How we deal with imposter syndrome

How we deal with imposter syndrome

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “How we deal with imposter syndrome”.
Do you ever deal with imposter syndrome, imposter syndrome on youtube, and if so, how do you manage to get past it and reach the heights you have? I think everyone deals with imposter syndrome a little bit you know do i do i deserve this uh. You know. I think i think oh man, richard richard smalley, someone else stuart smalley, stuart smalley, uh performed by al franken, um man. My memory was clearly way off there, but he basically has this catchphrase where he says uh, i’m good enough. I’M smart enough and gosh darn.

It people like me actually in in all seriousness, though uh comedy aside the the importance of positive self-talk cannot be overstated. It’S super super important. Oh apparently, the echo’s back yeah he’s on it. Okay, uh, if you say something, does it go away? Maybe that was one of our theories actually here to troubleshoot it today, which is exciting nice, nice, dan, yeah, yeah um.

I think that you have to. I think you have to find a balance. I think you have to find a balance that works for your own mental health. I i think that telling yourself that you’re, just like looking and the greatest and everything you do, you absolutely deserve and was all 100 skill. I think that’s ridiculous right, there’s an element. I mean just being having the the luck of being born in a place where i was able to pursue an entrepreneurial endeavor right. That’S you can’t take that.

How we deal with imposter syndrome

You can’t take that for granted benefit privilege on its own right, let alone no, and i mean there’s. There’S luck, things that are sort of luck and sort of you know skill in a way like i was kind of lucky that i just am really into tech, and that i was i was motivated to pursue knowledge about it and to help people learn about it. There’S there’s also something to be said about luck about where a lot of people will will potentially be in that similar situation, but they don’t take it um and and there’s risk involved with it and all this other type of stuff.

It’S it’s tough, sometimes you’ll work with someone who’s, just like amazing, and it’s like. Oh, i can. I like stand up to this type of stuff. Can i can i stand beside these people um, but try to find someone who can give you like real feedback. That is both both positive and negative and accept the things that you might not be good at and work on them, but just like don’t worry about being necessarily number one in that situation and uh do the best you can to the things you are good at. I don’t know it is .