How Apple will make you buy iPhones 12!

How Apple will make you buy iPhones 12!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “How Apple will make you buy iPhones 12!”.
A portions video is sponsored by squarespace your one-stop shop for creating the website. You’Ve always wanted. They give you all the tools you need to make it a success more on them, though the end of the video hello, i’m a mac and i’m here’s to the crazy one apple loves their ads, and some of the most iconic tv advertisements in history have come From apple – and it’s gotten to the point now that whenever apple announces a new product, they announced the new ad right afterwards, at least from the advertisement perspective, the hype is real. I think this all begs the question: how much of apple’s success can be attributed to marketing? Are there products like really that good or is it all just been hype? Okay? Okay, so i want to take a look at some of the most memorable apple ads and these go way back.

Glorious anniversary of the information. This ad from 1984 is like in advertising circles, pretty widely regarded as one of the best commercials of all time and what’s kind of crazy about it. To me was it wasn’t even for like an actual product, it was for announcing a product uh that the macintosh is coming uh and it was setting up like apple versus what was ibm. You know at the time the the pc behemoth and so those that wanted and were using ibm’s were these like zombies in black and white, and here comes apple like in bright color, like the renegade throwing the hammer through the screen, showing that they were doing things Differently and if you wanted to do things differently, you want to be the outlier, then you should look at what apple’s going to be announcing with the macintosh it’s funny, because that, like same theme, sort of goes through the decades with uh apple advertising. What’S great about the iphone is that if you want to check it out, looking at that, it’s also funny to laugh at like how outdated uh the ios looks at the time, but also there’s an app for that became like the go-to slogan for the iphone. I think apple fell backwards really into the app store, but like it defined what that phone was going to be and what it was going to do and that whole like there’s an app for that just propelled, the iphone i’m the iphone 3gs. This was, i mean, really the second iphone.

This is kind of like the first mainstream, iphone apple learned from the first phone, and this was the phone for, for mostly everybody. The original iphone just launched with 2g services couldn’t really use it when you weren’t on wi-fi. So this was a giant deal, the app store had just launched. People were sort of getting used to what apps were going to be, and now apple was giving you like examples of what these apps could do. Did you forget your car? Do you need directions whatever you want to do, there’s like an app store where you can download this app, that’s going to change your experience on the phone and that thought process, while seeming like obvious now was really revolutionary at the time and i applied to educate People on what that was and what it was going to be, and this did it really well in 30 seconds, hello, i’m a mac and i’m a pc. You know this mac versus pc thing was a giant deal and it now has been sort of so overdone. It’S even watching it kind of seems like a parody of itself uh, but it was like a big thing and it got people to think about max differently as sort of the computer for the creative. You wanted to do more fun things, the pc, which was boring and for business um.

This put, i think, the mac back on the map. You know this is sort of the heyday of os 10 and what it could be and what it was going to do. The whole i like suite and these commercials got people excited.

How Apple will make you buy iPhones 12!

Oh, i want to make a photo book. You know i want to edit movies on my computer. Even if people never did, the mac at least seemed like the tool for creatives and people want to think of themselves generally as creative.

I guess and like this goes right back to like that original ad they’re, making the viewer these commercials think about themselves. In a certain way, right like who’s, going to think of themselves as the john hodgman pc characters like who’s going to think of themselves as the sort of black and white zombies in that 1984, ad apple has been a master of changing people’s perception of themselves. It’S like when you look back at these ads.

How Apple will make you buy iPhones 12!

You can very clearly see apple trying to like shape the perspective of people uh. It’S also pretty easy to look back at these ads now, with the benefit of hindsight and kind of realize why people are hating on apple and saying, like they’re, trying to change the perspective of myself. Anybody who falls for it is a is a sheep.

How Apple will make you buy iPhones 12!

