I tested the worst TikTok PC Hacks

I tested the worst TikTok PC Hacks

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “I tested the worst TikTok PC Hacks”.
Three: two one., So you might be wondering why I’m throwing a PC off the roof.. Well, when my buddy Mr. Yeester came by and wanted to test some TikTok tech hacks things escalated quickly.. But before that, I would like to test some of my own theories and suspicions about gaming, PCs and specifically, if they gon na die on me or not..

The first test is a very simple one.. If you are say a first time, gaming, PC builder, you may not remember to put your CPU cooler on.. Now that’s a bad thing, but exactly how bad is it I mean what’s the worst that could happen So right now the system is up and running and you’ll see our CPU with the stock. Cooler is sitting at 29 degrees.. Normally.

I tested the worst TikTok PC Hacks

The way this works is that this is attached to your CPU. The heat is pulled through that thermal paste into the actual aluminum or copper heat sink, and then the fans will blow it away right, But without it you can see we’ve quickly, spiked from 33 to 50 degrees Celsius.. Now technically, this is actually still with spec. Mind.

I tested the worst TikTok PC Hacks

You not for very long., But what will happen is that, as soon as it starts to hit toward the max temperature of the CPU, typically around 100 degrees Celsius, it will throttle back and if that doesn’t work, the CPU will just shut itself off or the motherboard Will tell the CPU to turn off., I will say: there’s a little CPU LED, which has come on, which is red now.. I don’t think that was there before. The motherboard knows things are not good. Wait a minute.

I tested the worst TikTok PC Hacks

It’S leveling, out. No. No. No..

It’S stabilized. What This shouldn’t be the way this works. We may actually need to boot. The Windows.

Now mind you as soon as I fire up Windows, I’m gon na assume that this is gon na collapse, but also who knows. ( Austin claps ). We have Windows with no CPU cooler whatsoever.. Oh, I wan na see what my clock speeds are..

Clearly, this is not gon na last, but for a minute or something. We’re at two gigahertz.. What There’s no cooler Core Temp is showing that we are pulling eight nine watts on the CPU and the actual CPU cores are sitting at 83 to 100 degrees based on how I’m actually doing it.. This might not die.

Like this might just throttle itself down to the point where it’s fine with zero cooler whatsoever.. I think I need to Prime95 it.. This will load up your CPU 100 %. Usually I use this for stress, testing and we’re gon na stress test.

All right. 1.4 gigahertz, so it’s throttling., But what you’re seeing right here right is this working exactly as intended.. If your temperatures hit a certain point, the only thing the CPU can do is turn down the voltage and turn down the clock, speed right, Which it’s exactly what it’s doing., We’re down to 1.3 1.4 gigahertz., It’s much better to just slow things down than to just Throw the switch and call it a day right.

This will, I hope, at some point crash and turn itself off right, Like that’s the final fail-safe. Temperature’s too high, you can’t bring voltage down. It just needs to turn itself off., But with zero CPU cooler, it is able to sustain 12-13 watts of load., Mind you.

It might be at 100 degrees Celsius and at 1.4 1.5 gigahertz, but it’s working. All right. The only thing I can think of is I’m gon na start unplugging fans now and just see if I can get this thing to overheat..

So now there is no airflow in this whatsoever. Now mind you. I don’t think the fans before were doing that much, but now they’re, especially not doing anything.

We’re at 1.3 gigahertz. So it is definitely throttling, but it’s still working.. So I guess the myth of do you need a CPU. Cooler apparently is busted..

Cpu coolers are optional., Go out and buy yourself a Core i9, a Ryzen, 9 7950X, don’t put a cooler on it., Totally fine.. The purpose of a heat sink is to pull heat away from the CPU, enabling better performance and for it to not die. So I’m going to give it a heat, blow., A heat gun., I’m gon na heat gun the CPU. All right, we’re at max temperature..

Is everyone ready, ( heat gun, whirring ), Very warm all right, I’m going to now heat gun the CPU until it dies.. Oh, it immediately dropped. Whoa, look, look look. Immediately dropped to 0.2 gigahertz, but it didn’t turn off, I’m not giving up..

This is going to turn off. Come on little guy. Just go to sleep..

