How to choose the perfect camera

How to choose the perfect camera

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “How to choose the perfect camera”.
I own a lot of cameras like probably too many, but that’s because it took me a really long time to figure out the style. I wanted and then figure out a way to achieve that style, which is 35 millimeter Kodak film. I should have just known. Any who people are always asking me: “ Becca. What camera should I buy? ?” ( sigh ), Guys, that’s a loaded, question. ( bouncy pop music ). There are a lot of fish in the sea, (, laughs, ), a.k.a cameras and they all have their strengths and weaknesses., And this is work flow. It’S all about what we personally use so keep in mind. This is my personal arsenal and what you use is probably different, and if we could all have Leicas.

How to choose the perfect camera

Come on, we’d all buy a Leica. First and foremost have some self-awareness.. What are you using this camera? For In my eyes, there are three types of amateur photographers.. You have your Instagrammers, you have your Instagrammers with nice cameras and then you have your “.

How to choose the perfect camera

I take nice photos “ at family events, and I maybe make a couple of bucks on the “ weekend: shooting head shots or weddings.”, But let’s start with our Insta addicts.. For you, you probably don’t want to be taking extra gear around., You probably don’t really know what an f-stop is.. That’S not a bad thing. You just don’t know what it is.

And you want something. That’S portable easy and can take with ya. Anywhere. Just use your phone. Buy a Pixel, 3 get an iPhone 10r or 10s or one of the newest iPhones.. The photos are honestly bangin’ and if you don’t believe me check out one of our reviews, especially the Pixel 3 review. We put’em head to head – and I was like kinda shocked. Moving on, we have our “ there’s no way that was shot “ on a phone” Instagrammers or the novice travel photographer., You want something light and portable maybe gives you a little depth of field and, most importantly, doesn’t have you looking at a phone every time you want to take a photo.

For that. I use a SONY RX100 mark 4, but I would say that Canon’s G7 X, mark 2 or Lumix LX100 mark 2 are great options as well.. These are a step above your phone’s camera and for around $ 1000 they have really nice specs.. I mean they can shoot raw.

How to choose the perfect camera

So if you are doing any post processing you’ll have a lot of latitude in your photos.. They have 4K really sharp video better than what your phone could do.. They just have like a bigger sensor, so everything is a little bit. Cleaner.

I really like about these cameras. Is the EVF or electronic view finder.. It shows you exactly what your photo’s gon na look like when you hit the shutter button.. Now, there’s no fancy attachments.

You only get the lens that comes on it., But if your not lookin’ to like really get to know photography, this could be a great gateway to just dabble or dip your toes. “ Becca come on. I know what an f-stop is.” Awesome. So, let’s talk about the big guys, here., Those are the mirror less and the DSLR’s.

They’re definitely a step above what we’ve talked about. Previously., I mean you’re talking about lenses and batteries and bigger bodies and a price tag of at least $ 2000 for just the body of the camera alone, and then a good lens is gon na be $ 1000. There’s just a lot more stuff, including the knowledge That you’ll have to have to use it., But let’s talk., For that I use the 5D mark 3 and at night I use an A7S mark 2. Here’S why. The 5D is incredible.

I just really like it’s texture of it’s photos. I’M really used to the Canon ecosystem, including the menus and the buttons.. I just don’t think it performs well at night.

I don’t feel comfortable, pushing it’s ISO. Now. The A7S mark 2 does really well in low light.. Also, the A7S has an EVF and that bright view.

Finder makes all the difference for shooting at night for me.. Your camera is something very personal. It’S something that your gon na hold in your hand. More than hopefully, your phone or anything else.

So go to the store, test’em out, feel it for yourself and get what feels best to you, because you’re the one shooting with it, and hopefully it’s something that makes you want to shoot more.. All of these cameras are great, but they have their flaws.. So if I could have one camera that does everything I need, it would look a little bit like this.. The most important thing for me is a small camera body., It’s the main reason.

I love my RS100 so much not to mention the single action electronic view, finder and crazy moveable screen.. I do wish it came with a grip, though it’s like super slippery.. So, let’s grab the small grip from the Fuji X70 and put it on the body of the RX100 mark 6.. Now, with my eye to the view finder, I really like having my shutter speed and f-stop on my left hand.

Before digital controls. These options were built into the lenses and in using a lot of film cameras, I’ve totally become accustomed to this., Nikon’s F-mount hasn’t changed since 1959 and is still compatible with their camera values today.. I appreciate that and I have a lot of F-mount lenses and I’m gon na put an F-mount lens system on this camera.. Alright. Moving to the top, I super dig the dials on top of Fuji cameras. In general.

I’Ve really appreciated how Fuji has kept their controls on the outside of their cameras instead of menus or via buttons.. So let’s grab that dial on top, but I’m gon na make it an ISO dial that I can program to be different increments.. Also, I’m gon na grab that hot shoe melt for a microflap.. Alright, it’s that time. Let’S talk about a sensor., I’m gon na take the sensor from the Sony A7R mark three.. That low light range has me sold and it’s 42 mega pixels, I mean come on.

And since this is my dream, camera on the side we’re putting a headphone jack, we’re putting an XLR input, USBC, micro-HDMI and internally, there’s definitely built in ND’s. ( upbeat pop music. ) Any who you got the camera, you got literally the sickest shot, you’ve ever taken in your life, and you want to make some tight edits and then post it somewhere.. If I’m on my phone or using my RX100, I usually just use Instagram’s in house editing.

Tools., I’m typically only like muddying the blacks with some blue and upping the contrast, and that does everything I need, But if I wanted to take it a step, further Lightroom is incredible on mobile and better, yet it’s free.. So if you don’t have this downloaded and you make edits to photos on your phone, go, go right, now.! If I’m on my desktop. That usually means that I shot on an A7S or a Canon, and I have a raw file and for that Lightroom all the way.. It is expensive, but it has all the tools and I’m really used to it..

Now some people complain about it’s work flow. It can be confusing like where did all my photos go, but as long as you keep your folders organized and your starring things and then deleting things you don’t need it’s really not that hard. Lightroom she expensive.. So if you don’t quite have the money for that. There’S this awesome program called RawTherapee.: It can open raw and tif and jpeg files, and it has a lot of tools that Lightroom has, but it’s free and they’re constantly making updates to it via their blog, so check them. Out..

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What’S in your wallet, ( upbeat pop music ). I know I didn’t mention a single Fuji camera and I’m so sorry because they have a cult following and I know you’re out there, including one of our directors here Vjeran he loves his.. I just had never got into it, but soon enough I’ll get my hands on one and I’ll be # fujiframez too., So hold tight for that alright.

And for now let’s make bad decisions and fly drones. Inside. ( drone buzzing, ) Yeah, Oh my God. .