I bought the “CHEAPEST” iPhone 15

I bought the

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “I bought the “CHEAPEST” iPhone 15″.
I bought the cheapest iPhone 15.. At this point. You’Ve probably seen a ton of your favorite YouTubers, take a look at the Pro and the Pro Max.. Well, those phones are great.. I feel like I’m uniquely qualified to talk about the base model for one reason..

I’M switching from the iPhone 13 Mini. Tons of people are absolutely gon na go out and get that iPhone. 15 Pro Max and it’s gon na be great with the Tetraprism 5x zoom lens and 6.9 inches in your hand, or I don’t know, however big it is.. I’M not sure why I came up with that number.. So today, let’s take a closer look at what it’s like to live with the base model, 128 gigabyte, hot, pink or mild, pink iPhone. 15.

I bought the

They’ve actually done a good job with the design of this phone. Like at first glance. It looks exactly the same as every other iPhone, but it’s got a nice little sort of like not even chamfered edge, like a very soft pillowy edge, all the way. Around.. Now, one of the things that people are very excited about is the USB-C port. I’ll be real..

This is a legitimately massive update to the iPhone. That’S probably a couple years overdue.. Not only does this mean that you can use the exact same chargers and cables from your laptop or tablet or headphones to charge your iPhone, but also means that your iPhone can then charge some other devices. Mind you it’s at 4.5 watts, but something is better than Nothing. Now the only downside here really is that the base iPhone 15 is limited to USB 2.0 speeds, whereas the Pro models get the much faster.

Usb 3.1. We’ve all been using iPhones with USB 2 for, like 14 years now., It’s fine., So Matt over here is a big old Pro boy.. Can we just see- Why I got ta, be a big old boy.

I said a big old Pro boy.. It’S the same size., It is the same size.. So this is the iPhone 15 Pro versus the standard 15.. Let’S go screen to screen’cause, I don’t wan na scratch: anything., Oh they’re, a 100 % the same.. Actually, I think, I’m like a quarter of a millimeter taller., [, Matt ]. Okay, It’s a little bit bigger just a little bit bigger., Some would say not but …. Speaking of being a little too big. I still feel that way about this iPhone.

15. Much less. The larger Plus, as well as Pro Max variants. Now as someone who is a huge fan of the iPhone Mini, it definitely stung a little bit when they stopped making new models..

But it surprised me that this year, not only are they not making new Minis they’ve discontinued, the 13 Mini altogether. Used to be able to get one in the Apple Store, but they’re not making them anymore.. The iPhone Mini, I’m sad to say, is well and truly dead, now., It’s a bit of a sore subject, but there is another model of the standard iPhone 15, which is the Plus, which sadly replaced the Mini.

And look. I could be here all day, long telling you why I love the Mini. Ooh. It’S still got Ceramic Shield.. When I woke up this morning, I knew that the iPhone 15 is being delivered today.. I picked up my Mini, I literally stared at it for a moment, and I felt a pang of sadness because I have been using the Mini on and off ever since the 12 first came out..

I bought the

Obviously I use the Z Flip’cause, I’m a small phone weirdo but like the Mini, is such a terrific size.. I know the big phones are all the rage and everyone wants that huge huge display. But for me the Mini is terrific.. That was why I actually tried to move away.. I switched over to the Pro for a little bit and honestly, I put my iPhone 14 Pro back..

I bought the

I didn’t even use it. I switched over to the 13 Mini and I have not looked back since.. The only thing I personally miss from the Pro phone – and I think it’s probably gon na – be the same thing for this guy are the cameras.. It does have the 48 megapixel main shooter from the iPhone 14 Pro.. This camera is a legitimate upgrade for the base model, iPhone.

Now you’re, seeing what it looks like for video right here, which is certainly my main priority, but even for the stills, having not only 48 megapixels to work with that nice large sensor. But you also do have the new 24 megapixel base mode, which does deliver really quite nice detail.. Technically, the main camera on the Pro phones is a little bit more advanced than this. But, let’s be honest, it’s a pretty minor difference.. The cameras here are incredibly well.

Tuned., Terrific dynamic range. And I have said it before and I’ll say it again. The video on the iPhone is the best in the business and it is a huge reason why I continue to use the iPhone as one of my daily devices. Like I just can’t.

Stop., Look at this I’m using a DJI Mic right now, right But other than that. This is straight off of the iPhone 15.. It looks absolutely terrific.. I can’t quite say the same nice things about the Ultra Wide on the iPhone 15.

Now you’re, seeing a sample of it right, now., It’s perfectly fine. And for vlogging I would say it’s decent, but it is a pretty significant downgrade from what you’re gon na get On the Pro phones, which not only allow you to use macro mode, it’s gon na have autofocus it’s a better camera., So the Ultra Wide is good enough. It’S fine., But that is definitely one area where you’re sacrificing spending less money to get the base phone.. One good thing I’ll say is that the iPhone 15 now shares the same selfie camera from the bigger brothers, which means that you’re going to be getting not only autofocus, but it’s just generally a much better.

Looking more detailed image. Now having autofocus on the front facing camera is a surprisingly big deal.. It means that, as you get closer and farther away, you don’t have that sort of softness that was always endemic on these older iPhones with the let’s be honest, pretty mediocre.

Selfie cameras., That is all fair enough and easy to understand., But as someone who shoots an enormous amount of video on my phone honestly, the real reason why I actually carry an iPhone alongside my Z Flip is because of the camera and really because of the video.. I find that for my specific use case, having an iPhone around to work with a lot of apps that simply don’t run an Android having editing tools having a bunch of stuff like it works better on iOS.. I don’t wan na sound conceited here, but I do use it in a pro capacity..

