How To Make Skulls Using Old Milk Jugs And A Heat Gun

How To Make Skulls Using Old Milk Jugs And A Heat Gun

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “How To Make Skulls Using Old Milk Jugs And A Heat Gun”.
Welcome back to the channel it’s october, and that means it’s time for spooky projects today, along with our sponsor works with their maker x tool system, i’m gon na be showing you how to take one skull and turn it into a whole pile of skulls. Okay. This is super easy and the results are super impressive. All you need are some empty, hdpe containers that would be these water jugs, uh, milk jugs. This is all that’s left of my milk jug or even these cat litter containers. Now this is much thicker, so it’s going to be a little bit more difficult, but it totally works and it’ll give you a thicker end product. You also need a heat gun for this one, i’m going to be using the worx battery powered heat gun because i can, and the weather outside is beautiful, and that allows me to go. Do this on my front porch, let me jump into what we’re actually doing now before i do. I would love to be able to give somebody credit on this for coming up with the idea, but i have no idea who came up with this. It’S been around the internet for years, so if you know who came up with this initially comment down below, let us know we’ll be happy to give them a shout out, but i have no idea i googled around and i could not find an origin.

How To Make Skulls Using Old Milk Jugs And A Heat Gun

So let me tell you what we’re doing you start with a sacrificial skull. I call it sacrificial, but really you’re not going to harm it, so it doesn’t have to be sacrificial. This is one that i 3d printed that i use as a sacrificial skull, because i don’t like the red that i have on half of it, but you could use you know something that you get from a halloween store or anything really as long as it can Take a little bit of heat now this is pla, so it would melt under extreme heat, but it still works.

Just fine just make sure you’re not using like styrofoam or something like that. That’Ll melt super easy and what you’re going to do is you’re going to cut apart your container to fit over your skull, you’re, going to blast it with the heat gun in one area until it gets super hot and then take a sponge. A damp sponge and push into that area and that will mold it and cool it at the same time, allowing you to slowly go spot by spot by spot over the entire skull, slowly sculpting, all of that hdpe around the skull like this now this is a Kitty litter one, it’s super thick and this is one from a water jug, it’s a little thinner, but, as you can see, if you are patient with it and take your time, you can get some pretty impressive results.

How To Make Skulls Using Old Milk Jugs And A Heat Gun

Let me actually show you this in action and, like i said before, i did it on my front porch, because i can, and while i’m showing you that i’m going to tell you a little bit about the makerx tool system from works, this video is sponsored by Works in their maker x tool system, let me tell you about it: real, quick. This is the core of the maker x tool system, it’s a a power bank. Basically, it’s got a variable, speed, control and a wire that goes to a bunch of attachments, and let me tell you about the attachments, so in this article, i’m primarily using this heat gun, it’s nice to have a heat gun that is super portable, but there’s a Bunch more there’s a hot glue gun which you’re going to see me use towards the end of the video.

How To Make Skulls Using Old Milk Jugs And A Heat Gun

This has become my my main hot glue gun. Now it actually warms up faster than the hot glue gun i had before, and it’s portable like. Why? Wouldn’T i use this instead of one i have to plug in that takes longer to heat up anyway, love the hot glue gun.

They have a rotary tool like this. You could use this on these skulls to like cut holes in them or smooth off edges or rough them up to get. You know like paint to stick or something like that they have a soldering iron, slash hot wood burner, thingy i’ll, just call it a soldering iron.

For now in this project, you could use this to poke holes in this hdpe really easily. They have a whole airbrush system, including a new airbrush. That’S food, safe! You don’t need an external pump. It has the pump right here, so you can actually just plug this into the battery pack and start airbrushing things.

Now, i’m horrible with an airbrush, so you’re not going to see me demoing this, because i won’t make it look good and there’s an angle grinder a little bitty angle, grinder. This isn’t going to replace your full-size angle grinder for doing you know huge metal projects, but for smaller stuff this is great and i’ll. Let you in on a little secret. I actually use this with a special attachment on the end to trim my goats hooves, because i can get it out to their pen with a battery pack a lot easier than any other tools. And finally, you just saw me use this. This is their new scissor attachment. It’S like a circular blade, scissor thingy, i don’t understand fully, but it works great and it cuts through this hdb hdpe, like it’s butter, all right back to the project, thanks maker x, for sponsoring this okay. Here you can see me using the sponge to finalize this last piece here and then de-mold this skull, and you know i blasted through that real quick.

So let me show you on this smaller one. It’S really easy! I i start by just doing the big features and i actually just use my glove. If you’ve got thick gloves, you can just use your glove instead of a sponge.

Then, once you get down to the details heat it up, super hot hit it with that sponge to really push it in and get those details. The damp sponge helps cool it de-mold it. You know just rip it off of that skull and you’re all done so.

You’Ve got a pile of skulls now. What well uh you know, use your imagination, do something cool with them, put them in a fall wreath or or something like that, or a cornucopia that would be kind of cute for for uh. You know fall anyway. I’Ll show you what i’m gon na do with them. I’M gon na make a like a fire pit like a faux fire pit. To do that, you could just use a box fan.

However, works sent me this job site fan. That happens to be like the perfect size to do this project. So that’s what i’m going to use and i’ll show you how they also have this cool little led light that they sent me that i’m going to use to make to light up the flames. Just follow along you’ll see how it comes together here it is. I love how this turned out. This is my little bonfire of skulls, as you saw, it was super easy.

All i did was took some foam and hot glued it on there in kind of irregular shapes. I didn’t actually attach it to the fan. I just made a little frame that slid over the fan, so this isn’t attached to the fan at all.

I then hot glued some tissue paper on top place that light in there hot glued the skulls to it, and it looks fantastic. You could do skulls all around, but i’m going to be putting this in a corner, so i didn’t need skulls all around. I just i love how this turned out thanks for watching.

I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you learned something i’d love to see what y’all make using this method and thanks to works for sponsoring this video be sure to give us a thumbs up. It really helps us here on youtube and subscribe for more awesome stuff. You .