I tried 20 influencer foods, here are the best… and the worst…

I tried 20 influencer foods, here are the best… and the worst…

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “I tried 20 influencer foods, here are the best… and the worst…”.
So far, all I know is that I’m going to be trying influencer food and that at least one of them just broke. That’S right. We’Ve got food from 20 different influencers for lonus to eat and rate after rating lonus has to figure out which of these influencers. Actually made the food and, if he’s wrong well we add it to the blender and he drinks it at the end. Oh my God, that’s disgusting just don’t be wrong.

No, I’m not going to I’m not going to know any of this stuff. Oh, let’s start with which influencers does lonus know. Okay, so we got uh, Hank, Green Jack, Septic Eye. Okay. Ah I don’t know we even collabed with him. I have no idea.

I have no idea who this is sorry, everyone. Clearly, I don’t know my influencers, but what I do know is this video is brought to you by ODU, thanks to them we’re going to have thoughts on everything we triy today summarized on a website that we easily built using Fair platform. We’Ll also have links to all the products there as well. All right bring me the first one. Let’S do this thing all right.

I tried 20 influencer foods, here are the best… and the worst…

Here’S your first course a burger and cereal, which makes a lot of sense. Oh well. This is really easy.

I tried 20 influencer foods, here are the best… and the worst…

It’S Keith’s sauce! That’S a strong resemblance okay, this one’s obvious we’ve got a Mr Beast Burger, I feel like you guys, have set them up for faillure. Here, though, I am not a fan of cold Burgers. I like toppings on my Burgers wow, that’s a lot of mayonnaise, I’m imagining what it was like when it was BM, not bad, give it a six, but let’s see if Keith’s burger sauce can change how I feel about it to be clear. This is not my favorite kind of burger, it’s not something I would order, but to their credit, meat quality seems fine. It uses real cheese like if it had processed cheese on it. It would immediately be able to score no higher than a three all right.

I tried 20 influencer foods, here are the best… and the worst…

Let’S give her some hot sauce, apparently it’s not too hot, so hopefully that’s an okay amount of it guess we’re about to find out that’s delightful, ke, hot sauce man. I don’t know what to say other than this is delicious. I feel, like you, cheated a little bit putting maple syrup in it hitting my Canadian bone here, but man, that’s a nine for me.

It’S not spicy. If you like hot sauce, this is not a hot sauce. It’S a flavor sauce and that’s has got be.

I mean the resemblance is striking, so I guess you’re Keith nice, oh well! This is wait well, who the hell from mythical? Is there? What is it the drawing? Oh come on? You guys, mythical could be in trouble here, because I am an absolute cereal nut. I eat it almost every day. I will eat it for any meal and I am not into oh hold on a second puffed corn cereal with marshmallows.

I can actually see the flavor on the peanut butter and honey sandwich here. I’M going with mish mash wait. They’Re! All mish mash: well, I’m going with peanut butter and honey sandwich.

That is a small bag of cereal. But it’s like two servings for me: peanut butter and honey sandwich kind of tastes like sugarcoated dog, food G guys. There is quite literally nothing in this. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a blank or nutrition facts m hold on it’s kind of growing on me right, four and A2. Here’S your next course oo. There’S a fork involved for oh no way. I love cup noodles. Oh it’s gaming! These cup noodles contain caffeine.

What are you kidding me? We’Ve got cup noodles, we’ve got cup rice, Master, pea, creamy, chicken, gumbo on sale, good Lord. They put two for sale labels on this. They were really trying to get rid of it. Obviously that’s Master P, and this is him.

Oh, that does not smell good slimy, yet actually not that satisfying that wow. That is really Bland, um man. We are nowhere near the fill line in this and it still tastes like dish water.

It’S like they tried. They wanted to have a little bit of like dehydrated carrots and veggies and onion and stuff in here, but they were like no master PE. You get a two for the quality of the product, but I’m going to give you a bonus.

One point for making my life easy by having your picture on the front there we go right there yeah see, look look at this one look at this. This got like it’s got like meat and little bits of egg or something and like little bits of shrimp or whatever. Like some sauce, you mix that up, maybe it’ll have some actual flavor yeah. All you had to do was just get regular cup noodles without paying for the brand name one, and you would have had a better experience how’s the rice.

