I Just Needed Some Time Off From YouTube

I Just Needed Some Time Off From YouTube

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “I Just Needed Some Time Off From YouTube”.
Hey, what’s up everybody out there in youtube land, so i know that most of my fans are probably going eric. Where have you gone? What has happened to the channel? What is just what’s happening around here and well? I thought i’d make a video explain to you. Guys really why i just had to slow down on tech videos, take a break step back and just really take a vacation, a well needed vacation, so real quick, maybe not so quick. Let’S talk about why i stepped back and why i’ll be coming back chances are that if you’re upgrading, a computer with major parts or you’re just building a new computer you’re going to need a legitimate windows key and vip your cd key sales, has you covered and Right now, the prices are lower than ever, and it’s simple to buy. You simply go over to their website. Choose the windows software that you want to put it into your cart and when you’re going to the checkout you’re going to want to enter the code to 20 and save yourself an additional 25 making your windows key, not only completely legit but also really low price And after a few minutes, you’ll get an email and all of your keys will be inside of your inbox.

So it’s really simple. So if you want to save money – and you want a key that you know is guaranteed to work forever, then check out vip. Your cd key sales, all right now, if you guys, like my channel like what’s going on, i would ask that you guys would be totally cool brothers and sisters out there in tech land and like and share this video on social media. That would be absolutely great and if you’re new to the channel – and you want to see a channel – that’s going to be – basically, you know restarted like a old chevy that just got its engine redone. Well then stick around, and maybe you can sub now, like.

I said for the fans who have known me: they know that i have basically worked for years from motherboards.org from the writing side of things as a writer to going into the youtube videos and then going through a fiasco with that company having to start from scratch And having to work doubly hard and losing my nickname that i had as doc, overclocked actually just getting sick of the whole thing and stopping overclocking and putting in the past and moving on with my career and starting from the ground up. You know that was a really ass buster thing and i had to work doubly hard for techa tomorrow to get to go and i’ve never had any vacations any time off and the only time i really had any time off was when i was in the hospital Sick and that’s not a vacation, it’s not a vacation when you’re in the hospital – and you think you’re going to be dying and you’re stressed out and they’ve got ivs in your arm and feeding you crap ass food and everything else, and you know you just want To go home, sorry, i kicked the camera and you just want to get home and get to your dogs and everything else. I mean it’s just it’s not no vacation, it’s not a vacation, not no vacation and not no vacation. My man, no it’s just not and plus even with tekken.

Tomorrow’S things happened. You know my mom was back here, she’s 82 years old back on the east coast, she’s getting old. You know, i don’t want my mother’s, like you know, girl, with no support or anything. So i moved back to kentucky and when i move back to kentucky, i lose everybody on my team that i’ve been working with for 15 years.

I lose jesus, i lose john, i lose everybody. I work with all the musicians. I worked with from my whole life. There jesse the whole band chris, all the guys. I love clinton, everybody all the guys in the band i mean i left them behind. I left people i loved behind.

I left my friend randy green, behind who i’ve been friends with, like almost my entire life since high school. He was a great friend. He was with me on all my very first bands, just basically just to say the least. You know i had to leave my son there. You know and john’s like my son, so i call him my son because, like if i had to pick a son in this world, he’s the one i’d pick. So i call him my son.

Whenever i talk to him, because i love him like that, but anyways i had to leave that and come here and then i move here and once again i got ta start from scratch. Now i’m still talking to my friend jesus, because we’re bros we’ve been friends for years and we’re still doing stuff he’s still helping me. Edit videos he’s still helping me do stuff and then, on january 29th of last year he passed away. He had a heart condition and his heart blew up, and this young friend of mine died. He was like basically only 30 years old. He was young, he was like a great friend of mine.

I Just Needed Some Time Off From YouTube

It broke my heart. It also broke jonathan morrison’s heart john, the same guy, i’m talking about who i love like my son who’s, like a part of almost everything i do somewhere because he’s my inspiration for everything. I look up to that guy, like nobody else, even though he’s my junior, so that’s just like how things have worked out in the past.

I Just Needed Some Time Off From YouTube

We have a long, long history together, so um we’ll just we’ll put that there’s a whole. Another whole other story there between me and john, but we’re totally. We are totally tight like you, you don’t have to have blood for family. Sometimes you can choose your family and, like we choose, and so like you know, i had to leave that all behind and it affected john jesus’s death as well sorry to ramble, but it affected him like he really didn’t. Do very many videos and after that, to be honest with you um, i lost my taste in a way for doing tech videos i mean i lost somebody who worked with me for 15 years.

I Just Needed Some Time Off From YouTube

You know 15 feet away from me for 15 years. You know what i mean um, we did everything together, we went to concerts together. We did everything together, we partied together everything we did like together. We were friends, you know we had other friends, we did stuff with obviously too, but we also interact together.

