I want to love these – Shift Moonwalkers

I want to love these - Shift Moonwalkers

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “I want to love these – Shift Moonwalkers”.
You’Re at the airport and you get the sudden urge to punch someone in the back of the head. Why? Because you’re on that awesome people mover conveyor belt thing that lets you walk like freaking The Flash, but someone on there standing still not walking. Don’T you understand this is your chance to have super powers. Well now you don’t need to go to the airport or be around other people for that you can wear these. The shift moonwalkers, basically shoes that let you walk really fast sounds stupid or amazing, I’m guessing! It’S gon na be a bit of both. First of all, these are heavy they’re over four pounds, each they basically just look like if Linus was a Transformer. This is his final form.

We got a bunch of Wheels here in weird shapes and I’m supposed to be able to put these on and just walk like normal and they’ll speed me up up to seven miles per hour, which is about 11.265 kilometers an hour. So if you want to go slower, you walk slow more slowly. If you want to go faster, you walk more fastly, it’s just as easy as that. Apparently, you can even go up and down stairs if you do a little trick with the adjuster control, so we’re gon na try it out, and hopefully I don’t die. Okay first things. First open them up! Oh my God is that just glue these are very engineering.

Samply, you can see there’s a lot of wear marks on them already. I just want to get it on I’m going to assess the quality of the velcro, that’s Velcro and there’s a lot of it. It goes it actually spans the whole the whole thing.

So that’s! That’S pretty good, it really looks like this will fit. I want to say up to like very large sizes, but maybe not too small yeah, I’m like a 10.. That’S pretty much the exact envelope of my my foot.

Oh my gosh! These are chunky. Okay, I feel pretty secure in that and now that my foot’s on the ground, I actually can’t roll it back and forth it. Doesn’T it doesn’t want? Are you down there yeah? It doesn’t really want to I’m like forcing the servos. If I do that, because they’re turned off, I actually need to turn them on on the back. You can see, there’s a power button and behind this weatherproof little door, a USBC charging port and you’ve got this on the back of both shoes shoes. What are they? I’M wearing shoes, I’m definitely not wearing two pairs of shoes.

Oh you can see that it articulates here. So that’s gon na help. You walk normally oh check that out, so you don’t actually have to adjust the velcro every time. There’S. Also, this quick release, uh thing kind of like when you’re wearing skis, there’s also a magnet involved in here kind of confusing. So you can just pull that that when you oh and it’s supposed to just click right back in that’s pretty smart, I feel like this is a bad way to put these on, because my foot has probably shifted in a weird way here.

I want to love these - Shift Moonwalkers

The first thing I’m noticing, which I love, is that these have made me at least an inch taller uh. Now I don’t know if I was supposed to turn them on before or now, but it’s kind of awkward oh hold on look at that. I can lift this this heel, so it’s actually not that awkward to kind of take a knee click. Okay, there’s actually haptic feedback happening right now.

I want to love these - Shift Moonwalkers

It’S pulsing for some reason, I’m just gon na walk towards these stairs. I don’t think these are functioning right now, they’re, not rolling. No, it still appears to be locked. So what’s that other gesture is something like that. Oh now, it’s green, oh they’re, going! Okay! Oh! This is so awkward it’s on it’s kind of on and off get the hang of this now. Do I look as stupid as they feel they look pretty. It looks pretty pretty silly, but you can’t keep up I’m flying. Oh, I see I feel like they’re, actually going now, the sensation of speed isn’t there, which is a shame, because I, like the sensation of speed, I had on one of those people – movers, oh they’re, screaming they are screaming now whoa.

I want to love these - Shift Moonwalkers

These things are straight up. Moving me there’s definitely a lag effect like this is all me and then they ramp up you’re pretty mobile still. What if I actually jog, I don’t think they’re meant for this. This is pretty hard. You got ta go slow to go fast. You’Re tired of walking sit in a chair thanks secret lab for sponsoring.

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Setting is too it’s too small. You need like a real Runway dude. This is the quietest they get. Let these babies fly.

Oh, my God. They stop in three and a half feet, apparently, on a dry surface. Let’S see my toe is under the counter right now. This is my demise right here.

This is how it ends – oh God, they’re not even on stair mode, [ Applause, ] who’s had sex before when they kick into their highest gear, they’re fully carrying you and you can actually start walking more lackadaisically while just ripping you work at a mall or you’re. At CES, like a giant trade show where you’re just gon na have to be running back and forth all day and you’re gon na get 20 000 steps in these would have been great actually now watch this downhill. They support up to 10 degrees of slope, which doesn’t sound like very much, but I felt really supportive because it’s like a regenerative braking on an electric car here comes the slope, no problem very smooth yeah. I got a quick turn here, just zip over this way. It’S weird they’re, like between shoes and rollerblades, I’m gon na jump off this. They did not like that. The light’s still green, but they’re not rolling. Something is wrong.

