I HAF To Build This – Cooler Master HAF 700 Evo Review

I HAF To Build This - Cooler Master HAF 700 Evo Review

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “I HAF To Build This – Cooler Master HAF 700 Evo Review”.
[ Linus ], The ultimate DIY gaming experience., Set the airflow to 11., Perhaps not sensible, but extreme and awesome.. These are all things that Cooler Master has said about the new HAF 700., But is it just really heavy, or is it also all that stuff? Oh God.? Oh, my God, I’m gon na blow a sphincter. To find out. We got the fastest and hottest gaming components on the market and we’re gon na be putting this case up against an open air test bench to see if it’s claims hold true. Or if it’s like. The other half of Cooler, Master’s products. Thanks to Origin PC for sponsoring this video.

Origin’s newest line of custom gaming desktops offers Intel’s latest 12th Gen Alder Lake processors, DDR5 memory and free lifetime 24/7. Us based support. Learn more at the link in the video description. ( upbeat music ).

Well, this is about as hungry as it gets these days ain’t it [ Alex ], Oh well, especially that GPU. Okay. [ Alex ]. Have you noticed anything different about it? Well, what I noticed is there was a little bit of goop on the P mode Q mode switch. [ Alex ].

I was thinking more so you’d notice like the holes in the back plate, but. Okay. I mean: can this cooler even handle it? [ Alex ]? No, it’s slower than stock., Oh God.. This isn’t a video about the test bench launch just build a PC. Got my JerryRigEverything box cutter..

I HAF To Build This - Cooler Master HAF 700 Evo Review

Now we don’t have a price for this thing, but based on the fact that it weighs 25 kilos, that is about 55 pounds for our American friends.. I can tell you it’s probably not going to be cheap., Hey Linus, Linus, Linus Linus., There’s instructions on the top of how to open it.. Oh. Fortunately, you did find the tool thing.

I HAF To Build This - Cooler Master HAF 700 Evo Review

It’S in a bad location from the factory in this one.. It’S changing for the production unit., Oh yeah., It’s like hidden. Boom.. You wouldn’t notice it.

I HAF To Build This - Cooler Master HAF 700 Evo Review

If this got stuck in here. There, it is. Holy crap.. Are these all glass [ Alex ] Yeah.

Wow.? That is a really aggressive. Looking design. [ Alex ]? Oh, my God. Yeah. [, Linus ]. Look how fricking wide this thing is.! They were like.

No, it’s not wide enough. Yet., Let’s put the IO on the wide., See it’s not really the side., It’s the wide., The side of the wide.. Oh! This is gon na. Be tedious.

[ Alex ], Oh save a couple for later when they’re lit up. [, Andy ] Or we can keep it.. Oh my God. No..

Oh no and these middle ones are split. We’re at the point now where computer cases are getting so complicated. They’Re gon na have to start having like a PDI delivery and inspection fee. In terms of features at the front.

We’Ve got our reset and power switches, our microphone and headphone jack, four USB 3 type, A ports USB type C. And this display can show system information. Like temperatures and RPMs kind of whatever you want to show on it., It is so heavy. Okay.

Is the paint supposed to be something special [ Alex ] Yeah.. This is a pre-production and they found in shipping them to people that the paint gets a bit scuffed. Up., Oh got it. Okay.. You can actually really tell how engineering sample it is in spots like this. One other change in the production version.

Is they wanted this to be totally toolless, but they’re gon na add a screw here, because apparently they ran into issues where people would pick it up and it would pop off, which could be really really bad.. You could kill a man with this thing. Tempered glass side, panels. Vibration, dampeners.

Magnetic filters. Whoa., That’s where the weight is. Ooh., Oh yeah., That is weighty. That is substantial.. That’S what thick fricking tempered glass will do for you. Wow..

Are these 180 mm [ Alex ] 200. 200 mm. [ Alex ]? They don’t tell you how fast they go though.. So I kind of want to just try that right, now. Two 200 mms in the front, a 120 drawing in there at the bottom and then two 120s at the back. And it looks like holy shnikes..

You could load the top up, with. [, Alex ]. You can fit six 120s up, there. [, Linus, ] Freaking, what Oh my God., There’s so many front panel connectors on this thing..

It’S like a bundle this thick between all the fans and USB and power switch and everything here. Oh. You wan na over volt them. Don’T you Yeah., I wan na see what they do at 17 volts..

How did I know that was coming? It’S almost like. We’Ve been working together for five years.. Oh, this is cool.. They’Ve got a cable management, or rather a don’t, bother, cable management panel on the back here. And you basically just go. Yep..