Does the rice have caffeine in it too? Oh wow, um, that’s! Okay! I’D eat it really strong flavor. Not very spicy, though, which is a weird thing to say about Curry. I don’t really do Seafood, so I’m just going to give this a five and call it neutral. As for this one, I don’t know six um, it’s edible, but it’s kind of a weird combination of flavors like it’s super super flavorful like overpowering, but it’s not spicy like what kind of Curry. Is that all right this round? Something special? It’S a word from our sponsor ODU makes it easy to build a website using drag and drop elements and intuitive features. The website we built to track our conclusions today was up and running in a matter of days and scheduling.

A call with one of their expert designers was both quick and painless, and if you don’t want to go that route, their AI features can help. You lay out a template that you can further customize on your own best of all odu’s website. E-Commerce application is 100 %, free to use, comes with unlimited hosting, and they even pay for your main name for the first year, linked below we’ll have the site that we built with a collection of our thoughts as well as where to pick up some of these Products, if you want to try them out for yourselves, we’ll also have odu’s site linked below. If you want to see how easy it can be to build your own site, just like we did your next course, sir cookies and bars. Oh look it’s, Mr Beast.

Again. I didn’t know they had cookies. Oh the cookies are dead yeah.

Oh apparently they weren’t very good. Oh yeah, you suck what a weird cookie texture like it somehow manages to be both oily and dry yeah. Those are not very good. I give these a three sorry Jimmy, oh wow.

Influencers make this really easy. I was like damn what the hell is: a Mina snack, love, Pokey man and Darcy cool right there. If you’re into that kind of Oreo flavor, I could see being into these they’ve, got kind of a nice crunch got kind of a weird aftertaste. Like I give these five for the initial flavor, but like oh man, they make their way all the way down to. Like a four at best God, damn, how are these 13 Sugar by mass and still tastes like that time for sus snacks in the OG flavor? No reading packaging? No, it takes too long. Oh, I like reading the packaging. Well, they look sus. I don’t know what I was expecting, but it sure as heck wasn’t that it’s like a Rice Krispie, it’s a rice, CIS crispy. This has crickets in it Belle youing guy. Did you just feed me crickets, it’s not very good. At least it’s got 8 gram of protein per serving, but really weird aftertaste on this one too, I don’t know four who the is responsible for this. I have no idea, let’s say this guy wrong. Your first mistake: do any influencers make good products LT store.com, all right. Our next round is the feasable round.

We have every flavor uh, maybe for you to try. I’Ve rarely met a chocolate bar that I didn’t like. So if Mr Beast manages to screw this up, then I don’t know I could be in trouble all right, original chocolate which apparently to Jimmy means milk, chocolate. That’S pretty nice, that’s a decent amount of cocoa in there doesn’t have that creamy Lind kind of melting texture, though now de nuts, with grass-fed milk, hey, didn’t you get in trouble for the de nuts thing yeah there was a company that sold nuts called de yeah Bu Reese’s Pieces for the OG feasable bars here. I’Ve got to give them credit for the flavor. Clearly there’s a higher cocoa percentage than you would get in a lot of off-the-shelf candy bars in the US.

However, I think they have work to do on the cream and on the texture it’s got a little bit of that um, that kind of advent calendar kind of plasticky to it, but maybe they’ve improved it with their newer bars. So we’ve got these as well. Oh, that’s very different. That is a completely different product.

Is the milk no longer grass-fed way better texture? Now, though, interesting gone is the organic cocoa butter gone? Is the organic chocolate lure so what they Tred tried to do was bring an upscale product to Market using cane sugar, organic chocolate, liquor, organic cocoa butter and what they realized is that American consumers are Philistines and would rather just have garbage. So here we go sugar, whole milk powder, cocoa, butter, unsweetened, chocolate, natural, vanilla extract. This is the generic chocolate bar of all time so which one was the best and which one was the worst. On the rare occasion that I treat myself to a chocolate bar, I think I would prefer the originals, but realistically I don’t think I would go for either of them based on how badly I’ve seen other people screw up cookies uh.

