i guess new graphics cards

i guess new graphics cards

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “i guess new graphics cards”.
Now you guys might think that talking tech news isn’t a lot of work but think again bucko unless you’re one of those people who’s into technicalities, because, yes, okay, the amount of force that I exert on my jaw and the distance that it moves is not a Lot of work in like a physic sense, but this isn’t a physics show it’s a tech show and we’re gon na talk about tech. Now we said again and again not to order invidious new r-tx graphics cards until you had seen the reviews, and now the reviews are out, including my alter ego lightness, tech tips is reviews and, depending on your situation, you might want to wait a little longer as We thought it might happen, while performance in games and professional applications is frankly great for the r-tx 20, 80 and 20 atti. There is still nothing currently available that can use the cards shiny, new ray-tracing and dl s. S capabilities games should start getting our TX patches in October, but last I checked it’s not October, and until then we have no idea whether all the hype about our TX is worth it. I mean even Tom’s Hardware finished off their review, saying that the cards aren’t something we’d rush to jump into right now, so I guess they’re, okay, with living at least a little bit more of their life without ray-tracing, now that they know that you’re gon na be Living that much of your life without ray-tracing, regardless of whether you have the hard way so there’s a great roundup of reviews and an ltte forum post linked in the description, so go check that out for all the coverage. Spacex and Elon Musk have revealed late on Monday the identity of the mysterious passenger that will be going around the moon on the company’s bfr rocket, Japanese billionaire yuusaku Miyazawa. Now that I do hear the founder of Japanese fashion retailer Zozo town, I’ve never heard his own job, but he won’t be going it alone. Miyazawa will apparently choose six to eight other artists to accompany him on his trip in hopes that they will be inspired to create earth-shattering works of art and then presumably post them on social media with the hashtag dear MIT, really dear moon, Lordy tests with the VFR Aren’T supposed to begin until mid 2019 with the first uncrewed flights to Mars in 2022 and crewed flights, two years after that, I know I’d be on a crewed flight anyway, with all that said, who knows what Twitter and Instagram will look like in 2024? Really the best use of a moon capable rocket to post on Instagram, and I mean what do I even I don’t even follow anyone on Instagram on Instagram yeah yeah, it’s Linus tech, Google’s upcoming pixel, three and three XL have already been leaked up. The wazoo out the wazoo both up and out it. So it’s only fair that we get a look at the Google home hub courtesy of my smart price. The hub appears to be a first-party version of lenovo’s smart display with a 7-inch tablet attached to a Google home Mac style speaker.

It will be available in chalk and charcoal colors, which definitely makes me want to put it in my kitchen or at least outside by my barbecue. Could this be the future of the home phone yeah, perfect speaking of large screens in the home? Today’S Quaker Bates Wow, is that, like Amish, like, Oh anyway, are brought to you by LG’s ultra-wide Festival, 2018 LG is giving away ultra wide monitors and to celebrate their embracing all creators who spend a lot of time in front of monitors, creating the best content, including Allen: Walker world-renowned DJ and action movie kid: a visual effects. Youtuber the festival has three events to participate in so go participate and get a chance to win an LG ultrawide monitor at the link below on to the baek’s electronics. Retailer Newegg has removed a credit card.

Skimmer from their site that has been grabbing customers card details for over a month, the company isn’t sure how many accounts have been affected, but it is known that the attack was perpetrated by mage cart, the same group that hacked British Airways just yesterday. So you may want to cut up your card if you’ve ordered something on new meg. Recently I canceled it. First though cutting it up doesn’t actually cancel it. Amd has added the rice in five 2618 rise in 720, 800 H to their lineup. These are two new high performance, ap use with Vega graphics.

These look pretty promising as powerful laptop chips, but I personally would wait to pre-order until r-tx comes out, because you never know how much of your life you want to not have Vega, mobile, graphics or r-tx. How will you choose sony has unveiled the PlayStation Classic a $ 100 mini retro console that bears no similarity whatsoever to Nintendo’s Ness and super Ness classic, not even the naming scheme that they clearly couldn’t come up with their own spin on get it spin because it Doesn’T have any discs in it a year after the company said. No one cares about playing old games and refused to add backwards compatibility into their consoles. They have brought us low-polygon Crash Bandicoot so that we can do nice click cute yeah did.

I feel it Bandicoot. Terrible magic leap is actually getting a good looking game in Angry Birds, first-person slingshot, which is exactly what it sounds like Wow, an exclusive game. You better go ahead and pre-order the magic bleep preorder it pre-order. All the things and iOS 12 has started rolling out to older iPhones, and lo and behold, it’s actually making some of them a bit faster. It’S kind of sad that new software actually improving a device’s speed is news, but this this is the world we live in and sadly, in that same world tech linked has to come to an end and then for you and it end. For me, it’s like a no, no it’s not over there.

Yeah yeah like we’ll, be back in two days. Yeah see you then subscribe, so that you it won’t be the end. Then it will be the end yeah yeah.

i guess new graphics cards

If they stop watching it’s the end. That’S how you did works yeah like if a tech link falls in the forest to no one. Does it .

i guess new graphics cards