I don’t wan na see any of that anymore. And you cover it up.. We need to stick a sticker.. I guess just like put it: here. [ Alex ] Sure. Wow.. It takes a long time to ramp. Up at five volts., Give her some more juice., Let’s see like seven volts. Yep., So we ended up at around 7.50.. So, let’s see 12 volt now..

Now we’re moving.. This is over a thousand RPM now.. That is a substantial amount of air movement. [ Alex ].

I guess that’s what they call turning it up to 11.. Maybe they meant 1100 RPM., [ Linus ]. All things considered, it is not loud.. No, not at all it.

Hit a current limit again.. It doesn’t wan na go to faster [, Alex ]. Really It’s going down.! Oh it’s smoking.! It’S dead.! I think when we started it with 17 volts., Oh crap., Oh it stinks.. It’S a good thing.

It doesn’t turn on. It’ll blow its smell towards you.. Here you go Alex. Ugh.. This is your doing.. Can you start helping me build this thing, Because it’s pretty clear this is gon na take a team effort..

I do feel kind of bad.. We don’t have any more Cooler Master fans and using these Lian-li ones instead., But they do clip together., It’s pretty nice. Yeah. Those are super cool., Yeah., [, Linus, ] Power lead just barely reaches the integrated power hub. Wow..

This thing has two integrated RGV hubs. One here, one here. [ Alex ] Damn.

Holy crap., It’s loaded for bear.. Oh I’m gon na leave this for now.. That looks like an absolute fingerprint magnet.

We’re gon na take that off last.. Oh, my goodness., It’s still heavy. Now’s, probably a good time to take a closer look at our test.

Bench. We’ve got a 12900K on a Z690 Maximus Extreme that hopefully has the capacitor on the right way.. You know with how many motherboards still have 5.1 analog outputs..

We should just do like an AliExpress surround sound speaker. Setup. Get subscribed. If you guys wan na see that. These cable management grommets don’t appear to be compatible with the back plate on this motherboard.

Oh.. Oh my finger. Holy crap., Even without the grommets. It’S still right up against the motherboard tray..

Look at the cooler compatibility from the side.. Is this supposed to be coming off like this? Oh, the whole thing’s moving Now a really cool feature of this case. By the way, we’ve gone with a 1300 watt power supply from SeaSonic, because our GPU now draws about 800 watts on its own..

It’S that Cooler Master set out to make the power supply installation completely toolless. So two of what would normally be screw holes have been replaced with pins that go into the back of the power supply. And the other two are thumb screws.

Like really hold it in place.. How the freak many hard drives can go in here. At least two three another four, that’s seven.. There were two more on that mid plate., That’s nine., [ Alex ], Apparently the hard drives are all toolless too.

To put those in of course.. Oh really [ Alex ] Yep.. They have rubber instead of screws.. Do you want to go horizontal or vertical in the GPU? I think we should let at the people decide., Let’s just have them, use the thumbs up and thumbs down on the video. Thumbs up. If you want vertical.

Thumbs down, if you want a conventional mount., ( upbeat music, ) They’re all thumbs, up. Wow. Wow., Let’s go vertical., So this also has toolless GPU mounting. Ah.. How are those toolless They’re just posts., Including with the case? Is this fairly nice Gen? 4 PCIE riser. Smells kind of weird though.. Oh that’s super weird. [, Andy ].

Can I smell it Sure Andy.. We got some weird kinks around here., Thunderbolt 4., Like what the hell. What would you connect via Thunderbolt that you would want inside your computer? Oh, I had a fart., But I feel like if I let that one go I’d get some solid so.. I love that the theme of this build is abused.

Hardware. We’ve got the shunt modded GPU, the motherboard that was prepped for subzero.. We’Ve got the fan..

That’S not abused., That’s dead.! This is ridiculously easy to cable, manage., Basically just cram all the stuff in the thing and then close up the latches and then cover the thing.. Do you think that six fans is enough No.? We can add two more in the bottom.? Let’S do it, The hell. Am I looking at here Triple reservoir pump combos using these brackets., Just in case you’re into it.. I really really appreciate these radiator mounts that just come out and you’re able to attach the fans and stuff. All of our sleepers and a lot of the custom work that I’ve done.

I’ve just stolen these from Master cases and this one’s even better. Alex.. I have some concerns about negative static pressure here.. I think we need more fans.

Yeah, I’m already working on that Linus.. Yes, you are. All right. Okay.. I don’t actually know how to wire this thing.

Up.. I just put this on the middle pin of the bottom. One and it just completely snapped off.. I got pricing from Cooler Master. How much do you think it is I’m guessing $ 3.49 US.. The global price is $ 500 US and in the US, because tariffs, it’s $ 650. Yeah., That’s more than I thought it would. Be. And I thought it would be really expensive., So this is like a 10000D competitor in the way that they’re looking at it. Well now, I feel stupid that this is our first kind of case review in a hundred years. And that’s one that nobody’s gon na.

