I don’t need it… – 500Hz Alienware AW2524HF

I don't need it... - 500Hz Alienware AW2524HF

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “I don’t need it… – 500Hz Alienware AW2524HF”.
What’S faster than a 500 HZ display well supposedly an Asus display at 540, but that’s not out yet so. For now, we’ve got the aw 2524 HF from Alienware uh. One thing I noticed is it’s got this cute little whale on the handle. I’Ve never noticed that once before I own an Alienware display in case that wasn’t already known by everyone and um: it’s not 500. Hz, though, and I’ll tell you something: 500 htz is a dream. A dream come true.

It’S so fast. It looks like it’s like you’re. Looking through a window honestly like, I know that people say that basically every time this feels like looking through a window into the real world, it’s so smooth.

I don't need it... - 500Hz Alienware AW2524HF

This is the only time where it’s like indistinguishable, we’ll play Counter-Strike on it later and just show you guys how instant everything is. Um got a stand here. This is only a 24 and 1 12 inch monitor and it’s only 1080p. But that’s because you know you’re trying to hit those Max refresh rates for insane Esports gaming um. That’S not necessarily what I’m interested in. I like a high refresh rate, but I don’t know past 240, it’s hard for me to tell the difference.

I don't need it... - 500Hz Alienware AW2524HF

Until you make another big jump like from 240 to 500, then you can actually feel it um in the Box. Probably should have told you guys, as I pulled them out, we’ve got a USBC to display port cable. We’Ve also got a C13 we’ll see later. If this hooks up directly to the monitor or if there’s a power, brick and then we’ve got a regular display.

I don't need it... - 500Hz Alienware AW2524HF

Port cable: this is what we’re going to be using today to actually hit 500 Herz. If you’re stuck with HDMI, it’s not going to hit there it’ll hit like 240. I think at 1080p, we’ve also got our handy dandy, USB B, cable uh.

This actually really handy for stuff. Like say you want to use the USB ports on the back of your monitor. You just hook up the ba on your computer and it’ll transfer all the signals.

So, for me um, you know I’m not sure how much latency it introduces, but I put the dongle for my mouse on my monitor just to save a USB port on my computer and we’ve got our stand, stand who this one took a lot of effort to Get out of the bag uh, we got the classic big old column into a big old twisty, screw here at the bottom, pretty Universal Design that most people seem to use. Not everybody. We’Ve definitely unboxed a few monitors that don’t use this system um, but it’s just so easy. Uh We’ve also got this box. What’S in the alien Weare box got the little alien head on it. I love alienware’s logo man. I remember when Alienware wasn’t owned by Dell and it was actually like crazy them and like Voodoo uh, as for what’s in here, looks like it’s just a safety and regulatory information as well as a little alien head sticker. If you want to, you know, rep the brand a little bit and then we’ve got the display in here we’re going to do the old click clack and pull it out.

Click clack pull oh and then we’ve got a little product guide here. That tells me how to do all the things I just did. We’Ve actually reviewed uh, the previous iteration of this, the aw25 24 non-hf on LTT, and, let me tell you it was beautiful then, and right now it looks great, except for some of these scuff marks. One moment please: it’s got a pretty sweet stand, it’s not super big and the nice thing is. It’S got these angles here. So if you’re, one of those really hardcore uh csgo players, who does the whole angled keyboard trick um, you can have it like lined up against your monitor there. If it’s really that close, but you know when it’s only 25 in 24 1/2, you got to get in there uh. As for these stands capabilities, it can swivel yep, oh, but it’s on the stand, not the arm.

You know I kind of like that. It feels a bit like sturdier when it’s on the stand itself, not on the arm. Oh baby, it tells you uh to not try to Pivot it when it’s all the way lowered, though in the little booklet we got so I’m going to put it back here and check out the uh. This is the max height and then oh tilt too.

You know it’s always welcome uh, but let’s see how low this monitor can go. That’S not bad! It’S going to fit just about any desk and it’s going to fit just about any height. Something else I just noticed is it’s got a little headphone stand for you. So whenever you know you’re done gaming, you just take it off, put it there in terms of just design.

