How To Make Spooky Skeleton Cupcakes with “Bloody Guts” Filling

How To Make Spooky Skeleton Cupcakes with

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “How To Make Spooky Skeleton Cupcakes with “Bloody Guts” Filling”.
Welcome back to the workshop today, we are going to put aside the 3d printers, the cnc routers and the laser cutters and we’re going to pull out the kitchen mixer. I’M going to show you how to make these awesome skull, cupcakes with gooey, oozy, bloody, filling all right. I think every maker should explore in the kitchen. You know baking is like a fun magical chemistry set and most of the things you get even if they turn out bad are still pretty yummy. Today, we’re going to cover a few things, i’m going to show you how to make cupcakes from scratch or from a box, i’m going to show you how to cut them and make these cool little skulls and you’re going to get to watch. As i try to figure out, what kind of filling will actually work to give like that cool, bloody gooey inside effect and what doesn’t work now, if you’re, already an experienced baker or chef, this is probably going to be frustrating and annoying. But for the rest of you follow along we’re going to have some fun we’re going to eat some delicious stuff, baking, cupcakes or cake from scratch is actually pretty easy. I mean the ingredient list can look a little daunting and when you read the instructions it can sound a little daunting and if you screw up, it’s really frustrating, but it’s actually easier than it looks. But hey.

How To Make Spooky Skeleton Cupcakes with

Who are we trying to impress go? Get a box of cake mix or cupcake mix and give it a try. It’S so so easy and the results are almost always good. Nobody has ever ever been given a cupcake bitten into it and turned their nose up and gone ew. This was made from a box. Hasn’T happened, get yourself a box, make it easy on yourself if you’ve never done this before. But if you want the joy and fun of making it from scratch and honing, some skills follow along all right.

Here’S our ingredient list for our cupcakes, i’m gon na just blast through these real quick. Don’T worry it’s in the description below okay here we go, you’re gon na need one and a third cups, all purpose: flour, one and a quarter teaspoon of baking powder, not baking, soda baking powder, one half teaspoon of salt, one half cup of unsalted butter, one cup Granulated, sugar, two large eggs, a splash of vanilla, extract and one half cup sour cream. Now before you get started like preferably the morning before you get started or the day before you get started, put that butter out. It’S one full stick of butter, put it out to soften for some reason here in the states, most people keep their butter in the fridge and it gets really hard, and that makes it hard to mix put it out.

Let it soften up, don’t worry! It’S not going to go bad, it’s not going to melt all over your countertops unless your house is like 90 degrees inside it’s just going to soften up and be easy to mix preheat your oven to 350 degrees. I do this when i get started, mixing everything together, so it’s ready to go when i’m done. The first step for our cupcakes is we’re going to take a bowl and we’re going to throw our flour, salt and baking powder into it.

How To Make Spooky Skeleton Cupcakes with

Whisk it all together mix it up real good, don’t stress about it, though, like you’re not going to hurt anything just mix it up now we’re going to go over to the mixer, throw in your butter. It should be soft, like i was saying earlier, get your mixer going to stir or to beat, or you know just pretty much mixing it up. Add the sugar you’re going to beat this around for a while, until it’s kind of like gained a little volume gotten a little bit fluffy just so it’s mixed up like again, don’t stress about it! This is supposed to be fun right at this point, you’re going to start putting in your eggs, you don’t just dump them all in at once. You put them in one at a time. Slowly, there’s reasons for this: i’m sure i can’t really remember what they are, though it’s been explained to me and frankly, it doesn’t matter just do it.

How To Make Spooky Skeleton Cupcakes with

I mean come on then after you’ve, mixed your eggs in you’re, gon na add a splash of vanilla. It’S like, i don’t know like a teaspoon, just throw a splash in there you’re not going to hurt it. You want it to taste more, like vanilla, add a little more. If you add too much, it’s just going to taste a lot like vanilla, not the end of the world and then at the end, put in your sour cream. This helps it kind of have like a real, rich flavor in your mouth and stay moist and sticky. Now that you’ve got one bowl with your dry stuff and one bowl with this wet kind of concoction, what you’re going to do is you’re going to set your mixer to stir it up and you’re going to slowly add in your powders from your dry stuff.

You dump some in you, let it mix, you know you get it off of the sides so that it mix well and you keep going until it’s all mixed together. Well now, a lot of uh recipes are gon na, warn you not to over mix it, and that is a concern, if you, if you just turn your mixer up full blast and just beat the heck out of it, then you’re gon na end up with with Cupcakes and or cake that kind of flattens out because you’ve mixed it too. Well, it’s not the end of the world. It’S still going to taste good, just mix it till the stuff is mixed together and then stop you’re, probably going to have little clumps in there.

