I can… BUY.. a GPU??

I can... BUY.. a GPU??

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “I can… BUY.. a GPU??”.
Death taxes and tech news. The new album from the guy that brought you Brian, the electrician., That’s a banger. [ James ]. Let’S hear it. Play it., Our favorite electronics have been pretty expensive for a while now.. So, let’s have some positive news: okay, The US federal government has lifted some tariffs on goods from China, specifically PCBs.. So the hope is that products like motherboards will see price drops in the near future.. Yes, the import taxes ranged anywhere from an additional 7.5 to 25 %, So this will definitely make things easier on manufacturers and hopefully, they’ll pass some of those savings along to us. [ James ].

I can... BUY.. a GPU??

By us we mean the Americans. ( laughing ). We’Re fine we’re not we’re all suffering. As far as whether graphics card prices will also drop.

I can... BUY.. a GPU??

That’S a bit harder to predict across the board due to high demand., But Asus is announcing that it’s dropping its graphics card prices by up to 25 %, starting on April 1st., [ James ], No joke! No! You would think so.. That would be really bad for them. [ James ].

I can... BUY.. a GPU??

It’S only good luck, guys. Horrible timing. Unfortunately, there still looks to be some not great news further out on the horizon for the entire chip industry.. According to a report out of Taiwan, it’s expected that Fabs will have to pay over 200 bucks for a 12 inch Silicon wafer by 2024, the highest price on record., It’s just gon na equal out. I guess.

This marks an increase of 20 to 25 % over current levels and to make matters worse, most Fabs have multi-year contracts with wafer makers., Meaning. If some company needs extra to keep up with demand. Looking at you Nvidia, you are so — [ James ]. They just keep putting’em out.

Thirsty for wafers ( slurping ), slurping’em, up. They’re, going to be rather hard to obtain.. The good news is that the big wafer makers are planning to expand capacity and wafer costs aren’t typically the biggest driver of how much you the user ends up paying at the store., But I’m still not too keen on spending an extra five bucks that I could Have spent on actual wafers, you know — [, James ] Or horse armor., The ( laughing ), An Eldon ring.. Do they even have it It wouldn’t help. [ James ]. Do they have horses? I can’t say I’m too surprised, but apple is reportedly cutting down production of the new iPhone SE..

In fact, the company is planning to cut production next quarter by a full one. Fifth [ James ], IPhone slash, edition. I’d, buy, it. Apple is still expected to ship as many as 20 million of the lower end iPhones this year. But this is a lower number than Apple was hoping.

For. Aw. Number go down, Poor apple, Low demand and not the chip shortage is apparently the culprit marking the latest example of consumers, simply not being all that excited about lower end iPhones, because they’re jewelry. This is it’s simple., Remember what happened with the iPhone 5C [ James ], I got it from Ardene’s..

What is that [ James ] Claire’s At the mall There’s also the price increase of $ 30 over the previous iPhone SE. That’S not helping at all., Especially when the iPhone 13 mini, is also positioned as Apple’s main mid-range product right. Now. [ James ], Can’t have two small ones.. Now it’s time for quick bits brought to you by Brilliant the website and app that makes learning stem accessible and fun.

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Pew pew pew pew see all the little things with [ James ] Riley. A new iPad Pro is on its way, and unsurprisingly, this one is expected to feature the new M2 chip. [ James ].

Oh, like new new, The new. You know that new new., The news comes from well known, Apple, insider Mark Gurman, who expects the latest iteration of the tablet to come out this fall., The upcoming iPad Pro, is also expected to support mag safe.. So you can mount it to one of your car vents. If you want a nice big picture to help you drive. [ James ] Get a Tesla. Well, if you didn’t wan na use the one in the Tesla., If you get that one terabyte version, then you got like a $ 2,000 GPS.

And some news about AMD Zen. 4 chips.. I hope you’ve got a hefty cooler at the ready. As a recent leak indicates, the upper tier rise in nine 7950 X will have a whopping TDP of 170 Watts.

[ James ]. That’S a lot of Watts.. Have you ever seen that many Watts A huge increase over the 5950 Xs 105 Watts. [ James ]? What, Unsurprisingly? This would be a 16 core processor, but that’s a high TDP, even considering the core count., So maybe don’t pair it with a $ 20 air cooler.

Unless you wan na burn your house down for points. [ James ] Wish dot com, Moscow based cybersecurity and antivirus provider. Kaspersky is now ironically, on the FCCS security threat.

List. [ James ], I didn’t know there were companies who were Moscow, based., Not anymore.. You wouldn’t know it., It isn’t super surprising, given that founder, Eugene Kaspersky is suspected of being connected to Russian intelligence.

And Kaspersky products were already banned from US government networks, but it does make Kaspersky the first Russian company to be added to the list which includes Chinese Companies suspected of government entanglement like Huawei and ZTE. American companies. On the other hand, they don’t speak to the government at all.. They barely know anything about each other.. They don’t go to luncheons. [ James ].

They just give you a red envelope right under the table. ( slurping sound ), If you paid for iCloud in late 2015 or late 2016. Congratulations: There’s a class action settlement that came out of a lawsuit alleging that Apple improperly handled iCloud data., So not congratulations., [ James ]. I got 25 cents coming to me. Yeah you got manipulated bud.. Some some coins.

Payouts won’t be going out until at least late 2022. And we’re not sure exactly how much they’ll be, but you should at least be able to. You know, pay for a couple months of Apple TV Plus. If that even.

[ James ]. I doubt it honestly Severance though Apparently it’s good. [ James ], Should we cover it on our podcast On They’re, Just Movies, Or with that little bit of money, you could also buy a game on Apple’s. First, ever game console [ James ], The Pippin.

Oh, that’s right.. They already had one. Uhh., Nothing is confirmed yet, but Apple is consulting with developers like Capcom and Ubisoft, as well as folks in the hardware industry to see if they can get one off of the ground. Off of the ground. Hover.. This follows earlier reports of Apple poaching engineers, from Microsoft for the same purpose or maybe for a hilarious, prank.. There’S no console., We hired you for nothing., You don’t have a job. And we’re not playing when we say that you better come back on Wednesday for more tech news, because there’s gon na be more baby. And maybe even James will be here.. Maybe we’ll just call it the Apple Gaming Console.

We’re not talking about that anymore., The episode’s over., No more tech., No .