I got hacked!

I got hacked!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “I got hacked!”.
What’S up guys mysteries of hacer – and I don’t normally make videos like this, but a couple of days ago, something very scary happened to me and I think it’s something we can all learn from plus I just kind of want to keep you guys updated with what Was happening so all of it basically happens at about 1:00 a.m. on Christmas morning, and I know Christmas, I mean this is not the time I want to be dealing with this, but anyway, my phone buzzes and I’m just kind of falling asleep at this point, really Excited about the next day – and I check in and my friend has messaged me and he says something’s going for here with your Instagram account and it turns out. It’S been hacked and at this point I’m sort of scrambling around my phone. I’M scared – and I tried typing my password again again again, but it’s been blocked. It’S not the right password anymore.

I got hacked!

So I’m like okay, fine I’ll, hit the reset button, but then it really drops because the reset email was sent to a different account, an email address which I had never heard of so at this point I don’t have a clue what to do when Seagram account Has just been hacked something I spent two years building up has just disappeared, I don’t own it anymore. According to them, and basically I find out who has been hacking into me and I messaged them on Twitter and kind of like what’s going on. What do you want and they basically tried to blackmail me? They told me they’d hacked into my skype too. They shared me photographic evidence and I knew where I lived.

I got hacked!

They knew my phone numbers, they knew everything about me. It was scary, they knew all my passwords. Everything – and so at this point I I just didn’t know what to do. I was on the verge of tears.

I got hacked!

It was 1:00 a.m. I was home alone. I was just.

I was really so so scared and honestly on the brink of just kind of calling it quits letting them take what they want and yeah it was horrible. It was really horrible, but then there was a point where I was like. No I’ve worked way too hard on YouTube on Instagram on Twitter, to just give it away to let these people take my stuff. So I was like fine bring it on I’m gon na fight. You guys, and we basically spent the next four hours fighting across every social media. They were trying to steal my passwords, my details, my everything I had and at the same time I was trying to verify my accounts.

I was trying to prove that I was the original owners. I was calling the police. I was calling my bank, I was calling everyone. I knew there was a point where they actually took full control over my youtube channel, and that was a real turning point because I was angry and I managed to find a loophole, an email which basically allowed me to secure it back. And at this point I started to realize that these guys aren’t better than me like, yes, they’re experienced hackers, yes they’re working from fake IP addresses, but I was still in control. I had my Google account ID put on like three step verification. Now I had my Twitter back, it was just Instagram and long story short. I managed to get all my accounts back. I filed a report to Instagram.

I was kind of I needed to prove to them that I was the original owner of the account, which was it was tricky. They needed a lot of information. There was a lot of back-and-forth, but about five hours later five hours after I initially found out, then it was all sorted uh-hum which I met. I had zero sleep for Christmas, but considering what I just managed to achieve, considering that I’d literally saved my channel and everything I earned from the brink of disaster, I was chuffed I was.

I was really happy. I was relieved and I couldn’t care less about sleep. So guys, that’s it. The Internet is a really scary place.

I mean even on Christmas. Even on Christmas morning there are people out there trying to get you, but I mean it doesn’t mean you become a hermit. You can’t just hide from everything we just got to enjoy yourself and do the best you can to keep yourself protected. So if you have any accounts but really mean a lot to you, set up 2-step verification, just do it, it doesn’t take very long and it means that everything is more secure, see ya. Apart from that, things are going really well, I’m amazed by how fast the channel is growing still, I can’t believe the engagement that I’m getting from you guys. You guys are commenting on loads of videos leaving loads of likes, and it makes me really really happy so whoo thanks a lot for that, and I can’t tell you what I’ve got planned to the future this channel, it’s really exciting.

I remember gaming setup coming soon make sure you subscribe and make sure you hit that Bell icon for notifications, see that mr. YouTube is going to ruin we’re listening, but they’re being said, understeer is a boss and I’m signing out you .