Still don’t worry about it, they taste good at this point you’re going to grease up your pans. There’S a link to this skull shaped pan down below now some people use the plastic or the paper liners for cupcakes, and that makes cleanup easier and that’s also really great, if you’re going to be transporting them, taking them to people and then handing them around it’s It’S great to use those paper cups. I wanted to play with some and cut them into different shapes, so i didn’t want those cups on them. So i just oiled up my pan with an oil spray and they pop out just fine.

You don’t need the paper after you’ve got these filled about half to two-thirds full you’re, going to throw them in your oven and bake them for about 20 minutes. So you can tell they’re done when you take a toothpick or a knife, or something and just stab one of them. Then you pull it out and there’s no batter on it anymore. If you overcook them a little bit no big deal, you undercook them a little bit, probably no ideal. Unless they’re like raw inside anyway, you’ll figure it out, take them out of the oven and let them cool for a while.

This cooling is important when they first come out of the oven, they’re going to be really just delicious, looking and you’re going to want to play with them and dig in, but they kind of are going to be sticky and especially the the ones you made from Scratch they’re going to be a little bit sticky and they’re going to come apart easily. You got to let them cool down a little bit. Then you can play with them.

So since my uh gooey bloody filling was a bit of an experiment in this article, i’m going to leave that for last and we’ll jump ahead to icing and making these into skulls. It’S so easy. First off the ones that come out shaped like skulls already is cheating right, but it’s wonderful. Don’T they look awesome. So there’s those, but then your regular cupcakes, all you got to do is cut a little bit off of each side and then narrow in a chin. A little bit super easy put a little bit of white icing on top of that, and you’ve got a skull, some black icing to draw in some eyes and a nose and some teeth and you’re done yeah.

These don’t look as awesome as what you’re gon na find like from a professional chef, but i guarantee they taste awesome now, for this, i’m using whipped, icing, whipped icing is usually softer than like a butter cream icing and that makes spreading on there easier if you’re, A big klutz like me, spreading icing on a delicate cake means you’re going to rip it apart if it’s buttercream more often than not, so i get the whipped stuff or i make the whipped stuff, but that’s a different video. So what do you do with all these pieces that are left over whenever you’re cutting out your skull shapes? Well, that’s easy! You feel me your dog right or your less athletic dog, or maybe your cat or possibly your goats. Now, let’s talk about filling. I wanted to get that kind of. You know you cut it open and there’s gooey blood and guts and there’s a few things to consider here. I didn’t want to just research and do like what everybody else did i kind of wanted to play with it.

That’S half the fun of baking for me is just playing with things and learning new things and i you know, wanted to try out some stuff. So i thought what would make a good filling for these skull. Cupcakes, there’s strawberry preserves, which i thought would be delicious, but maybe a little rigid pudding seems like it would work. It seems like it would kind of ooze out. If you did it right, cherry pie, filling or strawberry pie filling seems like it would be good or just straight up syrup, like strawberry syrup, like what you put on ice cream, so i figured i’d, try them all. I had some ideas of what i thought might work and not work, but the best way to try it out is just to try it out right. There are lots of ways that you can put a filling into something like this. You could get a fancy bag with a needle like attachment and squirt it in you could use an apple corer.

You can also just cut a hole in it and that’s what i did so filling one of these cupcakes is easy. You cut a hole, you pull the top off. You scoop in some of your filling. You pinch off some of that extra cupcake that you have now and you put the top back on easily done except there’s a lot less space inside of a cupcake than you’d.

Think so you end up cutting a hole reaching in there and digging out most of it and putting that top back on and you end up with maybe more filling than cupcake. So those results were like they were. Okay, they tasted delicious, which i think is the most important part they tasted delicious, but they didn’t look like what you want for a video you want, like you, want to cut it open and just have tons of this stuff just using out.

So here’s what i actually had to do to get that pretty oozing shot. I took one of these skulls and i just gutted it. I cut off the back and i ended up pinching out almost all of the cake from inside and then filling it with this cherry pie filling and then putting a cap on the back and there you go.

That’S not really like a feasible way to serve these. To people i mean, i guess it is, if you were doing it on a plate like as a dessert, then that would totally be the way to go. But if you were wanting to hand out cupcakes to people, that’s not really the best result. Probably the pudding would be the best because it held together the best and didn’t destroy the cupcake with the moisture from the pudding, although i would probably try to find a pudding, that’s a little bit more red thanks for joining me on this fun little experiment. I hope you enjoyed it if you’d like to see more stuff from the kitchen. Let me know i’m happy to do more, complicated things or even simpler things for our viewers out there that want to play in the kitchen.

Just let me know down in the comments what you’d like to see us make and we’ll be back very soon with some other projects. Back in the workshop, you .