I owe you an explanation…

I owe you an explanation...

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “I owe you an explanation…”.
When I casually dropped the bombshell recently that uh we’re building a land gaming center, you all, understandably, were like what I have so many questions. So I brought Chase and Dan out here to get you guys the answers. I can’t wait to give you guys a tour cuz. There is so much going on in here. Let’S go, we’ve got two units, Each of which is about 18,000 ft and, as you can see, they’re brand new, which comes with some drawback back things as simple as toilets and walls are BYO. But it also means that no one else’s junk is in the way of us executing on our vision of the ultimate land Center. There will still be some challenges, we’ll be sharing the parking allocation for this complex with at least a dozen other tenants.

I owe you an explanation...

So uh Hey guys, do you mind if we use some of the spots on the weekends cool, but there’s lots of other great stuff about this building? It’S even got water, wow water look, there’s even an area where you can touch grass. You can fit so much power in this bad boy. Speaking of power, that’s one of the biggest challenges when you’re hosting a land event. How many people are we trying to connect to this thing? We’Re trying to fit 250 to 300 people in here uh and we want to do multiple wh lands a year. Well, then, we’re going to show you guys exactly how we’re going to do it after this segue to our sponsor build Redux. You can build your dream.

I owe you an explanation...

Gaming rig with build Redux, you can customize your build any way you want and let build Redux do the heavy lifting all at a price. That’S comp, competitive with building a piece of yourself check out, build Redux at the link down below tour time. Right now we’re standing in what’s going to be a closed off land equipment, storage area, because under normal circumstances, this is going to be a Badminton Center. So the idea is everything we need to host a land is on pallets and wrapped or on racking inside this area, and what’s our goal for roll out and unroll out, we basically just want to roll out the entire land in, like a single day set up. All the table set up all the power, all the networking and then roll it back into this area so that we can be back to playing babington as fast as possible. Freaking awesome.

I owe you an explanation...

But that means that there’s some stuff that we have to hardwire into the building. So from the panel over here, we’re going to be using these twist and lock power, connectors, they’re called cs6369 connectors, and then each of those is going to be positioned. What I think it was about 20 fet apart all the way down the building yeah and each recepticle is going to be 50 amp and 240 volt, so we plug into a distribution box and then that runs out to each lane. So we can power everyone’s computer. Hopefully, without an issue, so then this side is going to be checkin. It’S going to be our stage.

It’S going to be kind of like console or retro areas if we have any other booths or activations everything’s going to run along here. That way, you can kind of split the the whole room for the console area. We could steal my old projector setup yeah, we’ll have full lighting control in here we’re going to just completely cover over all the windows, because you don’t want any light for badminton and you especially don’t want any light for a land party. No so man we could have like even like a couple projector walls for people to play, Smash or whatever yeah.

For sure I mean, if you look at this wall over here, there’s actually just these huge blank gaps, that’s perfect for projectors and anything else. You want to throw up on the about that bad news uh. That wall is going to be kind of an ugly color for badminton. So what color is it going to be like green or blue? Okay? Well, we’ll definitely just have to use the other wall. Then yeah that wall is going to be the same color for the same reason, uh guess I guess we’re going to have to invest in some projector screens. Yeah, don’t worry! We got a okay okay enough power, though we brought Dan here for a reason. Let’S talk about networking, but to get there we’re going to have to kind of Traverse the badminton area where’s the slots going, L us uh slots, you say well, officially we aren’t going to have any but Chase. I think you were saying we could put arcade machines along this wall yeah.

We could have a row here or in this little corner right here. So we have a lot of room for a lot of activities. We don’t have arcade machines, we will figure something out.

I see here on our way up I’ll, give you the lay of the L land. This double door is going to be staff only and completely closed off during land events for security. This is going to be the entrance um service area and pro shop for the Badminton Center.

This right here is going to be the world’s most expensive hallway between the pro shop and what will be the concession change room area and that’s because these two units were not really designed to be combined. So there’s a giant support beam here. Ah, the reason I bring this up, though, is under these stairwells there’s going to be a couple little Harry Potter, closets, one of which is going to be a network closet that is connected to I’m not going to run all the way there.

Now it’s quite far, which is the reason that we need this little closet, because otherwise some of the lines along this wall would have been too long. Ethernet can only do about 100 m before you start running into trouble on this side. This is going to be all badminton all the time, although who knows if wh land gets huge, maybe we’ll wire it up for power or networking.