Yes, It finally turned off. That is one of the most insane experiments. I’Ve ever done with a PC. Now that it’s all still very, very toasty and warm. Why don’t we move on to what I was originally gon na do, which is to cool it through an alternative method.? My friends, have you heard the word All the cool kids? They don’t use air cooling., They don’t use liquid cooling..

They use dry, ice. ( ice crackling, ) ( buzzer beeping ). So if you wan na go cold, one of the best ways to do that is with some dry ice. Again.

Do not try this at home, but let’s see how well using dry ice works to keep my CPU cool.. We have reset everything., Prime95 is back up and running and CPU is exactly where it was, which is about 100 degrees Celsius, throttled but functioning.. Now, let’s add some dry ice and see if it actually improves our performance.. I think it might.

All right we’re just gon na put this on. Everyone ready, (, dry ice, squeaking ), That’s the noise of the ice. When I press it, down. ( dry ice screeching ).

Is it working Yo? My CPU got up to like 2.7 gigahertz? Okay, I got a big chunk. Now. How’s that helped my performance. It’S working We’ve gone up to full 100 % CPU and we’re down to 82 degrees.

We’ve solved it. I don’t know what we solved, but we solved something.. We have dry ice successfully cooling, my CPU right now..

We’Ve got max clock, speed, 3.7 gigahertz, which is as high as this will go. We’re down to 50 degrees Celsius, pulling 47 watts.. Basically, the absolute max the CPU can push out is being dissipated through this dry ice right now..

What is going on This is so cool, So what’s funny about when you’re just using a chunk of dry ice like this, it melts like a hole like a square shape in the ice, so the ice is now like frozen down to it, but it’s actually not Making contact so my temperatures have gone back up, but it’s literally like frozen on here now.. Can you see that So it’s literally a square shape on my chunk of ice., So the only thing I can think of now is to just gently cool off my dry. Ice. ( dry ice, clunks, ), (, Austin, evil, laughs, ), ( fly buzzes, ), (, Austin, coughs, ), (, Austin, evil, laughs, ).

Now, of course, not everyone has an unlimited supply of dry ice that will need to be replaced every two to five minutes.. Instead, may I offer a different solution, So it’s clearly, we’ve established that coolers are a scam, fake and not necessary., So instead, what if we cool our CPU with nothing but thermal paste, Anyone thirsty So now: oh no! Whatever will we do? My CPU temperatures are going through the roof.. Well, why don’t we take some thermal paste and see if that will solve our problems.? So let’s just let’s go. Have some fun. Don’t try this at home.? Okay, so that’s one tube.. How are my temperatures? Is it worse? Now So, if you were wondering if you can just put thermal paste on your CPU that won’t help, but if you’re wondering if too much thermal paste will cause a problem, I don’t think so.. I think I have applied slightly too much thermal paste, but that’s fine’cause. You know what ( thermal paste squishes ), What could possibly go wrong So we’re just gon na just plug our CPU fan back in., All right, let’s see if it works. Wait, it’s actually working.. I mean I knew that, of course it’s gon na work..

I am an expert here.. Actually you know what I will say Even with a slightly large amount of thermal paste. It actually didn’t really make a huge mess. Like I can’t actually see any of it around the cooler.

And you’ve seen it immediately. Works. Our CPU’s gone straight back to 100 % and we’re coming down in temperature slowly..

Now? What does it look like once? We’Ve actually done this Oh., Oh Ew., Will thermal paste hold my dry ice in place? Actually, look it immediately, spiked. It immediately spiked.. It works.

That was what I was doing wrong all along.. I should have used thermal paste. Then my dry ice not dry ice on my own. Man, what a dummy. So the other day. I got this text for my buddy Mr.

Yeester, the TikTok Tech Tinkerer.. Do you guys have roof access at your office? Coming from him? This is mildly concerning.. What do we have here? I need you to take a look at my PC.. Okay.

Might be dinged up a little bit. But- Sure sure need a little bit of troubleshooting advice. Yeah, maybe if you can figure out what’s wrong with it, that’d be really helpful for me., Okay, sure, no problem man., You know when you ship PCs, you never know. What’S gon na get moved around.! Oh, you know what your graphics card may have gotten a little loose inside., That’s probably it. All right! So all nicely padded.! You used a good foam. Yeah yeah.

