Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “HUAWEI BEATS APPLE”.
Chinese leading tech company, who are we this moves up to the second place in the global smartphone sales share. Huawei Technologies overtook Apple, to become the world’s number two smartphone maker in the second quarter. This year registering and on your growth of 41 percent was the first time that Apple had not been the number one or number two smartphone company in terms of market share. We don’t know much fire, but it’s math. Folks are what I do the whole Wow.

So I wanted to talk a little bit about some information that came out recently CA na ly s calm these guys they do. These reports on the smartphone industry, of which I am of course very invested, makes so many videos on smartphones pay attention to the marketplace, and so I like to know exactly what’s going on where the marketplace is going because that matters to you it affects you. It impacts you, it impacts what ends up in your pocket, so Huawei overtakes Apple, to become number two smartphone vendor in q2 2018. I know you’ll be like there was no new iPhone you’re tracking the wrong period, but here’s why this is significant.

This is the first time that Apple and Samsung have not been in the top two spots of smartphone sales in any quarter in seven years, since the second quarter of 2010, seven years is a very long time we’re talking about the smartphone business as a whole. Now, when we’re talking about seven years Apple and Samsung, they have flip-flopped in those top two spots. You can kind of track it yourself. Very infrequently Apple has beat Samsung in terms of market share, but overall either one or two for seven straight years and Huawei has ended that not only did they end that with 54 million units shipped to Apple’s 41 million units, but they did sell with 41 percent Year-On-Year growth skyrocketing in terms of volume and a lot of that has to do with the honor brand, which is actually responsible for two-thirds of this growth, pointing in this direction of budget devices being the future of devices in general when it comes to volume.

Now the reason this is important is because it inserts an individual into a particular ecosystem. If your first device is an inexpensive, honor device and you get familiar with Android, you buy all your apps on there. You use those messengers whatsapp so on it becomes harder for Apple to eventually get their teeth into you, their teeth into you for you to get your teeth into their Apple. Some people will say yes, but Apple is out there realizing the majority of the profits in the smartphone business, sure you’re correct.

They are in fact Huawei has stepped away from a profitability focus and instead they’re focusing solely on this rapid growth. Let’S get people in the door, give away the free hotcakes and maybe they’ll stick around and buy the bacon and the sausages. You see what I’m doing here now. Obviously, their devices are not free, but they have so many options at the lower end and for those in for you on Twitter and in other places they want to tell me that Apple doesn’t care, because this sitting there counting their trillion bucks, which they are.

But the reason they need to be concerned is because this is the long game all right. This is not about your lifetime. This is about forever in the smartphone business in the technology business, you need to get people in the door and continue to do so. In that same quarter, apples year-on-year growth was only 1 %, will always 41 %. That’S a lot of new customers, and they did that with no US presence. Yes, clearly, we always overtaken them, while we’ve not allowed to sell phones in North America. So all of those sales are coming clearly from elsewhere. You know you guys have probably heard, but the complications selling product in the United States for huawei, honor and so on.


They did this everywhere else number one smartphone manufacturer in China. They account for 27 percent of smartphone purchases in China, outside of China, the p20 and p20 Pro more than doubled, the shipments of the P 10 and P 10 plus so people obviously like this device. Now what does this all mean for Apple? I know lots of you are iPhone users out there and you’re sitting there thinking lu. Am I getting an iPhone pretty soon? What about these new models? How is Apple going to play this promise? You Apple cares and the reason I know they care is because they are finally looking at a more budget version out of the gate.


Now, don’t tell me that in the past, when they let the old model hang around, that was their budget version. That’S a scam! We all know it look at the MacBook Air right now, that’s not a legitimate purchase in this day and age. This time around that’s different.

We’Ve seen the leaks, we’ve seen the rumors shifting certain components, LCD displays cutting costs because they’re looking this report, just like I am – and just like you are, you need to get people into your ecosystem. You need to get people using your services now I should talk about Samsung, real, quick, because they’re also on this chart, they’ve been number one for a very long time from the wide variety of smartphone products that they make down. 8 %. Their stuff is not selling as great as it used to, but that’s still, 73 million units they’re moving a lot of units, but they are also taking a close look at this. I’M sure wondering where they need to be from a product offering perspective to keep moving in the same direction.


That Huawei is moving in right now now, one more thing to reiterate here: Huawei is not currently selling in the United States for various reasons. If that changes, you can expect to see an even bigger number here in terms of growth, the United States very big smartphone market. Talking about customers, opening the front door hanging out a little bit they’re looking around. I can’t tell you what the next device is, but they’re getting more comfortable with the idea of brands that aren’t called Samsung and aren’t called Apple, and now you know that, would you give Huawei a shot? P. 20. P. 20. Pro.

Is that in your future? Let me know, maybe you have concerns, leave a comment. .