At some point, it’s going to have badminton specific, specific lighting, though special HVAC, so that there aren’t air currents within the space, all kinds of cool stuff. Then over here we’re going to have our change rooms and our concession area, so men’s change, room little utility area with a sink and washer dryer that kind of stuff women’s change room. Naturally, this is the women’s with the natural light. They always get the nicer bathrooms. This is going to be a little concession area, we’re hoping to have like you know: muffins coffee bubble, tea, that sort of thing, and then this is the stairwell that I was hoping to take up and it’s on the ground. Uh, that’s! Okay, we’ll take the other one, hopefully that’ll be fine. This is toode right seems like it here. We are we’re going to have a little office space right here and a network closet that um. I am deeply worried about this. We’Re supposed to have one of those big floor standing eaten UPS units in here want to run us through what we’re going to have in here. Well, I mean we’ve got our ups. We’Ve got our full-size rack.

We’Ve got our switching infrastructure for, like the 300 individual ethernet runs, we don’t need 300. Individual runs. Do we yeah? I mean this place is massive: we’re getting all ethernet down the sides here, we’ve having the fiber runs, we’ve got, ethernet runs for all of the ethernet connected speakers. We’Ve got all our Visa machines downstairs all the cameras, all the cameras taking security very seriously.

All of the door access Chase. Do you have the plans yeah? I do so. This is uh the server room and then the office right next to it. So I don’t.

I don’t know this. This looks like it’s right, yeah! That’S right! I think it was bigger at some point. It’S tall we just put on top of each other like bunk beds, but servers. I like that idea.

That’S a good idea lest does not seem amused. Oh okay. How did this happen? I mean that’s about 19 in this.

Could be our rack, this is going to be just like the one under the stupid office. Stairs there’s enough room, it’ll be fine! Well we’re going to get that resolved, but one way or another about every 10 ft so twice as many drops as the power drops. We’Re going to have both ethernet and fiber in a perfect world, we’re going to use the fiber and we’re going to have 25 gig going to each row of computers, so that would mean everyone gets a full dedicated gigabit Uplink to what is not going to be.

The fastest internet ever, but given that we’re going to have uh steam cache in here that will also handle uh caching Windows updates and all that other kind of cool stuff should be more than enough speed for anything. You guys would want to do while you’re here and then because fiber fragile – and this is going to be a Badminton Center – 98 % of the time in case that gets damaged. We’Re going to have cat 6A dropping down to each of those spots as well, and the capability of having a 10 gig, copper Uplink in case we need to it’s like you might have to slum it with 500 megabit to your desk, assuming everyone is hitting it At the same time, I think you’ll be all right. Is this the bathroom up here Dan? I think so considering there’s a toilet hole and another thing: there wasn’t 100 % sure if it was a toilet hole um, it does look like a toilet hole, though I mean any hole, is a toilet hole. This is going to be a kitchenet um, with the idea being that if we turn this into a member’s lounge or turn it into more gaming area during lands, uh you’d be able to you know: microwave some pizza, pops or whatever the case may be, and then Over here, through this door, is going to be a gym, nothing heavy we’re not going to have like massive weight machines or anything like that. I’M talking some treadmills and other cardio stuff, maybe some medicine balls that sort of thing and then it’ll also be an observation area where you can kind of you know, your kids got badminton lessons or something you can stand on the treadmill watch the lesson everything’s kind Of in flux right now, though, it could change.

Just like you know. We changed this having stairs haha in all seriousness, these stairs will come back. The original plan was actually to have them, go down a little bit across and then up to the other side, but there was a reason we couldn’t do that. I forget what it is.

So now we have this door hey. I found the toilet for your toilet holes. Oh perfect. It’S makes a good stand honestly, yeah for the backpack from LTT store.com, hey nice.

Why did you put yours on the bowl? You said it wasn’t used. We should talk about how the PA system is going to work. That’S right, man there’s nothing.

That makes me more Angry than a PA system that could the owner of whose lights are on. I don’t know so I tasked Dan who actually has a ton of experience in audio with coming up with a PA system. That’S going to not suck and we ended up with uh. It’S a full Dante integration with ethernet connected Poe speakers pretty much everywhere. Honestly. Seeing this place for the first time today, I’m a little concerned, but I think it’ll be fine. Oh good, that’s always a good sign. Thankfully one of the controllers that we got for this has some really powerful Echo rejection as well. Cuz we’re going to have wireless microphones and things like that. Yes, some of the major issues with having microphones in a giant Echo chamber like this is the speakers feeding back into the microphones. However, one thing that’s going to help is you know how we always spray? The ceilings in our build we’re going to do it here as well, because as much as I love the sound of like you know, I actually hate that sound.

