How To Draw In 3D

How To Draw In 3D

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “How To Draw In 3D”.
One thing you can be certain of on this planet today yesterday and tomorrow, is that where there is a tattoo parlor, there will be a motorcycle. Been that way since Aristotle.. What’S up guys Lew here back with another video and today I am checking out something quite interesting.. This is called the CreoPop and to be completely honest with you, I know very little about it., But that generally makes for very nice Unbox Therapy videos.. What I do know is that it’s a 3D printing pen. Now that sounds kind of confusing.. Essentially this thing outputs, some material, some plastic type stuff – that as it exits the pen, it turns into …

How To Draw In 3D

sort of a …, a structure, an object.. It’S also safe too, like I was thinking what about this hot stuff, coming, out. Hot plastic coming out of the tip., I don’t know..

How To Draw In 3D

Apparently it’s safe. Different inks available to it, including elastic magnetic glow-in-the-dark., I’m excited.. Here you can see some people also having fun..

How To Draw In 3D

This guy is trying to step all over my beard, game he’s doing a poor job.. Let’S go ahead and crack this baby open.. This is the pen.. That’S the pen. Whoa.. We have the ink. Some paperwork instruction. Manual.! Do I need to read this Probably A drawing mat., Oh cool.

Alright., So I can draw right on top of that. Mini USB cable to charge up the pen I assume.. Maybe I should read the Quick Start guide. I don’t know.. Is this …? No, Let’s check out these inks. See. This is why the manual is probably important. Jack.

Look at these little rubber things.. Like do you know what those are? No you don’t.. These are gon na, give you different outputs, depending on which one you select.. Let’S get one of these babies, going., Red., Orange and ….

What is that? That’S like a cyan, I’m gon na removing this nozzle. Crack open the pen., So the nozzle actually comes through the end here. Power switch.. This is pretty intense..

There’S a couple different modes, here., FiIling mode or light-only mode., So there’s different speeds for extrusion of the material.. Oh, I got something: Oh wow, That’s wild., It’s hardening in place.! It’S amazing that I’m actually drawing something vertically right, now., What That is completely hardened ( groovy music, ) Whoa That one’s a little bit more tightly knit. As you can tell.

People in those pictures. Look at the stuff they’re, making right now. This girl’s, making a flower over here. This dude’s, making a rocket ship or something.. I know what I’m gon na do., I’m gon na draw … Jack.

The foot. Okay. Easy..

What It’s stuck to me right! Now. Here comes the leg.. Do another leg. And there’s the body., The arm. Another arm. And a head.

Jack Got ta get the ears on there.. ( laugh ) Couple of hands on there. He’s doing some athletic pose..

Do you ever pose like this Jack? This is wild. What else might be cool? Maybe like a tree.? What do you think, Maybe a tree Whoa Tim Burton, would have a … “ Nightmare Before Christmas.” They’d have a tree like that., I’m trying to convert the tree and put branches on it.

(, groovy, music, ) Not bad See. Now. This is where you might want to switch into light-only mode.. Now I just harden that baby right, up., (, groovy, music ).

I feel like this guy’s a little bit long.. I wonder if I can just break this guy off.. I don’t like this one branch. ( groovy, music ).

You know this is like some kind of Dr. Seuss style tree.. Let’S switch colors now., That’s a great idea. ( groovy music ), I’m zoning out., I’m in like child mode right, now., It’s just so cool to be crafting something in real time and in vertical space. Yeah.. That’S fun.! You’Re! In there Jack Just hanging off the branches.. Like the chimpanzee he is.

There, you have it. CreoPop. Creativity. For days.. It’S the ability to draw in 3D with plastic and the limitations are you.. As you can see, I’m severely limited. Here on Unbox Therapy. I get to try out so many so many things I never knew existed. My appreciation to you for putting me in this position. And thank you for continuing to watch all this cool stuff. Hope you guys appreciated it enjoyed it..

I have some links in the description. If you want to learn, more. Leave a thumbs up down below if you enjoyed this content.. Thank you very much for watching and I’ll catch you in the next episode.

Later guys. (, groovy, music, ) .