I still got to give them like a seven like they’re, pretty okay feel like a lot of the feedback on this is going to be like V this. Let’S see you do it better. The reality of it is, I don’t want to. I don’t want to try and make a better chocolate bar than companies that have been doing it for a 100 years, all right next round, we’re back to some treats all right now.

I know you’re going to like this round because it’s sour candies, I love sour sour candy. Oh this one’s from Carl. He looks like if One Direction was gaming, all right Carl. Let’S do this thing.

How much is this Carl thing? 6, bucks, Canadian, six? That’S 60 cents per gummy and what do they have like uh, caffeine or something or what probably not oh color from spirulina, comes from nature. That’S actually on there, not my favorite sour gummy, maybe a six out of 10, but I love the packaging. This is adorable. Glucose, it sweetens and softens water, it’s just water, LOL, Ryan, tryan wow. This is like it’s got like some wallup to it: sour, pink lemonade, strips naturally flavored with natural, sour, oh wow, they uh; no, no! No! They come apart. They come apart. They come apart. Okay, pink lemonade.

Well, I believe it has 80 % less sugar in it God. Why is it trendy to make candy that kind of doesn’t taste very good? Isn’T that the point of candy, I don’t know 5 out of 10 ooh that aftertaste, though yeah Ryan tryan, look like got top left Ryan tryan got him. You are correct. Thank you for putting a picture on your packaging.

I promise you guys if I ever do. Candy it’ll be awful for you, it’s supposed to be okay oneup. So this is the sour oneup sour challenge. You need to put all three in your mouth and suck for 30 seconds without making a face then chew and swallow them. I grew up on screaming blue saucers.

I heard they give you cancer yeah. Apparently you need a neutralizer, an anti- sour candy, drink powder, download cash app the yeah. If you don’t make a face for 30 seconds and you and swallow it, you get cash app whatever it probably is not a thing anymore.

Okay, this has got to be bought, left guy, no, a damn it Jack sepy. No, damn it. Let’S just try the challenge.

E they’re, like fused to the packaging Ready set go. Are you chewing cuz you’re not supposed to chew? This is unheard of save some for this uh blend and concoction 30 seconds two and swallow please come on. I’Ve had Warheads that are sour than that. This is a tough one. How much are these there were six gummies in there so now hold on a second that is $ 3 per gummy.

Are you kidding me? This is a one I like them if they were cheap, like I’d, eat them like how? How many videos are there of people like eating these and be like it’s so sour tears streaming down their eyes? They that’s why people don’t trust influencers, because because it’s overdone this right here short circuit, this is where you can get the real Goods. This is not that sour! Well, maybe this will make your mouth water, oh gamer, water, oh Prime, is back what does sweet otter cake batter blend taste like good? Oh, it’s so splashy $ 1 for the cup. Why by far the winner is Keith’s burger sauce? This is delicious. I want to take this home and I want to put it on my food, my spaghetti, my Burgers.

I would put this on basically anything. I would drink this burger sauce. That is really good, um, the biggest loser.

I don’t even remember everything. Wait! No. I lied.

The Biggest Loser is me for having to drink this, I’m only taking one sip. That is disgusting. One glug one sip one glug. Only oh. How about this? I will match whatever you drink. Oh deal, uhoh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait hold on now.

It is, I think it needs more, that is, that isun! No, if it a if it ain’t chunky it ain’t uh, let me grab a glass whatever this is well, I’m obviously taking this. No no did did the milk from the cereal end up in here. No, it is milky for unknown reasons, sure, oh, my God, it’s still warm listen. I don’t want to do this on why you got to smile at me like that, it’s weird.

Should we link arms like together, like I mean yeah, I think we kind of have to you. Go like you’ve. Never done that marriage! It’S very warm is very warm, oh God. That is extremely unpleasant.

No, no! No! All yeah! She hey! You didn’t finish your glass! The warm I do all my own stunts thanks ODU for sponsoring this video and thanks to all my friends in the influencer community for uh um. I don’t know these products o freak. It we’ll have some exas on floatplane by the way lm. g/ flat plane.

Oh, my eyes are watering that is was truly awful. .