I also hate being standing on the opposite side of the court and not being able to hear what the other person’s saying because of all the standing waves, so yeah we’re going to spray it and then, in the long term, we’d like to also get some giant Panels and just kind of plun them on the wall every once in a while as well that’ll, be great yeah we’re going to do some hanging speakers up there. All of the speakers are going to be along the walls as well in here we’re going to do them everywhere. How many speakers are we going to have? I think it’s like 40 or something it’s a lot, but I mean the place is giant right. There’S really only one or two in here um, the nice thing about doing Dante is for the microphones and things like that. Any ethernet Jack in the building you can just plug them in and you’re good to go, all of which is obviously going to be great. For lens, but also good for badminton, we want to run tournaments here and when you’re calling people to their court, it’s nice to be able to actually hear them, especially if you’re in the change room or something like that and in the long term. We have very big dreams for what we could do technologically here for badminton we’re going to have cameras on every court right out of the gate. So if you’re running a tournament or something like that, you can just send a twitch link to your parents and they can watch – or you know, cool stuff like that for the kids and then in the long term. We’D love to use those cameras to have a little instant replay. You see these trenches on the floors.

Each of these is going to carry power and networking from the wall to the center between each court, and the idea is that we could run anything here, but in the short term the plan is to have TVs one here – one here – one here, one here, so That on each Court after each point, the camera says: okay, okay, hey the shuttle touch the floor, use Machine Vision for that and then it’ll play back the last 3 or 4 seconds so that you don’t have any disputes about line calls. For example, I would love to automate scorekeeping in the very long term, but that’s going to take some serious work and maybe a bigger Network closet for all the gpus that would have to power it bunk beds we’re not doing bunk beds D, we’re doing bunk beds. Now, we’ll we’ll be fine, I mean we got the Camino, which has 6 490s in it that’ll fit in there they’re going to need that back uh since we’re here. Did you guys have any other questions or concerns yeah? Are we going to be covering up all of these windows, especially the ones on the roof and the sides? All the windows are going to be blacked out? Okay, perfect yeah.

We want perfect light control in here for badminton and then for a lan. In the longer term, I’d love to have two sets of Lights, visible lights and then black lights mhm. So we could just turn the the whole place like like, like Rave style, all black light. I think that would be.

You could get those ones that blind people. No, no, oh, we get the ones where we’d have like UV reactive paint and then we’d put some stuff on the walls that only shows up when you’re hosting the land sign the sign the wall kind of thing in UV light, oh for middle of the night Stuff, there’s no reason we couldn’t bring some stuff from LTX right yeah. We could bring anything that we still have from LTX back here. So like the RC cars, the Retro Corner, any of those kinds of boosts. If we still have some of the stuff kicking around figure it out, okay, it would depend, though, like the RC cars is that would we be playing badminton on the weekends on that side of the building during the day, certainly, but whether it would be happening at Night depends on whether we have 247 access for Badminton Club members got it and that’s TBD right now. So almost certainly we won’t at the very beginning. So I see no reason why we couldn’t open up those doors at night and just like go Hog Wild over there. Yeah I mean it gives us a ton of space to just do some fun activations.

If we have anything that needs a little bit more room, and I think I did pretty okay with the speaker placements – there’s going to be a center one, just above you and then of course, kind of dotted around with all the walls. And if you treat it, then I think this will be okay right now. It definitely needs it. Oh yeah, oh yeah.

I want to convolution this, so I can capture it. It’S a beautiful Reverb, horrendous yeah. Send me that, and while you’re at it maybe send him this message from our sponsor sque Squarespace, creating your own website shouldn’t be difficult. Luckily, with Squarespace it’s not their all-in-one platform makes it easy to get your website up and running quickly.

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So don’t wait, go to squarespace.com LT and get 10 % off today. If you guys enjoyed this video, hey I’m going to throw over to the channel super fun, we did in the studio back when it was just an empty box like this man. Looking at it now, it’s hard to believe that it was ever just bare concrete and walls, and I promise you guys this place is going to look flipping amazing, even though it doesn’t look like much yet chase is on the case. It’S a PAW Patrol reference.

I can tell you: have kids .