I can see both sides of it, but if advertising is to get you to buy something, i don’t think there’s much of a debate that these campaigns were incredibly successful about getting people ready to purchase whatever it was. That apple was about to try to sell them. Clearly, apple’s always been like beating their chests and hyping things up and that hype has sort of percolated down and rubbed off on other tech companies pretty much every phone that gets launched right now. Every flagship comes with its own form of keynote. It was apple that originated that pretty much every phone that comes out and has its own hype, video, the components kind of coming out and then switching back in that all started from apple and, like other companies, are doing it because it works, it gets excited.

It gets me excited when i see a new samsung product, a new apple product, something new from microsoft or google. Like i get pumped to see all those components float around. It just gets me as a nerd.

I mean excited for new tech, so these tech companies have really apple to thank for the modern tech marketing and for all the time it’s been successful. There’S like a flip side. When that marketing hasn’t worked, no amount of hype can make a bad product seem good and apple has had their fair share. Probably the most recent one is the trash can mac pro and aside from giving us, i think perhaps one of the best apple quotes uh from phil schiller ever can’t, innovate anymore, like this thing was hype. When it was announced, it was announced way early before it ever shipped. In fact, i was actually there at the keynote when they announced it. I mean it looked amazing, but apple engineered themselves into a corner. They were trying to show what they could do and it wasn’t function.

It was more form. There were thermal issues, you could only use certain size cards. It was just a mess, no surprise that this bombed epically and was replaced by a more conventional looking tower for the new gen mac. Pro. I’M not saying the homepod is a bad product.

The audio quality that comes out of the homepod is perhaps like unmatched in the industry, but apple was late to the game, came in at a 350 dollar price point and they were competing against. Like super small 50 speakers and sometimes even free google has given their uh google home minis away for a really long time. It was hard to see the compelling reason to buy the homepod now. There is still hope that homepod, 2 or homepod mini could be a huge success and there’s been big discounts on the homepod right now. I picked one up for 200 bucks on sale, so at that price point different story, but at launch – and even now, at full retail price.

It’S hard to understand the homebody 2014 apple gave a keynote that was like super hyped and rumored for years. It was a keynote. We first saw the apple watch, the iphone 6 and 6 plus the first giant screened iphone. This was a really big deal and apple wanted to end this keynote with, like the biggest apple bank possible, they brought out youtube played a song and they’re like youtube’s, got a new album coming out songs of innocence, it’s amazing and as a special gift, we’re going To give the album away to everybody for free, which sounds great until how they did it.

First of all, the album just showed up and everybody’s itunes, but then you couldn’t delete it. It wasn’t until there was outrage, actually apple. Let you delete the album from your itunes library. It was an absolute mess.

It was trying to do something nice, but they bungled it hardcore. Clearly, apple is not a perfect company, but these things that i announced, especially in the modern apple days, came out with like a ton of hype and just goes to show that no amount of hype, no amount of market wizardry can make a bad product a long Term success you have to have some substance to have the style do absolutely anything. So i’m sure at this point, like you guys watching, are clearly split on how apple has done if their products are just marketing. Hype and sheep are buying it up or if there’s something substantial behind, what apple’s doing they have good marketing for good products, and i tend to fall in that camp.

Whether or not you like apple or don’t, their products are generally pretty good and they tend to deliver on what they promise and marketing is a way to share that promise to show people an idea for a product that perhaps they didn’t think of and make that New thing seem like a must-have, and there are some times when it’s a clear miss, but i think apple has kind of run, the gamut of good marketing and good products, at least up till now, with rumors of new products coming in new categories over the next Couple years, it’s interesting to see how this marketing machine works. Are people ready for ar glasses to hit mainstream? Are people ready for even things like an apple car? The next couple years for cupertino’s history, gon na, be pretty interesting to watch. So at this point, squarespace is like synonymous with creating a website and they’re known so well for a good reason. They make creating a website easy and powerful, and they give you all the tools to do it even down to picking the url that you want.

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