How To Fix a PC That Doesn’t Boot – Troubleshooting Tips

How To Fix a PC That Doesn't Boot - Troubleshooting Tips

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “How To Fix a PC That Doesn’t Boot – Troubleshooting Tips”.
So you guys probably remember this PC. I built this for my friend Tony back in June 2018. So it’s a little over a year now and it’s got the rise in five: twenty six hundred X, eight gigs of RAM and B ZOTAC GTX 1066 gigabyte card. So I want to watch Joker last night at the movies by the way awesome movie, you guys should check out and Tony asked if he could bring over the PCs and give it to me afterwards. So I can take a look at it because it recently stopped working and me being a good friend.

I said, of course you know, give it to me afterwards. I could take it to the office and see what’s up and possibly even make a video on it, because I haven’t really done a troubleshooting video on fixing pcs, I’m pretty much the main tech guy in my entire family tree. I’M not even kidding you guys if something breaks down like a printer or a PC, for example, I’m the first person they call and I go over to the house and I fix it for them. So this entire video is pretty much gon na, be my thought process of troubleshooting a PC.

Maybe you guys can learn something from it or maybe not. Who knows, I honestly don’t know. What’S gon na happen so yeah, let’s get started the castle 360 e^x offers the ultimate cooling experience with lots of improvements, including a more powerful motor, anti leak technology and three specifically tuned 120 millimeter fans with patented two layer fan blades that improves noise, canceling and air Flow, you can also customize the RGB pump by positioning the logo any way you want or replace it completely with your own creation click the link below to learn more ok. First off I got ta say Tony: you kept the PC very clean for using it for over a year now it looks pretty much the same as if the first day, I gave it to you so props on that you probably don’t use the system a lot.

Maybe an hour to at most per day, mostly on the weekends cuz. I know you work full time, but my first observation good job keeping it clean. I can’t say the same for my brother, though, and not only that, but it’s missing two blades, which are nowhere to be found.

Yep. Look at this. Let’S pop off the front cover yep, as I expected majority of the dust buildup is in the front two fans.

How To Fix a PC That Doesn't Boot - Troubleshooting Tips

So yeah, like I said Tony, I know you don’t clean this PC ice. Put this aside, we’ll clean this up later. So the first thing, obviously I want to do – is boot the PC to see if I can replicate the issue, so I love you. I saw that there was a quick flash and it looked like the fans were beginning to spin and then the intelligence them just shut off again.

How To Fix a PC That Doesn't Boot - Troubleshooting Tips

So ok, you had the PC you how easy doesn’t work now. The first thing I always do, no matter what the issue is for the PC is, I clear the CMOS. The CMOS is powered by a tiny little circular battery, which is often located on the bottom of the motherboard. And if you remove this battery it pretty much resets the settings inside the BIOS, so any overclocking settings. You have system time memory timings all that it gets reset resetting the CMOS does not reset the BIOS flash that stays inside the motherboard and the reason why I’m resetting the CMOS is to make sure that the motherboard is using faculty settings.

I don’t want any potential settings on there to be conflicting with the troubleshooting of the PC. It’S pretty much like a fresh start, so anyways to properly reset the CMOS all you have to do is disconnect all the cables. Obviously, from the PC like I said, the CMOS battery is typically located on the bottom of the motherboard, but on this one it is right beneath the top PCI slot and the GPU is covering it.

How To Fix a PC That Doesn't Boot - Troubleshooting Tips

So we’re gon na have to remove the GPU. All right. Gpu is removed and, as you guys can see, CMOS battery is right over there.

So I’m just gon na push on this tab and it’s gon na pop right off there you go alright. So now we wait a couple minutes and then we’re gon na put the battery back on the GPU and then power the system back on and see what happens and right now guys. I want you to pause the video and comment below what you think the problem might be on this PC, based on what you know so far, I’m 99 % sure I know what the issue is, and we will confirm that at the end of this video, so Be back in a minute all right, it’s time to put the battery back in and then the GPU cable plug in the power supply, cable, HDMI, cable! Let’S try this again, just as I expected now it’s time to move on to I like to call phase 2 process of elimination, you’re, basically going to be testing each component individually to narrow it down and figure out what the culprit is.

That’S causing the PC to do that. So again, we are going to start with the easy components and what I mean by easy is components that are easily removable. So, for example, I like to start off with the RAM first, so in this case we’re gon na test one Ram at a time we’ll take off the second one, keep the first one in there. Every time you guys we test the system.

You got to do a power drain and the way to do a power drain. Is you disconnect everything from the PC and then you hold the power button for 20 seconds that pretty much just drains the flea power or static electricity from the system? So make sure you guys always do that before you test your system after removing or putting in new parts hurry up the test. Number two again same thing now we’re gon na do is swap the RAM sticks. I know the end of the issues in the RAM sticks, but for the sake of simplifying this video, I’m gon na go through the entire process step-by-step, for you guys, disconnect cables hold down the power button for 20 seconds again, alright plug it.

In do the same thing there you go so now. Normally, this is where I would put in different Ram just to make sure you know the RAM isn’t causing the issue. But if you guys don’t have any spare Ram lying around, then that’s fine. You can just leave that stick in there and move on to step number two.

