How Wing’s Drone Service Will Deliver Your Coffee, Meds and Groceries

How Wing's Drone Service Will Deliver Your Coffee, Meds and Groceries

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “How Wing’s Drone Service Will Deliver Your Coffee, Meds and Groceries”.
Foreign we’re here in the parking lot for Wing, which is a drone delivery service owned by Google’s parent company alphabet they’re demoing, something called the auto loader, which is designed to make drone delivery. A lot less of a hassle Queen’s mission is to deliver small packages. Using these autonomous electric drones, the company started offering this service in Australia, Finland and the US in 2019.. You could order, say medicine, food or drinks through an app, and then these drones would deliver those items directly to you from a store or restaurant.

Normally this would mean a retail or restaurant employee would wait for the Drone. That’S picking up your order, but with this new autoloader, which could be placed in a store parking lot, a worker can just put your order inside a package hook that onto the autoloader and the Drone will come and grab it whenever it arrives. No one has to wait for pickup the way the system works is there’s a tether that falls from the Drone as it approaches the autoloader.

Then it hooks onto the package lifts it up and the Drone takes off and comes to you with the auto loader we’re introducing a way for a worker to place the package on the autoloader and then go about their business. So they don’t necessarily have to be there when the Drone arrives to to pick it up. Well, we expect it to save a lot of time both for the business and for the user, so, instead of going to the store and picking something up, you’re you’re staying at home and waiting for the Drone to deliver it to your doorstop for a worker. Instead of going out to meet someone at a retail location, they can essentially place the package on the auto litter, go back inside and continue working.

So we think it will save a lot of time right now in the US. The drones are operating in Texas and Virginia and the company’s done more than 340 000 deliveries worldwide. There are other companies, betting on the future of drone delivery, namely Amazon. So this is likely something you’ll see more of in the coming years, as companies look for new, faster ways to get you what you need Wings drones are super lightweight they’re, mostly made of foam like what you’d find in a bike helmet.

They have a bunch of little propellers to help them take off and hover vertically, and they can fly it up to 70 miles an hour. They can also go as high as 400 feet and they’re designed to fly in various weather conditions, including wind and rain. As long as it’s not too extreme, the drones are designed to fly carefully, so your glass bottles or coffee won’t spill or break they can carry up to around three pounds. Wing has its own app for delivery through some Partners, but it’s also teamed up with companies. Like doordash to deliver through their app and that’s that’s the future, the future is that that Wing provides the drone delivery service and we we like to make it available through any app you might use. Now.

You may be concerned about a bunch of drone flying overhead, capturing images or information, but that’s not the point of these drones. These are not like drones that you buy off the shelf with high resolution cameras. They don’t have high resolution cameras. They essentially have low resolution.

Sensors that are that are used for navigation. They Point directly at the ground, they’re not being reviewed by Pilot. Remember it’s flying autonomously! So so we we take customers, privacy very seriously. The autoloader is slated to be deployed later this year. The idea is to hopefully make drone delivery less of a hassle and eventually more ubiquitous. But what do you think do you think drone delivery will take off, see what I did there? Let us know in the comments below and don’t forget, to hit like And subscribe for more videos from CNET .