How Did This Tiny Gadget Raise $600,000?

How Did This Tiny Gadget Raise $600,000?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “How Did This Tiny Gadget Raise $600,000?”.
This should be interesting. It’S another product from the wild world of willy doo he’s the guy he’s out there on the internet, he’s a surfer professional in fact he’s looking for the next big wave. This is probably not it. Maybe it’s it. I don’t know. I’M optimistic today this is another product that he saw online that he thought might be interesting. It’S called knops control. Your volume. Excuse me: let us control your what uh analog personal volume control, whose volume, what volume? What are we talking about? Audio music? No for the real world audio control for your life. Ah, i know confusing. In fact, i said to jack. We’Re gon na, do a video on audio control for life, and he was like it’s confusing. That’S why we need to address it.

They’Re out there on the internet, saying that they’ve solved everything, you know how it goes with these startups. It’S all they found the best thing ever. This is some kind of thing. You stick it in your ears, like her she’s cool seriously.

What i nops is the world’s first volume button for your ears. Our acoustic hearing solution offers you total control over the sounds that surround you: filter out, respectively, 10 db, 20 db and 30. What no lag? No radiation, no gimmicks radiation, sheesh, it’s an ear plug. Obviously, there’s no radiation, my hat has no radiation.

Did you? You didn’t know that, though holy well, you got to talk to them about the marketing. Okay, talk to them about the marketing get back to these people. Now i travel a lot. I do wear earplugs a bit of an aficionado i feel like they could be used more in certain environments.

It can be really helpful for focus and things like this. That is what it looks like. That’S crazy, that’s cool on its own and then this turns and it locks in at different points, i suppose, for each different setting. So you get a couple of knobs, they are labeled left and right and they have this kind of staged adapter, which i’m a fan of holy smokes, but they didn’t end it there foam tips.

This is that i believe it’s called comply, foam some people, you know they only don’t even have the same size ears. You can actually have one size for one ear, another for the other. That’S it: here’s how you position it and then you start to control the volume it sort of feels like you bought a pair of earbuds when in reality, they’re just super high-end earplugs. How much are these will? No will just told me he’s a hundred dollars and that’s rude. Let me try them on.

Ah, oh okay, i mean i certainly i hear everything. Let me make an adjustment here: okay, okay, maybe this is the wrong tip. For me.

I’M gon na go with the comply foam here. I think i got a big canal boys. Okay, now we’re talking. I don’t know if these type of tips make very much sense.

Now i have the comply foam tips on there. I’M not hearing a lot of bass in my own voice. Air conditioner sound is not as loud as with them completely off right now. Well, maybe you should get in here. This is your thing. You got ta stand by it if you’re gon na put your mouse where your money is, then you better put your money where your mouth is, that’s well, this is your doing.

Does it work, though, is this a game to you will? Are you hearing me all funny games? Do you will yeah you come in here you’re playing games now yeah. Do i look like i’m playing? Do you feel like you’re in a suction yeah, it’s sort of the such interesting there’s a fishbowl effect happening now. I’M gon na go to the final setting. Oh, can you hear me your voice is, is is much more muffled now. This is the equivalent, i think, of the full effect of. If you just took this, the full effect of the isolation right now right right.

How Did This Tiny Gadget Raise $600,000?

Does it mess around with your inner ear like? Does it make you queasy or anything like that? Hello? Oh man, not this again! This is ridiculous. This maybe people are working in these open office environments, but i think most people are going to have headphones on they’re. Just going to be listening to something yeah i mean especially at a hundred dollars. I could be like that’s a product that should exist if it was like maximum 25 and like skip the cool box and the marketing money on the lingo, and you make it seem. As though you’re buying something that’s like more than it is, if it’s gon na cost a hundred dollars to make something like this and you’re gon na put that up against something, that’s two dollars, that’s that the ratio is too much. You can have this product. It’S just so imperative that the price reflects the functionality. Absolutely i totally agree.

How Did This Tiny Gadget Raise $600,000?

I mean 100. Bucks is like a good pair of earbuds that play music. It’S cool that people are out there trying to solve problems. Ultimately, i answer to them.

Maybe you can bring these to a concert and then adjust your volume like that, instead of just wearing full-on earplugs i’ve seen those on amazon before that are cheap yeah. I just feel like the promise is better than the delivery. I got ta, give you something all right you tune in. You trust me.

You put me here, you’re gon na be mad at me. If i told you to get that no uh hard feelings here well, not at all, no need for the whole emotional tirade. Maybe after they see this, video they’ll offer up a discount code. I don’t nops if you’re listening, i’m not saying it’s a bad product, i’m saying it’s a bad price and i do this for my people.