I mean a lot of the videos that you see on this channel are somewhat shot on the iPhone.. You spend a lot of time doing like TikTok and YouTube shorts and Instagram reels and all that kinda stuff. And to me I have a better experience on the iPhone.. I do wish that they had at least given us the upgraded Ultra Wide, because that is actually a really nice sensor, especially on the Pro. Like you could do vlogging on that., You see Matt, Look Matt’s doing it now.. So I’m doing it now just to make fun of Austin, but I can’t see what I’m looking at.

[ Austin ] Switch to Ultra Wide.. I am in Ultra Wide.. Are you saying I need Ultra Wide [ Austin ] Matt that looks beautiful. Yeah ,’cause, I’m in it Now the screen is upgraded this time around on the iPhone 15..

So not only do you have the Dynamic Island, which I personally find to be actually quite useful for Live Activities and stuff., It’s better than the notch at least., But importantly, this also sees a major upgrade to brightness.. That is something that literally 100 % of people can find useful if you’re out on a sunny, day. Previous iPhones were pretty bright but 2000 nits matches the Pro phones and the Pro Max phones and is easily going to be legible.. Now the downside to this phone and the big thing, if you ask the comment section of this device, is the refresh rate.. This is an $ 800 phone with a 60 hertz display. (, sighs ). The thing is, I get it and I understand that this is an outlier.. You can find yourself a phone that costs half this much with a 120 hertz display on the Android side, and if you do upgrade to a Pro phone, it is smoother right.

You’Re talking about double the fresh rate, which is double the smoothness for animations, not so much for like games and whatnot.. Very few games actually run at that kind of frame rate, but it does add fluidity.. I 100 % grant you that using one of the Pro phones versus this, you do’em side by side, you’ll notice that this does not feel quite as smooth.. That being said, if this is something that really rustles your jimmies, I’m sorry to say, you should go touch. Some grass. It’s fine. And I know that people get really upset with that.. It’S a nice to have thing.. It is certainly a reason for Apple to try to upsell you to that Pro phone.. If it’s something that you are that upset about, you should probably buy the Pro phone anyway., But I would say, for 98 % of people on Earth. It’S okay.. Now when can go deep in the specs.

It’S not super impressive.! It’S using the A16 Bionic from last year’s iPhone 14 Pro very respectable performance.. You don’t have all the fancy ray tracing goodies of the Pro phone and there are other things that you’re missing.. So if you are looking at this iPhone and you’re considering buying this or like one of the iPhone 15 Pros to sum up really quickly what you’re looking at this is $ 200 cheaper., So you’re talking about $ 800 versus a thousand dollars for the 15 versus The 15 Pro. Now with that you’re going to get the 120 Hz display on the Pro.. You are gon na get the newer A17 Pro chip, you’re gon na get a better Ultra Wide and the addition of a 3x telephoto camera and you’re gon na get that sweet, titanium build and your USB port’s gon na be a little bit faster.. It’S not an unreasonable amount of stuff..

I mean I’ll, be honest with you. If you’re considering the Pro phone, it actually probably is gon na be worth the upgrade., I think what Apple charged the $ 200 for the difference between it’s not bad. It’S not crazy.. The main difference here is the fact that this is a cheaper device and there are some compromises there. If you clicked on this video – and you just expected me to ( hugs ), all over the base model phone – I’m sorry to say, you’ve landed on the wrong Channel because I actually quite like this., Is it a perfect device, Absolutely not. Would I have at least put 120 Hertz display on it Yeah..

It’S tough because, like I think it’s easy for me to fall into the trap of defending this phone. And I don’t think it needs to be defended, because I think that there are gon na be tons and tons of people who are gon na. Buy the base model of the iPhone and be perfectly happy., Even the 128 gigs of storage. I was actually talking about this on Threads, the other day. I bought a 128 gig iPhone 13 Mini and I’ve been totally fine. Mind you. I keep my camera roll pretty clean, but even with all the video I shoot I just clear stuff off after I’m done with it right Like I, don’t leave a huge amount of stuff.. Obviously, you could spend a little bit more money and get like 256 or 512, and that would be a lot more comfy., But I just think that if you are the kind of person who buys a Pro or a Pro Max every year without thinking about it, You just want the best iPhone. This is not for you., That’s okay..

There are other people who would like to save a couple hundred dollars, and I don’t know put that towards your credit card. Debt. Most everyone on YouTube who are reviewing.

These phones are gon na talk about the 15 for a minute and then put it in a drawer. Go grab the Pro Max and live their best happy life., That’s totally fine.. That is totally fine..

Am I gon na end up with a Pro at some point? Maybe., Probably I don’t know., But what I can say is this. The iPhone 15. Even the base base model as much as the fandroids might be upset and again I wan na be super clear.

I got an Android too. I love the Z Flip more than the iPhone.. If the Z, Flip and Android had a little bit more robust video support, especially with like a lot of apps, I wouldn’t even use the iPhone.. I’Ll be honest, I wouldn’t., But this is a better experience for my work, for what I do for vlogging for capturing content.. The photos are also really quite great. Again better than the Z Flip.. It’S a solid phone and I think at 800 bucks you can be quite happy with the iPhone 15.. I wish they would bring back the Mini though. Subscribe. Ringling, the ding-a-ling button., And this is your yearly reminder that if this really really upsets you take a deep breath, it’ll be okay. .