Um … ( crew laughing ). Did you drop this PC by chance? I think the question is: how many times did I drop it if I’m being honest.? What kind of heights did you drop? This computer from Well started with two inches. Okay.

And then four inches., Okay, that’s funny. And then eight inches.. That’S too much. I wouldn’t do that.

16 Stop. And then 128 inches and then 256 inches. And it survived It survived., I’m afraid.

Is it ( crew laughing ) Whoa? What [ Ken ]? I’M surprised this made it through UPS. (, all laughing ) [ Mr. Yeester ].

Believe it not, this PC still functions. Well, maybe with some reassembly.. If we define function as if we can get into the BIOS. Okay, that counts. The part that is potentially the- Aah Okay., Look at the back. Look at the back.

That’S not the angle! Graphics card should be in. Well speaking of angles. That graphics card shouldn’t, be this GPU kind, of- Aah, Ooh hoo., Do not do that to me. It is in its own element at this point. As long as the board physically stays intact.’Cause. Obviously the board starts cracking traces.

Are all gon na be gone.. It’S gon na be a wrap. If the CPU stays intact with the motherboard-, Which it would’cause. That’S not gon na be that practical., It’s not going anywhere.

[ Mr. Yeester ], And as long as one stick of RAM stays in place., Yeah yeah. And I guess the power supply doesn’t explode. Then you’re gon na be fine.. Let’S take this to the roof and see if it will survive the final test..

Let’S do it., Don’t try this at home. ( Mr. Yeester laughing ).

So I don’t actually know how high this roof. Is., I’m gon na say somewhere between 25 and 30. Feet is probably accurate.

[ Mr. Yeester ]. It feels very high.. It feels very high when you look down. We’ll just say this straight up.

We are trained. Professionals., Do not try this at home.. Okay, just gon na be very clear.. Do not try this at home..

Do you think it’s gon na survive? My money is that this will still work.. What do you think, I’m gon na say it’s gon na die. Here goes. Nothing.

Are you ready, [, Mr. Yeester ], I’m ready? Let’S drop this PC. Three two one. ( metal, clanks ). I don’t think that survived.. I don’t know about this one..

Oh my God., So CPU power’s in. Powers, in. Motherboard powers, in., It’s fine dude.! I mean okay, fine is a relative term.! I don’t know. Though.

Look at this edge., So here’s the edge of the board. [ Mr. Yeester ], That is true. [ Austin ]. It is like- [ Mr. Yeester ].

This board is warped., So literally without touching it ( bell: dings ) we’re going to grab power for it and see if it will fire up. There’s no way a board which is bent like this could work. There’s no shot. [ Mr.

Yeester ], Hey well, we’ll Find out. Have we mentioned, do not try this at home. We are trained professionals., All right. Let’S power, this PC on., So power is connected..

You can see. The motherboard LED is flashing. [ Austin ], Oh my God., Okay, so power supply’s, working. [, Mr.

Yeester ] Power supply is working man.. So if this fan spins, we know we’re in business., But if it doesn’t, we might be out of luck. A few things are concerning. Motherboard being bent, not ideal. [ Austin, ], Yeah. [, Mr. Yeester ] Power supply having bits of power supply chunks, flowing around., ( Power supply rattling ) Power supply should not make this noise..

No, it should not., But I mean there’s about 100 reasons why this shouldn’t work. So if any part of it works, I’m impressed.. So, let’s see if we can use a screwdriver to jumpstart the board.

Here we go., I think it’s dead.. The PC is no more. ( somber violin music ).

So if you’ve ever wondered, if a PC will survive a 30 foot drop, the answer is apparently, surprisingly no., Which means the limit of a PC surviving. A fall is somewhere in between a 20 foot and a 30 foot drop.. That is what we have proven: here.

Dude. That was awesome.. I am very …. The fact that this survived, as far as it is, is incredible.

Yeah. Now we got ta find a place to bury it here.. Do you have a hole, pre-dug ( Mr. Yeester, laughs, ) .