You know I like it, it’s simple: it works. It’S got the big 500 HZ badge right here: uh, big alien, wear lettering on the front which I’m not crazy about that much branding. But it’s really not that bad. There’S nothing on the stand down here! No alien head logo, then, if we look at the back, like most Alienware logos, it’s got the first model number over here: 25 uh and then we’ve got the little alien head back here, neat little fun fact: we had not this guy, but the previous iteration at Ltx at the does FPS matter booth and B ran it he’s pretty good at games i’ I’ve played against and with him in a couple of Shooters he’s pretty good and uh.

He said that the 500 Herz did not really improve his gameplay or anyone’s for that matter. Now someone who is a dedicated professional Esports player, it’ll, probably make a difference for them, for the average person probably not took it off the stand, real, quick to show you guys the I/O uh we’ve got our C13 power plug here for our internal power supply. If you really need a dedicated external brick, then this monitor probably isn’t for you.

We’Ve got our usbb Port couple of usba a ports and then a couple more down here, actually as well, so we’ve got four usba 3.2 and then we’ve also got HDMI 2.1 and a couple of display Port 1.4. Aside from that, we’ve got a navigation nipple down here and then what looks like a power button right there we’re going to turn on in just a minute and I’ll. Tell you all about the panel. That’S in this bad boy, but not before a word from our sponsor Nord security. If you keep up with the tech news as I do, you know that hackers are always looking for new ways to compromise everything from Tech Giant servers to Grandma’s computer.

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When you surf the web right now, you can get 4 months free on all of nord’s products. So, head to Nord security.com, Linus or click the link in the description below all right, it’s turned on. Let’S see it says 60 HZ there and I believe it. This does not feel good at all we’re using display port because, even though the uh HDMI connector is HDMI 2.1, it’s not enough for 500 HZ 1080p. It ain’t enough, so we’re in 1080P.

That’S great Advanced 60 garbage goes up to 480. Now you got to change a menu setting to hit 500, but oh man even 480, like we’ll get that 20 extra Hertz but uh. It’S really not much um yeah! Let’S do it. Let’S do it. It says 480 in the corner. Okay, great! It’S working! Let’S check out our OSD, it’s the classic Alienware OSD, with the navigation nipple, I’m pretty big on this, but that’s mostly just because I’ve gotten really used to it. Cuz, I have an alien wear, monitor we found srgb to be the most color accurate, with a Delta e average of only one and a Max error of just 2.7, but it only does about 90 % DCI P3, which is still respectable, especially because this monitor is Not about creation, this monitor is about gaming at the fastest speeds possible.

So we’ve got a 490. You know, we’ve got 1080p, it’s going to be probably CPU bottleneck and we’ll see how good it actually works. Overclock 500 HZ baby is doing it.

It’S trying did it do it, I don’t know, oh, it doesn’t feel like it. It feels like it’s back to 60. Maybe I have to enable it and then go in and change it back from 60 to 500. Don’T get me wrong.

This feels the exact same as 480 did to me when you’re going between 480 and 500. There is not a whole lot of difference at 500 HZ, that’s a 2 millisecond frame time 2 milliseconds of frame time is very impressive. The problem is, you start to see a lot of diminishing returns after about 120 240 HZ at 60, HZ you’re, seeing about 16.67 milliseconds of frame time, and then once you jump down to uh or once you jump up to 120, you have that. So it goes to about 8.3 and then you have it again at 240 to four and then you have it again um at 480 to like 2.2 or something and then you know, the 500 gets you that flat even 2 milliseconds, that’s great, but like there’s a Huge difference between 16 and 8 and even 8 and four but 4 to two it’s.

You know it’s pretty minor. That being said, uh my main test for just checking. You know what my refres fresh rate is probably running at. Is I just jiggle my mouse and I try to like see how many cursors are on screen at once? Look at all those, that’s science, that’s scientific right! There uh! Let’S do a quick UFO test: dang 500 FPS refresh rate, so it looks pretty good, but I’m surprised by how much ghosting I’m seeing on the white and green frogs in particular.

We’Ve got vsync off but on it doesn’t seem to make any difference with that ghosting either, so even at 500 HZ. Unless there’s some setting that I’m completely unaware of you’re, just not going to fix that ghosting part of the problem is that while this is IPS – and it looks beautiful in terms of color and even viewing angles – aren’t too bad um. Unfortunately, it’s just not going to be quite as Snappy as something like, OLED or even uh, just a TN panel. That stuff is light and quick, especially OLED counts in literally like micros seconds for Pixel response time. So, unfortunately, we’re going to end up with a little bit of ghosting, at least on certain colors or Shades like we’re, seeing here we’re going to try some games, though, because there is a massive difference between trying to play a game and notice a frame rate versus Watching it on a test pattern, um for me, I find ghosting as perceptible, but not like super perceptible. That makes any sense like when you’re gaming, you’re kind of busy looking at everything all over the place.