All the time, because, every day of the week he was at work making these videos you know so it was very hard and then even after that i started suffering with really really bad depression. The depression hit me so bad that i really just wanted to kill myself for a long time. That’S all i thought about i’d. Wake up and as soon as i woke up, i’d be up for about an hour and my brain be telling me um. I just don’t want to be here anymore, like what is going on like i got just really freaked out and then, as the things go by you know, in kentucky things are just terrible. I’M not going to go into a big detail, but i didn’t like kentucky at all was not a place for me at all. There was nothing there for me in the town we lived at, we lived in a town called hopkinsville and everybody pretty much said that it was the butthole of the state terrible place to live and like i i had to get out of there. You know, but then we had to move so we had to take two people’s houses together and combined them into one into one house, and that move was so unbelievably stressful for me, all around physically, mentally, financially every way just wiped me.

The frack out. I pretty much had a complete nervous breakdown. I just i just couldn’t function. I was freaking out.

I was just starting to really go off my ticker. You know my medication wasn’t working anything else, so you know i just had to contact my doctor and say hey. I need to adjust my meds and i did so things got things got better and things are more balanced now, which is why you’re seeing me on camera and i’ll be back to back to work now, i’m kind of over what happened i took time off.

I took time to heal, not only my body and when i’m telling everything you guys know that i lost my. You know my foot amputated again. I was in a hospital for months last year and this was you know i couldn’t even walk for years for years. I couldn’t walk, so it was just ridiculous, so i mean you know it’s almost like i’m trying to fathom all this stuff, and there was just so much bad negative stuff that happened in the last few years. It’S just hard to even put like you know in there, so my mindset by by this time that we moved was just gone.

I’M my foot is healed. Now, i’m fully healed, my body’s healed, i’m feeling better in my mind again, um depression. If you have, it is no joke, make sure you just don’t ignore it, i’m telling you don’t ignore it. It’S just too dangerous.

It’S too dangerous when you start thinking that the world would be better off. If you were just in it because nobody cares about you. Nobody wants to deal with you, nobody likes you you’re, terrible, this you’re, terrible that and you beat yourself up, which is what i’ve done many many times in my life, where i just feel like. I’M terrible – and i mean i’ve accomplished a lot in my life and i still feel like i’m the biggest loser on the planet. Many many times so you know if you’re out there, and you feel that you’re not you’re, not alone, and i guarantee, if you talk to other people who are even way more successful than i’ve ever been. They have these same feelings, sometimes too. If they suffer depression, especially a lot of musicians and stuff, a lot of us are emotional little, sometimes because you know to do i don’t know, it’s really. I think to be able to get up in front of a camera like this or to get up on stage i mean, there’s got to be something funky like getting up in front of people and doing stuff.

You know i mean so bottom line. I needed a break, i took a break, but i’m back now things are good um. I have another video coming out of the day where i’m going to show you guys, where i’m actually, this setup we’re seeing right here. I think this is pretty nice john thought.

It was really nice. He was like. Oh, that setup looks really cool um. Let me know what you guys think about this particular setup. I have it’s kind of really important to me. Personally, you guys are my audience i want to do you guys think this setup’s cool, because, like i’m, going to be building an entire another setup down in the basement, that’ll be where i have my new recording studio, a new film studio, new everything.

It’S all going to be down there, so it’ll be great because i’ll be able to go in there and jam on my keyboard as much as i want. I love just having fun on musical instruments. That really brings me my best and most fun. So also. I have to tell you guys i’m really kind of burned out on pc tech. I’M sorry guys right now.

I just think the pc tech world is just kind of like it’s just not that exciting. I really want to focus on more tech related stuff to music, music tech stuff. So also before i go, please let me know what you guys think about that.

I think you guys are a wonderful audience. You’Ve put up with a lot of crap from this guy over the years, some guy the other day made a video and he’s like. Oh that guy makes mistakes.

Sometimes i’ve made mistakes, i’m human! It took me forever just to be able to film myself and do this stuff on my own. I do not come from a behind the camera kind of guy. I’Ve been an actor, my whole life, but that’s you know, that’s not behind the camera. That’S in front of the camera, which i’m doing right now, learning how to do stuff behind the camera and all that stuff i’ve got the lighting down.

I’Ve got the camera stuff down the editing stuff down. I still got to have my bro travis have my back because otherwise i’d be like a guy who’s out at sea and i’ve got a life buoy, but you know it’s got a hole in it. So thanks always you travis as well so peace out everybody! That’S. Why i’ve been making videos tried to readers? Am i going to give you every single, solitary rotten detail of things, but, needless to say, though, i went through a lot of stuff.

It broke me down, but you know when you get to the very bottom of stuff. You either give up or you pick yourself up off the floor and you get your crap together and get back in gear. So that’s what i’m doing. Forgive somebody for taking a break, but i’m back. I love you see you guys later. Peace, .