I know it’s not the GPU issue, but again, for the sake of simplifying a process, we will disconnect the GPU next, remove the GPU again hold a power button, rinse and repeat guys. This entire process is tedious, but it is pretty much the only way you’re gon na narrow it down and find out which component is causing the issue. Ok, there we go there, you go alright. So now we never have down to three components: power, supply, CPU or motherboard, and before we test any of those that we got to make sure to disconnect everything from the motherboard, if you guys are using extension, cables, now’s the time to bring in original cables. For the power supply that way, we can test those as well, but before we got a disconnect everything so any storage device, you have hooked up any USB ports for the front. Io disconnect those as well okay, so everything is disconnected, except for the 24 pin. For the motherboard, of course, we need that the 8 pin a PC connector for the CPU power, CPU cable, to power on the fan, of course, and the front IO. So all the pins on the jfp one connector on your motherboard make sure to leave those on there.

Do not disconnect that now. It’S time to do the same thing hold down the power for 20 seconds and plug it in plug it in here’s. My record Mitchell corneas. Oh all, right same thing: oh, it’s not we’re! Gon na be testing the power supplies so before we actually swap the unit out and use a different power supply.

We got to make sure to test it with the original cable. So, like I said earlier, you guys are using any extension cables now’s the time to disconnect them, because I’m gon na use the original cables from the power supply and plug them directly into the motherboard and see, if that’s the issue, what I’m gon na do is Obviously, remove the back cover all right. I’Ve actually had two separate issues where my PC wouldn’t boot, because the extension cables were at fault, specifically a 24 pen, all right 24 pin is in eight-penny PC is in let it is resumed. Okay, no, it is not the extension cables. I feared that it might be the power supply so now.

This is where you take your PC to the shop unless you have an extra power supply lying around, that is going to be our next step, all right. So I’m going to be using the SF 600 from Corsair to test the system. I’M gon na leave the original power supply in here just yet because we haven’t yet figured out what the issue is and it might not even be the power supply it. To be honest, what would have to do is disconnect the cables once again and we’re gon na plug this power supply in the motherboard. Here we go, that is promising.

Fan is spinning, it does look like power. Supply was the issue. How many of you guys commented correctly? I’M gon na actually read the comment section see if anybody guessed I’m not gon na read the edit of the comments, because I know you guys probably went there and changed it. So, okay! So now that we know the power supply is the issue we can put back the parts one by one to make sure that everything is stable and working so, let’s say hypothetically, I did put in a power supply and it still didn’t post. Then I’ll move on to swapping the CPU and then from the CPU I’ll move on to replacing the entire board, and that was actually a good time to test the good power supply with the extension cables.

To make sure that this didn’t cause the power supply to go bad, I did tested off the camera, so I know for a fact that these aren’t good, so I’m giving Tony another fresh, EVGA Brown certified 500 watt power supply, which is the same one that I Put an original build. I’Ve only had one other issue with this power supply and in the past 10 years of building pcs. So I would say overall, this is a solid power supply. I’M not sure how odd this one went. Bad, I’m not blaming EVGA or Tony, but I’m just saying it’s not a bad power supply all right moment of truth.

Let us plug everything back in and see if it turns on here we go. Do we have BIOS? Yes, so far, so good, I’m just waiting to get to the desktop okay, then that is good news all right, so the PC is running, looks like it’s back to normal. Let’S say: hypothetically, we did swap the power supply and the PC still doesn’t boot. Well, that’s when you guys have to go back and start the process of elimination from the beginning, because often times when a part gets defective, it can trigger a chain reaction and it can damage other components inside the PC.

It’S happened many times before guys, trust me. So the best way to really find out weed out the defective parts is by going through each one of them and testing each component individually. So that would be my advice to you guys if you’re still having issues after replacing the defective part, there can be something else in your system that is still preventing your PC from starting. It was kind of disappointing seeing one of my PC’s breakdown, especially for a friend of mine.

I have a lot of pride that goes in my PC builds and I stand by my work, but unfortunately, things like this does happen, but I do want to kind of make it up to you in a way Tony. So, as a customer satisfaction, I guess I do wan na upgrade some parts of your PC, nothing crazy, but I noticed you don’t have an m2 SSD, so I’m gon na give you a 960 pro 512 gigabyte, m2 SSD. It’S a lot faster than your current SSB. Actually – and I’m gon na upgrade your RAM, so you have eight gigs right now.

Total I’m gon na give you another 8 gigs, so you’ll have a total of 16 gigs running at the same frequency, which is 3000 megahertz, and it’s gon na be it’s gon na. Have the same timing, so it’s gon na be compatible with your current RAM and that will do it for this video. I hope you guys enjoyed it. I know it’s a little different than what I normally do, but if you want to see more types of these videos, I guess let me know by leaving a like also, if you guys have any additional tips on troubleshooting pcs that I might have missed in this Article feel free to let me know in the comments section down below this is the way I diagnose and troubleshoot my pcs.

Other people do differently, but if you guys have any helpful tips that people can use, let me know in the comment section I’ll be hanging out there and liking a few and stuff but yeah pretty much. I thank you guys so much again for watching and I will see you in the next article. Please .