Oh they’re, blinking red! Are they dying? These are quite fast. I have so many thoughts number one. Will you wear these to do like a half hour hour, walk to work? How much do you value your time instead of walking your dog for an hour, you’re walking dog for 45 minutes dog goes farther.

Here’S what you’re not gon na do, though you’re not gon na walk to the office and continue wearing them in the office at all, like they’re, too clunky and heavy aside from looking stupid, you look stupid. You want your colleagues to respect you uh and they’re. Also, just very loud on the floor, they’re louder than the most obnoxious high heel of shoes, for example, you would probably annoy other people in the Subway at in the tube um on the stairs you’re, just like too slow, not as annoying as someone carrying a bicycle, But actually, probably even more annoying, because you just look like an asshat, but I will say that you can get around I’m sweating.

My feet are sweating, they’re, very heavy. To pick up, your gate, like I feel, like your feet, would get stronger just to pick these things up every step. I think that’s part of the reason I ended up being almost like a roller skate because they start to carry you. You get momentum and they’re. Actually driving you forward, they gave me a tendency as someone who used to rollerblade as a kid I ski now, I’ve played hockey a lot of skate and skate-like activities. My tendency was to start skating, I don’t know if other people who can’t skate or don’t skate would have that tendency.

I’M not saying it’s a bad thing, but it’s just weird because your gate changes over the course of the usage. As you speed up, you are no longer walking after you’re starting to skate a bit. You feel that the most when you’re doing turns, because you do get a thing where you can’t just stop at a dime and just go what and turn around right away like you can, if you’re walking, because you are moving so much faster and when you’re. Turning like that, you tend to turn like your own skin they’re, pretty loud they’re, definitely too loud to use indoors or in an office.

They have like this loud Whistling noise. This is a product that I wish came with an instruction manual uh, because I don’t know what the different lights mean. You know what some audio feedback would be nice when I’m turning them on and stuff. I can’t necessarily see the lights.

It’D be nice if it just said powered on or when I switch modes, if it said stair mode or something that would be helpful, the range is seven miles or again, like 11k. That doesn’t seem like that. Much range honestly. I would probably only get these if my walk to work is 5K or more.

I don’t know I feel like. I want a little more range, but then again that means bigger batteries, and that means heavier so there’s definitely some kind of calculus. They have to do there to find the like sweet spot. Do I want these to be a thing in a perfect world? Maybe not, but in the world we live in.

I think I prefer a city dominated by these people than maybe electric unicycles they’re way more low profile than that, and they fit into existing infrastructure a little bit better than that, although if I was on a sidewalk with these, I don’t think I would be comfortable. They they do ramp down in speed quickly enough that when you inevitably walk up to somebody who’s going slowly, I don’t think you’re on risk of running them over, but you would be annoying everybody and scaring people when they hear you coming. That would push me into like the bike lane or the curb, where I’m way too slow for everything. That’S in that lane, so there’s probably an ideal commute for these that isn’t most people’s commute. The other thing that’s cool about them is that you can, in theory, switch modes in terms of walking to escalator, to Subway, to walking again to getting into an Uber honestly yeah they’re fourteen hundred dollars.

That is crazy, really crazy. I could see like for the experiment that these things are. Maybe you like risk it for 200 300, but 1400 is like you’re really betting, the farm.

When things I don’t know, they accept up to 65 watts of power by a USB type-c and they are meant to last an hour and a half. So I think there’s a perfect customer for these. I think it’s very few people in the world, but if these get better I mean I could see them getting normalized for certain occupations like if you’re gon na make more money, because you have these, then get them. Maybe if I’m an airline I’m an airport, I want my employees at the airport to work more efficiently and instead of just lollygagging down the tarmac, I give them these because not everyone gets to ride in those cute little trucks.

Maybe I do that and maybe they proliferate in industry first and then consumers later I don’t know they’re very cool and I respect the company for going for it and trying to bestow upon the world this Innovation. I think the social factor is the biggest impedance to them, they’re just they’re kind of weird they’re, very eyebrow raising. But who knows what happens in 10 years? In 10 years, Lions kids could be hosting the show who knows so subscribe for that and thanks for watching short circuit, if you like this video, maybe you watch our coverage of some e-bikes or other things that are more normal. .