HP Crossed a Line

HP Crossed a Line

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “HP Crossed a Line”.
During a recent CNBC interview, huet Packard, CEO, Enrique lores, oh made a series of what are uh described in our in our notes, as inflammatory statements um. In other words he was a raging. He said that customers who Buy printers are – and this is a quote – an investment, and that if that customer doesn’t buy enough ink and supply, they are a bad investment. I would Hazard to believe they’re selling their printers at a loss if they were. I would maybe understand this statement, I’m not sure, I’m convinced of that anymore, I seriously doubt they do. Lur has further stated that in the long term, HP wants to make printing a subscription. That is a direct quote which will reduce the barriers to printing, are youing. Listening to yourself, sir, could you be more out of touch commercial? Okay, fine! Let’S talk about that for my inkjet ass printer that I use like once every six months. No, if I want to buy a little syringe, needle nonsense thing and inject some stupid, crappy third party ink into my thing, because it clogged and I don’t feel like getting a brand new one, I’m going to I’m going to do that. They put, they put chips in their ink cartridges. Now, do you know that yeah and and let’s talk about that for a second, because the next point – which I I have also heard about – this is great enraged me I want.

HP Crossed a Line

I wanted to do it, but you you do it you do it. I I took all your topics today. You do it. L lures, likewise alleged that viruses can be embedded in third party cartridges and used uh to infect a user’s Network through their printer research. Firm actionable intelligence proved that this kind of attack was theoretically possible in 2022 in response to an HP, bug Bounty, but HP has acknowledged that there are no known cases uh such as a such as a hack that have occurred um. What would be crazy if you stopped making them that way, so that this wasn’t possible? Why does the cartridge have them? It’S your fault, okay, discussion question: when will the EU come for HP, hopefully quickly now yeah do? Are there any EU Regulators like? Can we can we get can? Can I get in touch cuz? I have ideas like I’m I’m down if any, if anyone actually like has the ear of anyone who works at any like EU regulatory bodies that deal with this kind of stuff man I’d be happy to chat to chat.

HP Crossed a Line

Look, I’m not saying that government regulation is the answer to everything I’ll meet you on your hours, it’s not, but when this is what’s happening, if this is what the free market says is. Okay, then, because the the terrible things that we’re currently doing might be dangerous for you, if you try to circumvent them, what we opened up this attack Vector, we opened Pandora’s Box. So now um, you know that’s not on us. That’S on you! No off! Oh man, yeah Q, Capal KLA 42, says # f framework.

HP Crossed a Line

Printer, don’t imagine for a second. I haven’t brought it up. The issue is that there’s a small handful of companies that own basically every printer, related intellectual property thing, mhm good, frakin luck, yeah. That makes sense.

Darn it that was that was like. I was laughing during the I I did. I did read this ahead of time. I was laughing during the first paragraph and I was enraged during the second one, just what a joke yeah, what a joke gross! We need to sell you armor, because our car randomly tries to stab you in the chest yeah, it’s like what make it stop doing that like yeah.

How about just don’t do that! .