Actually, buy. Don’t put that video, but look at this space, here. [ Alex ] Yeah. I almost feel like.

We should have water cooled it just to fill up that void. We ready to fire it up. Are we We did a little bit of cable, management., Yeah. Lot of cable management., It’s good looking.! I got ta, give it that.

I wan na. Do this the dirty like in my Intel upgrade where, instead of like doing it properly, you just put it straight through and tie it. Yeah., It’s terrible., I think you mean tight and perfect.. You know they say that beggars can’t be choosers..

What I’m not a beggar.. I could buy my own PC., I’m an influencer, now Linus. I’ll cover it.. No one will ever know..

Oh nice. Right Oh., That’s my favorite kind of cable management.! Oh crap! This isn’t gon na work.. Oh there’s a little arrow indicating where it goes.. If these were data cables, we would not do this.. Oh shoot., There’s an RGB lead, here. Wrap., It’s heavy now. You’re, saying that, like it wasn’t in the first place.. Well, it’s more now.! I forget how this worked..

Oh there there we go.. There was another step. Back. Okay.

Yeah. Cool. Cool cool cool.. Oh, we never put this hard drive, cage back, in., Bye.

Bye. Moment of truth.. I didn’t even show the cool little block that it had for all of the front panel. Connectors.

Yeah.. You also didn’t turn the power supply on.. Oh well. That looks really cool.

[ Alex ], But why are none of our fans working Ah. Like actually none of them.? This one is working., That’s the one that we plugged into the motherboard. [ Linus ] Okay.. So maybe we didn’t plug in the fan. Hub. And all the panels are coming off., Let there be light..

Is it okay to plug in USB headers when the system’s on I mean no, but yes. Awesome. Okay.

Ouch. Screen’s on Yep. Yay. [ Alex ]. What’S the screen showing Make it yours. What The $ 500 isn’t enough to make it mine? If you look here, you can see they probably wanted to do curved glass here, but, like Corsair, probably discovered that it was cost prohibitive.. Remember that early prototype of the 10000D Yes.

[ Alex ], Oh yeah., [, Linus ]. What’S the resolution of this display [ Alex ], I don’t know it looks pretty good. [ Linus ]. It looks great..

This is why you should never give your friends your computer’s password.. Should we get the smoke machine While we wait for the smoke machine to fire up? Why don’t you talk me through what we’re doing here, So we got Prime95 FurMark running concurrently.. I see what you mean about the GPU.. How high did the thermals go on this? So it’s power limited then.? No, it’s thermals limited.! Probably the memory is at 112..

That’S probably what’s limiting is right now or 110 at the temperatures of the CPU or the GPU. We’Re going to be looking at four o’clock. Yeah., This top exhaust doesn’t even feel like it’s heated up, rear exhaust yes. Coming right off the CPU cooler here.. Is it over clocked Nope.? This is stock.. It’S doing 4.9 GHz.. Let’S get fogged up. ( machine buzzing, ) Hello: Do we have fluid Yeah.

( machine buzzing, ), Bang. Oh.? I told them order the good one and they came back to me with this. [ Alex ]. I have an idea..

Do we still have LN2 here, ( container squeaking ) Sorry.? How are we looking [ Alex ]? Well, I’m not able to see like anything.. You can’t see anything Just immediately, disappears., There’s so much airflow. Okay.. It looks like it’s going in.

And then probably up out. Damn.. I wish our smoke machine was working.. How do our results look Marginally worse, I would say.

Turns out fans work, but there’s no substitute for just drawing completely fresh ambient air in., I’m actually surprised.. Oh I’m not., I mean it’s like damn.. As for the GPU., It’s identical. The clock.

Speeds. Temperatures are both effectively the same. And you should know it’s about a half a degree cooler in here now in the case than it was before.. So for an air cooled build, is it as good as literally putting your motherboard on a cardboard box No. Meaning it’s not the best bang for the buck case on the market? But I don’t think that’s what Cooler Master was going for with the HAF 700 Evo.. As for the looks, maybe polarizing personally., I think it looks really cool.

And I think especially for a water cooled build. Man. Could you ever do a cool loop in here? Two radiators up top.

Use this to feed them with fresh air. Another radiator in the bottom. Man.

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Below. No purchase necessary valid in store only limit one coupon per customer.. If you guys are looking for another video to watch, maybe check out the last time we did a build on a Cooler Master, HAF case..

When we used a two horsepower fan. That had the most airflow .