If he texts you… DON’T OPEN IT

If he texts you... DON'T OPEN IT

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “If he texts you… DON’T OPEN IT”.
What’S the name of that feeling you get, you know when you’re, like you kind of see stars and your left arm starts to go a little bit numb and you are short of breath. No, no, that’s not the one. No! It’S the tech news. Hey AMD released the RX 5600 XT yesterday, calling it the ultimate graphics card for 1080p gaming, and it seems like that might just be true at 279 u.s. dollars the card slots in right between the gtx 1660 TI and the RT x, 2060 performing slightly better.

On average than invidious competitors, especially after board partners, released BIOS updates that bumped performance up a bit Nvidia seemed to know that the 5600 XT was gon na be good though, and they slashed the price of the RT X 2060 by 50 dollars down to $ 2.99. Just a few days before AMD’s launch, which is what AMD did to Nvidia when team green released the first Super cards that smell smells like justice. The price drop makes the rx 5600 XT a bit harder to recommend. If you also care about getting some of the special team green features like in Bank encoding, but overall it is not a bad pick. So go watch our full review over on ltte.

It’S got Anthony in it, he loves you. Facial recognition is cool and all, but the EU and Google think that we might be getting a little bit ahead of ourselves with it. The new leadership of the EU are drafting a document that would propose banning the use of facial recognition in public spaces for up to 5 years until proper regulations can be put in place to minimize the risks of using the technology.

If he texts you... DON'T OPEN IT

Google actually agrees with CEO, sundar Pichai, saying at a conference in Brussels that there should perhaps be a waiting period, while government’s figure out how to avoid letting facial recognition undermine civil liberties and potentially discriminate against people because of algorithmic bias. But Microsoft they are heaven. None of that probably because they’re the ones working on the technology chief, legal officer, Brad Smith, compared a banned to using a meat cleaver instead of a scalpel to solve the problem. Saying that the only way to make the tech better is to actually continue developing it. And while that makes some sense, this guy was also just talking about meat cleavers second ago. I don’t know if he can be trusted and a report claims to have evidence that the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman hacked the phone of Amazon and Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos Bezos, commissioned FTI Consulting to make a report after he became suspicious of A video bin Salman sent to him over whatsapp in 2018 Ft. I found that shortly after Bezos received the video his phone started uploading, unprecedented volumes of data to an unknown source indicating that the video file was infected with some sort of malware. Some analysts believe Bezos was hacked because of the Washington Post’s coverage of Saudi Arabia, which was sometimes less than favorable, don’t figure.

The scandal has gained enough steam to prompt a call for investigation from human rights experts at the UN. So hopefully, we’ll get more information about what exactly happened soon just goes to show you guys be careful about opening attachments, even when they come from heads of state. Actually, I guess especially when they come from heads of state of Saudi Arabia. Now it’s time for quick bits brought to you by Vesey Footwear, which i am wearing right now because they’re awesome.

If he texts you... DON'T OPEN IT

Can you see that the first off there are a hundred percent waterproof rain snow mud slush sewage? I don’t know where you’re walking but it’ll do it. Vesey shoes are made with diamond tex, a lightweight breathable knit that keeps your feet cool on hot days and warm on cold days. What it’s also one of the lightest sneakers in the world at just 175 grams, has a grippy herringbone, tread pattern and even has antimicrobial insoles to keep your feet not funky. Just fresh they’ve got men’s and women’s shoes in a variety of styles and colors, and you can get 15 % off with offer code. Technica at2020. The federal government of Germany doesn’t watch tech linked and didn’t get our recommendation to upgrade to Windows 10 because they now have to pay Microsoft.

800 thousand euro in fees for windows 7 extended security updates just this year. To be fair, I’m sure it is hard to upgrade over 33,000 workstations, but also you know hey. We could probably do it. Germany call us up at pick collab right.

If he texts you... DON'T OPEN IT

Most ambitious crossover, Marvel Avengers, yeah, that’s right. Thanks to some sneaky internet brawlers, we’ve gotten one of the most thrilling leaks. You could ever lay eyes on pictures of the back of the Xbox series, actually, the most thrilling leaks. That’S right! Look at those ports, there’s USB Ethernet HDMI and a big old mystery port. Probably for Diagnostics or firmware updates Wow all those years. I thought the Xbox series X was gon na, be just another console.

I guess even I, the one and only Linus can truly be wrong. Microsoft is being a little bit sneaky themselves. Reddit users have spotted a change in the office 365 ProPlus installer, which business is used to install office, figured that would inject a Chrome extension that changes the default search. Engine to Bing gross code has also been found in the latest windows insider build.

That would make ads for office pop up inside WordPad. You wrote that that’s not too bad. That’S terrible! I did not write that you know I am do I look like Ron Burgundy to you. Gm self-driving startup crews has shown off the origin, an electric shuttle van SUV Bing, with sliding doors and completely symmetric lens.

It is purpose-built to be autonomous and intended for use by ride-sharing companies launch price who knows, but it looks, futuristic and not as dumb as a cyber track. So Wow, exciting and Apple may be gearing up to launch the successor to the iPhone se in March to serve the small, but still there contingent of iPhone users who like using phones that are slightly smaller than the average purse. And that’s it for tech news today. But wait don’t go anywhere.

You have to click Subscribe first, not on this channel. I don’t care about that. Go subscribe, blinds tech tips. It’S almost a 10 million come on guys.

It’S exciting .