Huawei: It’s not “hacking”…

Huawei: It's not

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Huawei: It’s not “hacking”…”.
Hey guys it’s time for the tech news, oh, and we got some good stuff today so hold on to your hats, because it’s gon na be super good huawei. You haven’t talked about them for a little while they probably haven’t been up to anything sketchy right wrong. If a Wall Street Journal report is anything to go by technicians, working for Huawei in Uganda and Zambia helped the governments of both of those countries spy on their political opponents. The Huawei employees use the company’s network and specifically a software, called Pegasus to intercept messages and relay them to the governments. The practice was apparently done at the request of the country’s police after they had tried and failed to intercept messages themselves. Now. Huawei says that this was the work of Huawei employees. Executives in China had no idea it was going on and the company has never been engaged in hacking activities technically, if they’re just monitoring their own network. It’S not hacking like if I pick up someone’s wallet after they drop it on the ground.

That’S not! Technically! Stealing! That’S my wall. Now Microsoft has warned of four new vulnerabilities in Windows that are were mobile, which, beyond just sounding nasty means that they can be used by hackers to make malware jump from one computer to another like space, because the flaws are so similar to the blue. Keep vulnerability that Microsoft patched way back in May. They are collectively being called deja boo’, demonstrating that the only thing worse than security flaws are the dorky names.

Researchers come up with to name them. I would have named it. That’S awesome who wrote this? You did the deja blue flaws are found in the windows, Remote Desktop Services which allow users to take control of a remote computer and, unlike blue key effect, newer versions of Windows, including Windows, 10 and Windows.

Server 2019 researchers are working on patches right now and they better hurry yet because they don’t fix them soon. I’Ll just want to cry, and speaking of securities snafus researchers from VPN mentor say that a database containing 28 million records used for building security around the world has been publicly accessible for some time. The database used in the bio star 2 security system created by a South Korean company Suprema, contains plaintext passwords, of course, photos of people’s faces, personal information and even fingerprint scans used to gain access to secure buildings.

Huawei: It's not

The researchers found the database during a routine network scan. So it’s fair to say anyone with some tech know how could have accessed it. They also say they were able to change data in the database, adding their own fingerprints so that they could access buildings owned by companies that used Biostar to the database has since been hidden. But who knows who stole? Whose fingerprints? In the meantime, our a bunch of wannabe Ethan hunts running around stealing secrets – am i Tom Cruise now it’s time for the Tom Cruise brought to you by madrenas coffee. You can drink the very essence of Linus tech tips with the Lambo roast, which isn’t this. It’S a it’s a bag of beans, but you can get it.

Huawei: It's not

It’S got a sweet chocolate, flavor, a huge, bold body and a smooth caramel finish, and I’m all about the finish smelling. It makes me feel, like I’m riding a dang old unicorn. In my unicorn I mean a man. I mean a Lambo plus madrenas also offers sweet and creamy flavors like mocha or caramel, and bold flavors like they’re, cold Cru, blue brute cold brew black, but the real kicker is that you can get 40 % off your entire order.

Just go to LM g g g, /, TL, coffee and click, the link in the description and use offer code linus. I need some cruise bitsa. I need them stat I want to drink. More of this AMD is launching a new line of graphics cards and my graphics cards. I mean pre-built GPUs and by new I mean old. The Radeon 600 series from the bottom end Radeon 610 to the top end rx 640, that that’s top end. Not high-end are apparently based off the 28 nanometer GPUs from 2013 and are expected to show up in pre-built, PCs and lop lop tops.

Huawei: It's not

So why are we even talking about this Riley sounds old old stuff in new stuff? Is that we’re talking about here, brutal guess? What Facebook was also paying human contractors to listen to recordings of its users? Duh recordings like voice memos sent using facebook messenger were reviewed by humans to ensure accurate transcription, but the company apparently stopped the practice a week ago. You know when all of the other recording stories were popping up and look if you’re surprised with that, I don’t know what to tell you, you might want to do some brilliant, daily challenges or something because your brain needs to work better. This is how they make the technology. Guys Apple is gearing up to launch new iPhones. This fall as they do, but the company is reportedly switching up their naming scheme again come September, we’ll be looking at the iPhone 11, the 11pro, the 11 R and the 11 max.

Why not just take it all the way, let’s throw an iPhone 11 plus an iPhone 11 s, 10 X or 10, while we’re at it. Maybe an S see I’m happy about this. Actually, what’s not, fun is being kicked off your flight because your MacBook Pro might explode like it’s a cot Danks, perhaps some note 7 or something the Federal Aviation Administration has announced a ban on certain 2015 MacBook Pros because of the faulty battery issue that triggered an Apple recall back in June: if you’ve repaired your model and have the paperwork to prove it, you should be able to fly just fine. You actually have to carry paper holy cow, but if not well shirt, a guy, wouldn’t his laptop, don’t at me got him wow. That’S hilarious, just a piece of paper taped to your laptop and tumblers sad saga continues with the blogging platforms acquisition by automatic the company that owns WordPress tumblr selling price, less than three million. That doesn’t seem too bad until you compare it to the 1.1 billion that Yahoo paid for tumblr back in 2013 and if you’re about to cheer the return of lewd photos on the platform sowwy, the porn ban will reportedly remain in effect. But have you heard about the rest of the internet? Whoa? That’S it for the tech news today, sorry! I I can’t do more, but come back on Friday, because oh boy, someone else will be here to do more stuff like that. My knees are equivalent.

I don’t know if you can see them, but they are shakin. My glutes are tightening. I got a buzzing in my ears, more madrina .