vision, air and a standard Apple Vision, headset.

That will have different appeal for different users and bring that price point down. So the standard level user that doesn’t want to drop more than $ 3,000 on this headset will be able to afford one, and, I would say, going based on history. Most Apple products start to really hit their stride once they’re in their fourth generation, iPhone iPad and Apple watch to name a few were pretty much just like that when we got to the fourth generation of iPad, the processor and the display was getting really good same Thing with iPhone 4 that brought some really notable features and Apple watch same thing with the series 4, so we’re basically 2 weeks out from launch, and I wanted to discuss my thoughts and where we are thus far.

First, things. First is the vision OS as well as the App Store, of course, there’s a base set of apps that are installed on the Vision Pro when you first take it out of the box, similar to an iPhone iPad or a Mac things like notes, Safari mail messages, Music, all the things that you’ve come to know for an Apple device in 2024. Those are all pre-installed. Now the App Store and thirdparty app support is a whole different beast, but as of right now, the Apple Vision, Pro App Store is live. The only thing I will say right now is there’s some heat going around on which apps are supported via an actual native Apple Vision, Pro Vision, OS app version, an iPad version or no version at all, some notable apps that aren’t getting support day.

One are things like Spotify, Netflix and YouTube, which you would think would be a given YouTube, came out and publicly said that they are offering a great version of YouTube Through Safari, which is basically the web version. Now there are quite a few apps that are natively supported on day one and here’s a few things like Tik, Tok, Disney plus Max Discovery, plus Amazon, Prime video, paramont plus, and the list goes on, and it does seem like a lot of the apps out of The gate are going to be entertainment and movie focused, although I will say because this is a first gen product and app developers will need time to take advant vage of the unit itself and get it out to customers to experience it. It will take a little bit of time to get some of those third party apps in that you might already expect or ones that you don’t even expect at all. Now, where are my thoughts on this thing, honestly I’ll be straight up, I’m afraid that I’m going to like it now, I do feel like I will like it. However, I have some reservations on it: being a VR AR headset and being immersed in a whole different world taken away from reality, but we’ll see how that goes. The last high-profile Apple product that released, of course, was the Apple watch watch in 2015 and prior to that, I never even wore a watch and at first I was hesitant to get one. But I wanted to jump in and see what it’s all about and I’ve pretty much been wearing it every day ever since, so I don’t want to go into this with a closed mind. I definitely want to be open, but I have some reservations based on early previews of folks that have had Hands-On personal time with the device. There’S two things that stood out to me. All of them said that the displays were amazing and I would assume nothing less, because most Apple products have an amazing display, and the second was is the way it felt interacting with this device is, unlike any other Apple product, where you’re actually using your hands and Eyes in tandem without having to touch anything to interact with it, which, from what I’ve seen works like magic in the words of Steve.

Obviously, because this thing is strapped to your face into the back of your head, there is some concerns about weight Marquez in particular harped on the fact that it was very heavy, I’m not so much concerned to the weight, as I am with eye fatigue as your Eyes are literally millimeters away from the display is, and I don’t know what that’s going to look like 20 years from now, with long-term usage of using this thing day in and day out, we’ll have to just see, but I will say this kind of brings me Back to the thought of being a kid playing PlayStation way too close to the CRT, and let’s hope it’s not that so my only fear is that it’s actually going to be really good and the future for arvr experiences is here now, it’s kind of weird to Say this, but I feel like it’s earlier than I thought it would be it’s 2024 now that sounds futuristic within itself, but I will say it’s earlier than I would have expected us to start the Ready Player One World now. I don’t want to overthink this and get into the thoughts of what a dystopian world of Apple Vision Pros, would look like and us living on a Persona, that’s away from reality and not living in reality. But it’s a thought that comes up and honestly. My hope for this device is that it’s utilized for its best possible use cases for its own experiences, most notably watching 3D movies with actual resolution and depth and great sound with airpods Pro so you’d have spatial audio and spatial video at the same time, or my Hopes that ESPN is going to really have some crazy breakthrough recordings of 8K 3D live sports and you’ll be able to sit at a Dodgers game watching Otani play that’d, be pretty sick yeah. You basically be able to buy a couple Vision Pros instead of how expensive those tickets are. I’M honestly pretty interested in the feature that takes over the world, and you can kind of put yourself in front of a beach or in front of a mountain set.

I don’t know the exact name for it, but that would be really cool to be able to experience the OS with a totally different surrounding around you, so wrapping this all up. I honestly feel like my personal take on this is anticipation of a new Apple product, but some nerves at the same time, because this is going to start a whole new future and once we’re settled in 2 weeks from now, I feel like I’ll. Definitely warm up to the idea of wearing it or I’m going to take my thoughts and eat them, and it’s going to be completely not what I want it to be. We’Ll just have to see once it comes in looking back on this 10 years. From now, of course, we’re going to be like oh yeah, VR AR headsets are everywhere, and it’s just a commonplace thing. So that’s some of my thoughts coming out of the pre-order process and being 2 weeks ahead of launch. It feels so crazy. I feel, like apple just announced this, and now it’s already here, but we’ll see once we get it in how it actually is. What are your thoughts on the Apple Vision Pro, and what do you think it’s going to do for how we actually interact with computers on The Daily? Now that you’re going to have one strapped to your face, comment down below your thoughts on the Apple Vision Pro and where we are and what you think it’s going to be. This is Travis and have a good night. .