How Do We Standardize Standards

How Do We Standardize Standards

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “How Do We Standardize Standards”.
Hey Dan and the talent, I’m hoping to do a study in my master’s program on standardization in the tech space. Do you guys have any nuggets of wisdom on why it fails or succeeds when attempted thanks uh there’s that XKCD comic yeah 14 standards, something like that and too many standards I’m going to make one that unifies them all. There are now too many standards, plus one yeah, so that’s a big part of it and another big part of it is how fast technology moves. I mean humanity is awful in some ways, but it’s also super amazing and inspiring in other ways. Incredibly, Innovative yeah Innovation is one of the big ways that humanity is kind of the bee’s knees right. So when you, when you, when you build a standard based on the technology, you have today and all the future ideas that you can imagine In This Moment that you’re gon na miss something and there’s going to be something new and cool. That’S going to come down the line, or some new use case that you’re going to try to develop for and new innovation will come and then you’re gon na you’re, just ultimately gon na need new standards.

Um and there’s also just the the fact that one size generally doesn’t fit all I mean I’d, say a classic example of this that I’ve never quite been able to wrap my head around is why HDMI and DisplayPort have not merged at this point, but they each Do have capabilities that the other does not, and I’ll also say that sometimes it does work. It’S not just Doom and Gloom, like we’ve been kind of saying here, uh like look at some of the stuff that the EU has done with phones over the last little bit that things are happening. For example, did you know that while DisplayPort can generation for Generation generally carry more video bandwidth, it cannot carry ethernet, whereas HDMI can, but then hdmi’s alt mode over USB type c did exist, but was basically abandoned. So it’s just ah: okay uh, you know right like wouldn’t it be nice if there was only one port on the back of the graphics card, though no because I would want to plug in multiple monitors.

Oh my, I understood you. Yes, it would be convenient. I am I’m actually sorry that that USBC output, that Nvidia did during the RTX 20 generation didn’t take off, especially now that we finally have a VR headset that exists. That could actually use the bloody thing, the psvr too. By the way, I think that Community project to to make it PC compatible is is making at least some progress. I’Ve seen I’ve seen Rumblings of it, but that would be freaking awesome.

If you could just plug your VR. Headset takes power display, it carries audio. It does freaking everything like USBC that’d, be really nice USBC. Is that one standard to do everything problem is that even USBC is not one standard to rule them all, because there are so many different subsets of it, based on what’s necessary for the particular implementation.

For example, you can have a USBC port on a phone that only carries USB 2.0 does no display port alt mode. It can only accept, like you know, five five uh. Actually I don’t know how many USBC ports can only do five five volt 2 Amp. Maybe I don’t know because pretty much every aspect of the standard is optional, because if on that budget you know hundred and twenty dollar smartphone, they had to implement the entire USBC technology like like optional technology list.

It wouldn’t be a 120 smartphone anymore and it’s not always necessary, like on a gaming mouse. Do you need it to run at USB? 3 speeds yeah, no, obviously not. So why are we adding all of this extra cost for nothing for literally no benefit to the consumer whatsoever? So it’s tough right, like I don’t have the answers, but you have a lot of people who think they have the answers, which is how standard proliferate, the the classic XKCD comic.