So it’s not until you start to pixel Peep and like look for things specifically that you start to actually notice it unless a panel’s really bad. If a panel’s, really bad, you can tell pretty quickly now 24 1/2 in or 24 to 25 is pretty typical for Esports size monitors, and it’s also pretty typical for displays that are this fast. The problem with that, at least for people who are used to bigger displays, is that it’s really small one of the first things that both Belle and I noticed was like wow.

We went to sit down in front of this and I’m like I’ve got to like get right in front of this thing, because it’s tiny, and so it’s going to be a price that you’re going to have to pay. You cannot get 500 HZ refresh rate in a bigger mon monitor, at least not yet maybe a few years from now, but definitely not yet. So you know we set our FPS Max to 1,000 just to make sure that this thing can breathe as much as it wants to, and we are now getting.

You know. 600 700. Maybe 800 frames a second depending on where you are yeah.

Something doesn’t feel right like it’s. It’S hitting High FPS, but it’s still with how blurry it gets. When I shake this much, it still doesn’t feel like 500 htz, because it’s fast IPS and the moving picture response time isn’t going to be as good as you might want it to be.

It still doesn’t feel perfect. We saw the ghosting on the frogs we see when I shake the camera really quickly. It gets a little blurry and a little blendy.

So I think that at the end of the day, refresh rate just isn’t King it’s important, and is this going to look amazing? Yeah, we’ll fire up another game just to look at how good the colors are and all that. I think that when you’re deciding on what monitor to buy, you really need to examine a lot more than just refresh rate and PPI. Let’S fire up Doom, let’s see how Doom feels so. We’Ve got HDR turned on now in Windows and in uh our sweet sweet display. Here and in the game I got to say it looks okay, it’s putting up some decent bright spots. We measured, I think, 450 nits, roughly uh Peak brightness and HDR, which is fine uh. The the problem with this thing is: it’s not. You know it’s meant for stuff like this. It’S not meant to look cinematic.

It’S meant to give you the fastest frame rate possible. This thing looks fine in game. I will admit when you’re watching content like this and you’re, not looking for individual uh issues, it looks okay, you’re not going to see a ton of Bloom unless it’s a very like obvious example of oh here’s, a you know pinpoint here on a dark uh spot. The pro oh, those bright flashes from the gun, actually look terrible.

It brightens up my whole screen, essentially instead of like just here. Okay, so that’s a really good example of that. Looking real bad um, it doesn’t help that I’m also low health, and so I’ve got some red filter on my screen. It’S not as bad now that the uh film is gone, but it still brightens too much of my screen. Instead of a simple pinpoint right, where my muzzle flash is, there’s a reason that they’re not even really promoting HDR, all that heavily for this version, um the main difference between the HF and the H is that this does not have the g-sync badge. It does not have native g-sync modu on it.

It’S got free sing premium, which is pretty sweet. I will admit right now. This is not an awful experience and I’d be more than happy to play. This I’d probably play in HDR instead of SDR this one. Without the gsync module, the aw25 24hf is $ 650 right now, which is kind of a lot for a 242 in 1080P display that doesn’t even have a great HDR experience. However, there’s really no competition at 500, HZ or there’s not much uh, especially not when you want fast IPS for better colors than a TN panel is going to give you what makes it even better is the Nvidia one with gsync is $ 830. So if you want to save like 200 bucks – and you were already thinking of getting the nonf version honestly – you’ve done yourself a favor by waiting because $ 200 less makes this a lot more affordable to a lot of people. I personally probably wouldn’t buy this.

I think that 500 HZ it’s a little too much for most people, 240 – is still really good and still a huge jump um, especially different panel technology like OLED, where you have those Lightning Fast, pixel response times. It’S a fantastic experience. This is still really really good and there are absolutely Gamers out there who not only want this, but need it to get that edge over their opponent.

So if that’s you, the aw25 24hf from Alien wear might be worth checking out. This is short circuit. If you want to look at another video check out the lg27 g95 QE, that’s an OLED monitor.

It does 240 HZ, it’s not 500, but it’s still real fast. .